Wednesday December 1, 2010
LanguageArticle title
EnglishWhat to do in the Rockies December
EnglishMissouri Communities: Enhancing Reentry Interventions in Tough Economic Times
EnglishMembers Celebrate Milestine Anniversaries 2010
EnglishPreparing for Reentry With Parent Management Training
EnglishWorking Effectively With Persons With Mental Illness in Corrections
EnglishElectronic Monitoring Reduces Recidivism
EnglishNIC's Women Offender Initiative: New Research in Action
EnglishOffenders Honored
EnglishReentry - Breaking the Downward Personal and Intergenerational Spiral
EnglishGender-Specific Programs Help Women "Break the Cycle"
EnglishNew Spanish Practice Aims to Break The Cycle Among Mothers and Children
EnglishPreparing for the Return Home: Reentry Challenges and Successes in Oklahoma
EnglishSkepticism About Certification Program Replaced With Unwavering Support
EnglishWelcome New Members
EnglishDrug Court Justice: Experiences in a Juvenile Drug Court
EnglishVideoconferencing Saves Courtrooms Money
EnglishNew Hampshire Prisons Look to Cut Recidivism
EnglishComputer-Assisted Literacy Education Serves as Intervention for Incarcerated Women
EnglishIn Memoriam: Donald Andrews
EnglishHigher Education Partnerships and Evidence-Based Practice in Corrections
EnglishIn Memoriam: Paul Kirby
EnglishSupport for Ex-Offenders in Wisconsin
EnglishFamily Engagement + Professional Compassion = Successful Reentry
EnglishACA Congratulates Newly Certified and Recertified Professionals
EnglishCorrections Calendar
EnglishWorking Together to Break the Cycle
EnglishThe role of contracts and trust in R&D alliances in the Dutch biotech sector
EnglishAn Observational Case Study of Four Second Grade General Education Students' Academic Responding and Inappropriate Behavior in the Presence of a Disruptive Student with Disabilities
TurkishNanotip, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanimlari/Nanomedicine, microarrays and their applications in clinical microbiology
EnglishA Rationale to Adopt Team Teaching in Prevocational Education in Jordan
TurkishÇocuk hastalarda double-j çikarmak için üreterorenoskop kullanimi/Use of ureterorenoscope for double-j removal in pediatric patients
TurkishRomatoid artritli hastalarda kardiyak sempatovagal aktivitenin kalp hizi degiskenligi ile degerlendirilmesi/The assessment of cardiac sempathovagal activity by heart rate variability in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
TurkishBir üniversite hastanesinde yatan hastalarin steroid kullanimina uyumunun degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of compliance to steroid use in inpatients of a university hospital
EnglishFear of flying1
EnglishDid the Assignment Do What You Wanted? Examining the Correlations Between Learning Processes and Class Assessments
EnglishThe influence of R&D cooperation on innovatory effort
TurkishEpidural blok sirasinda gelisen dural yirtik sonrasi anestezi yönetimi/Anesthesia management after inadvertent dural puncture during application of epidural blockage
EnglishProductivity, creative destruction and innovation policy: Some implications from the Australian experience
EnglishImproving Inappropriate Social Behavior of Autistic Students Using the LISTEN Intervention Strategy
EnglishPharmacokinetics of Ecofriendly Meloxicamin Healthy Dogs
EnglishSeizing the Moment: Collaboration and Cooperation in the Founding and Growth of the Museum of Northern Arizona, 1928-2008
TurkishSpinal anestezi ve üst ekstremite periferik sinir blogu kombinasyonu: iki olgu sunumu/Combination of spinal anesthesia and peripheral nerve block: Case report
EnglishSpecific and Simple HPLC Assay of Ecofriendly Meloxicam in Pharmaceutical Formulations
EnglishPredictors of knowledge of selected mosquito-borne diseases among adults of selected peri-urban areas of Puducherry
EnglishIdentification, Prevention and Management of Risks Associated With Hepatic Encephalopathy-A Review
EnglishKilling the mockingbird: Systems failure and a radical hope for re-grounding responsibility and access to health care in a Mallee town community
EnglishThe Case for the Semantic Differential in Organizational and Business Research
TurkishSirnak ilinde ameliyat edilen nodüler guatr olgularinda tiroid kanseri görülme sikligi/The prevalence of thyroid cancers in surgically treated patients with nodular goiter in Sirnak city
