Monday June 11, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishGlobal: Gulf Journeys: Securing The Lives Of South Asia's Women Migrants
EnglishIndia: One Day In A Cattle Camp: Women and Drought In Maharashtra
EnglishAfghanistan: On The Right Pitch, Rukhsana's Taliban Cricket Club
EnglishIndia: A Cradle To Welcome Rajasthan's Abandoned Girls
EnglishIndia: Kashmiri Women Stitch Stories Of Survival And Strength
EnglishIndia: Meera Velayudhan: New Challenges, but Dreams Persist...
EnglishPresidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
EnglishProclamation 8837-Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2012
EnglishDusty Bibles?
EnglishComedic exegesis coming to Assembly 2012
EnglishSpreading the gospel of peace globally
EnglishProvidence offers new double major
EnglishFor discussion
English'You have blessed us'
EnglishHelp offered for Low German addicts
EnglishMigrant church grows new roots
EnglishChurch is . . .
EnglishWhat would Jesus eat?
EnglishNew Bible study urges participants to seek justice
EnglishMore superheroes ... or a Saviour?
EnglishA green heritage
English21 elephants in the room
EnglishTruth and reconciliation ahead
EnglishThe heart of a servant
EnglishManigotagan Community Fellowship thriving
EnglishCanadian appointed chair of AMBS board
EnglishHistoric connection now in danger
EnglishReaders write
EnglishCentenary of first female pastor's ordination celebrated
EnglishReflections at the close of a ministry
EnglishFinding a place in the wider church
EnglishA time to re-imagine the seminary?
EnglishGod at work in the Church: Snapshots
EnglishFrom Japan to Canada: 'Domo arigato'
EnglishGod at work in the World: Snapshots
English'This land is us'
EnglishObituary: V. Ray Yoder
EnglishSomething new under the sun
EnglishIs Canada's ethical climate changing?
EnglishRekindling a mission vision
EnglishNew program director hired for Segue Career Options

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