Friday April 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
EnglishEthogram of Two Captive Mother-Calf Dyads of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Comparison with Field Ethograms
EnglishThe House of Rothschild: The World's Banker
EnglishEvaluation of drought tolerance in bread wheat genotypes under dryland and supplemental irrigation conditions
EnglishArchitectural plasticity, photosynthesis and growth responses of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus) plants to water stress in a semi-arid environment
EnglishNocturnal Haul-Out Patterns of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Related to Airborne Noise Levels in Bellingham, Washington, USA
EnglishMarching towards hope: By participating in Kidney March (September 9-11, 2011), CANNT nurses are proving they can
EnglishOverexpression of HvNHX2, a vacuolar Na^sup +^/H^sup +^ antiporter gene from barley, improves salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
EnglishMaternal Sociodemographic Parameters: Impact on Trace Element Status and Pregnancy Outcomes in Nigerian Women
EnglishThinking outside the box: An extraordinary woman on home peritoneal dialysis
EnglishHistorical Perspectives
EnglishHealthcare-use for Major Infectious Disease Syndromes in an Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya
EnglishBiochemical responses of Gouan (Aeluropus littoralis) to heavy metals stress
EnglishUsing Static Acoustic Monitoring to Describe Echolocation Behaviour of Heaviside's Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) in Namibia
EnglishRelevance of tilling in plant genomics
EnglishResponses of Pinnipeds to Navy Missile Launches at San Nicolas Island, California
EnglishThe determination of direct and indirect effects of carbon isotope discrimination ([Delta]), stomatal characteristics and water use efficiency on grain yield in wheat using sequential path analysis
EnglishType, Content, and Source of Social Support Perceived by Women during Pregnancy: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh
EnglishSeroprevalence of Hepatitis A among Thai Population Residing Near Myanmar Border
EnglishAnnual intercrops: an alternative pathway for sustainable agriculture
EnglishIn memoriam-Maureen Donnelly March 29, 1956-February 17, 2011
EnglishHypomagnesaemia As a Mortality Risk Factor in Protein-energy Malnutrition
EnglishBiventricular Thrombi Associated with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
EnglishInheritance of resistance to Pythium ultimum in safflower determined by generation means analysis
EnglishAdapting To The Diverse Musical Experiences And Preferences Of Today's Digital Natives
EnglishGifts of Asia: Folk Music from China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
EnglishGoal Orientations, Locus of Control and Academic Achievement in Prospective Teachers: An Individual Differences Perspective
EnglishWhat Herring Hath Wrought: An Analysis of Post-Herring Cases in the Federal Courts+
EnglishThe evaluation of the Applicability of the 2005 Social Studies Curriculum in Multigrade Teaching in terms of Teacher Views (A Qualitative Research)
EnglishAnthology of Eighteenth-Century Spanish Keyboard Music
EnglishA Comparative Evaluation of Pisa 2003-2006 Results in Reading Literacy Skills: An Example of Top-Five OECD Countries and Turkey
EnglishTogether We Make A Difference
English, TurkishEditorial / Edit�rden
EnglishCliburn Foundations Has New Chair
EnglishRace, Sexual Orientation, Culture and Male Teacher Role Models: "Will Any Teacher Do as Long as They Are Good?"
EnglishDeveloping a Writing Anxiety Scale and Examining Writing Anxiety Based on Various Variables
EnglishThe Effect of Using Alternative Assessment Activities on Students' Success And Attitudes in Science and Technology Course
EnglishAround The World At The Piano
EnglishLaughing And Dancing From The Trenches
EnglishTurning Inward to Connect Outward: Interbeing as Motivational Path in Today's Workplace
EnglishThe Effects of School Bonds, Discipline Techniques in School and Victimization on Delinquency of High School Students
EnglishA Colorful Life
EnglishCorporate and Institutional Members
EnglishReweaving the Fabric: Leadership and Spirituality in the 21st Century
EnglishThe Motivational Factors for Reading in Terms of Students
EnglishThe Views of New Teachers at Private Teaching Institutions about Working Conditions
EnglishMale Preservice Teachers and Discouragement from Teaching
EnglishCohesion in Compositions of Turkish and Immigrant Students
EnglishA Mathematical Approach in Evaluating Biotechnology Attitude Scale: Rough Set Data Analysis
EnglishThe Civil Case at the Heart of Criminal Procedure: In re Winship, Stigma, and the Civil-Criminal Distinction
EnglishInvestigation of Demographic Properties and Motivation Factors of Physics Teachers
EnglishWAMSO Competition Winners Announced
EnglishMel Bay Opens Licensing Division
EnglishMaking Music and Having a Blast!: A Guide for all Music Students
EnglishVirtuoso: The Olga Samaroff Story
EnglishToward a Genderful Pedagogy and the Teaching of Masculinity
EnglishThe Difference and Relationship between the SSEE and UEE-1 Scores of Anatolian Vocational High Schools
EnglishInvestigation of Starting Romantic Intimacy in Emerging Adulthood in terms of Self-Esteem, Gender and Gender Roles
EnglishComparison of Two Different Presentations of Graphic Organizers in Recalling Information in Expository Texts with Intellectually Disabled Students
EnglishThe Effect of Creative Writing Activities on the Story Writing Skill
EnglishCasio Introduces New Keyboards
EnglishChopin National Edition Series
EnglishChemistry Teachers' Perceptions on Laboratory Applications: Izmir Sample
EnglishDetermination of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of High School Students towards Math Literacy
EnglishProspective Teachers' View on Geography Fieldworks
EnglishFinding Acceptance of Bloom's Revised Cognitive Taxonomy on the International Stage and in Turkey
EnglishBeyond Talent: Creating a Successful Career in Music
EnglishRandom Access: Notes Heard 'Round The World: Technology And The Minnesota International Piano e-Competition
EnglishAuthenticity and Non-Attachment: Lessons from River Creatures on Clinging and Vulnerability
EnglishFunctions of Identity Scale: Turkish Validity and Reliability
EnglishContemporary Collage: Music of the 21st Century
EnglishThinking Fast on Your Feet: Discover The Power of Your Intuition
English"Let's Hear It for the Men": A Men's Studies Curriculum in the School System
EnglishEffect of Jigsaw I Technique on Achievement in Written Expression Skill
EnglishAlfred Distributing Naxos
EnglishNational Association News
EnglishOPA! More Than a Word, It's a Lifestyle
EnglishInvestigating the Effects of Group Practice Performed Using Psychodrama Techniques on Adolescents' Conflict Resolution Skills
EnglishThe Effect of Gender on Organizational Commitment of Teachers: A Meta Analytic Analysis
EnglishFree to be Musical: Group Improvisation in Music
EnglishThe Courage to Change
EnglishConfirmatory Factor Analysis of the Educators' Attitudes Toward Educational Research Scale
EnglishCurriculum Development in History Using Systems Approach
EnglishThe New York Philharmonic: From Bernstein to Maazel
EnglishElementary School Student Burnout Scale for Grades 6-8: A Study of Validity and Reliability

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