EnglishComparative studies on the Effect of Antioxidant properties of the Plants Helianthus annus and Solanum nigrum Exposed to the Heavy Metal Chromium
EnglishRural health in Australia
EnglishSerum adipocytokine levels in patients with colorectal cancer/Kolerektal kanserli hastalarda serum adipositokin düzeyleri
EnglishSignificance Of Combo Chelation Therapy Over Mono Chelation Therapy In Patients With Thalassemia
TurkishKresentik glomerülonefritle basvuran bir Wegener granülomatozu olgusu/Wegener granulomatosis presented with crescentic glomerulonephritis: Case report
TurkishPerinatal kayip ve ebeveynlere yansimasi/The perinatal loss and parental reflection
EnglishEvaluation of Anti inflammatory and Analgesic activity of roots of Rubia cordifolia in rats
EnglishEmpowering W.H.O. as a Global Authority and Centralized Pool of Resources for Speedy Development of Orphan drugs at Reduced Cost
TurkishBeyin cerrahi yogun bakim ünitesinde çalisan hemsirelerin hastane enfeksiyonlarin önlenmesine iliskin uygulamalari/Nurses practices regarding the prevention of nosocomial infections in the neurosurgical intensive care unit
EnglishImpacts of environmental uncertainty and firms' capabilities on R&D investment: Evidence from China
EnglishAdopting a proactive approach to good health: A way forward for rural Australians
EnglishClimate indices, rainfall onset and retreat, and malaria in Nigeria
EnglishEstimating a mosquito repellent's potential to reduce malaria in communities
EnglishComplete conservation of an immunogenic gene (lcr1) in Leishmania infantum and Leishmania chagasi isolated from Iran, Spain and Brazil
EnglishCreating Student-Centered Learning Experience through the Assistance of High-End Technology in Physical Education: A Case Study
EnglishPreparation and Evaluation of Ethyl Cellulose Microspheres Containing Diclofenac Sodium by Novel W/O/O Emulsion Method
EnglishAnalytical Method Development and Validation for Pre-Clinical Analysis
EnglishHeart rate variability and turbulence analysis in patients with psoriasis/Psöriazisli hastalarda kalp hizi degiskenligi ve türbülans analizi
TurkishKarin duvari endometriozisi: Olgu sunumu/Abdominal wall endometriosis; A Case Report
TurkishSendrom X fizyopatolojisinde uyku-apne sendromu'nun rolü/The role of the Syndrome X in the pathophysiology of sleep-apnea syndrome
EnglishPyoderma gangrenosum in a patient with Crohn's disease: Case report and a review of the literature/Crohn hastaliginda piyoderma gangrenosum: Olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi
TurkishYutma güçlügünün nadir bir nedeni: Anevrizmatik olmayan disfajia aortika/A rare cause of dysphagia: Non aneurysmatic dysphagia aortica
EnglishManagement Of Juvenile Diabetes
TurkishTrakea rezeksiyonu uygulanan 42 olgunun analizi/Analysis of 42 patients who underwent tracheal resection
EnglishMolecular epidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus genome isolated from ticks of Hamadan province of Iran
EnglishWhat is health anyway? Perceptions and experiences of health and health care from socio-economically disadvantaged rural residents
EnglishA study of treatment seeking behaviour for malaria and its management in febrile children in rural part of desert, Rajasthan, India
EnglishDesigning Toxicological Evaluation of Ayurveda and Siddha Products to Cater to Global Compliance - Current Practical and Regulatory Perspectives
EnglishPre-Class Coming Attractions: Interest and Program Awareness in the Classroom
TurkishAilevi Akdeniz Atesi ile birliktelik gösteren Juvenil Ankilozan Spondilitli bir olgu/A Case of Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis associated with Familial Mediterranean Fever
EnglishWhat health services within rural communities tell us about Aboriginal people and Aboriginal health
EnglishGroup Composition Affecting Student Interaction and Achievement: Instructors' Perspectives
EnglishUnderstanding contexts of family violence in rural, farming communities: Implications for rural women's health
EnglishEpidemiology and control of Schistosomiasis and other intestinal parasitic infections among school children in three rural villages of south Saint Lucia
EnglishHow the Courts Deal with Bullying in Schools
EnglishRural responses to H1N1: A flexible model for community collaboration

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