Wednesday February 1, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishCalled to Holiness
EnglishHow Do I Know If My Local Catholic School Is Catholic?
EnglishEffect of 6-Benzylaminopurine on flowering of a Dendrobium orchid
EnglishSome physiological and enzymatic characterizations of Damask Rose accessions (Rosa damascena Mill.)
EnglishElbit Debuts SDR-7200HH
EnglishNMT Links With AEHF
EnglishMorphological and molecular analyses define the genetic diversity of Asian bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
EnglishAn Appreciation: Brother Michael Collins, Long-Time Catholic Educator
EnglishTechnology and field management for controlling soil salinity effects on cotton
EnglishRifleman Radio Completes Testing
EnglishHomogeneity and Trend Analysis of Hydrometeorological Data of the Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey
EnglishDistrict Use of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Accreditation Process
EnglishAssociation of SSR markers with partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
EnglishComparison of adaptive strategies of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to salt and alkali stresses
EnglishSimulation of salinity distribution in the overlap zone with double-point-source drip irrigation using HYDRUS-3D
EnglishRemodelling and Rebuilding
EnglishThe interactive effects of water and fertilizer on photosynthetic capacity and yield in tomato plants
EnglishDesign of a Performance Measurement Framework for Cloud Computing
EnglishOf Harris Waveforms
EnglishCritical Partnerships: An Opportunity to Support Philadelphia Area Catholic Schools
EnglishJstars Flies with New Powerplants
EnglishThe Next Step into the Future
English$ 4.25 Billion for Airborne Comms
EnglishBK-1 Rolls In Ft. Worth
EnglishShovel Ready
EnglishEnrichment Week - Uniquely Saint Mary's, Thoroughly Lasallian
EnglishLeaf senescence and photosynthesis in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv] varieties exposed to drought conditions
EnglishRS-GIS Based Assessment of River Dynamics of Brahmaputra River in India
EnglishHydrogen sulfide protects wheat seedlings against copper stress by regulating the ascorbate and glutathione metabolism in leaves
EnglishTo Be Perfectly Clear
EnglishFaith Formation Is Not Just For Kids
EnglishAll Catholic Educators Need a Clear Understanding of the Essential Characteristics of Catholic Education
EnglishGenetic diversity in the foxtail millet (Setaria italica) germplasm as determined by agronomic traits and microsatellite markers
EnglishHerd Mentality
EnglishWorshiping a Homeless Man: The Liturgy as a Source for Christian Service
EnglishInvesting in Catholic Schools with Added Confidence
EnglishRocking Kitchen Stadium
EnglishSpexer 2000 Covers Coasts
EnglishGenetic variation among Iranian pomegranates (Punica granatum L.) using RAPD, ISSR and SSR markers
EnglishHoop Dreams
EnglishDisease progression unrelated to passive environmental tobacco smoke exposure in HIV-infected children
EnglishBetween the Buttons
EnglishSame-day discharge after percutaneous coronary intervention in light of the society for cardiovascular angiography and intervention's proposed guidelines: A single-center experience
EnglishApplying a Model of Patient's Right in the State Hospital, Sari, Iran
EnglishSkechers Unleashes 'Super' Dog Ad
EnglishRisk of Pacemaker Patients by TASER X26 Contact Mode Application*
EnglishAnalyzing of regression model of environmental health quality of residential in slum areas
EnglishFuzzy Based Assignment Method of Filtering Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishCome Sail Away!
EnglishQoS Based and Energy Aware Multi-Path Hierarchical Routing Algorithm in WSNs
EnglishStuff Happens
EnglishA Survey on Recent Approaches in the Design of Band Notching UWB Antennas
EnglishEvaluation of hemoglobinopathy screening results of a six year period in Turkey
EnglishQuasi-Dynamic Green's Functions for Efficient Full-Wave Integral Formulations for Microstrip Interconnects
EnglishBook Review: The Development of Modern Epidemiology: Personal reports from those who were there
EnglishSingle and Multi Coding Schemes for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishShear Ambition
EnglishArchitectural Digest
EnglishThe Gravis Blend
EnglishShocking News
EnglishFine China?
EnglishPerceptions of Nursing Care for Cardiovascular Cases, Knowledge on the Telehealth and Telecardiology in Indonesia
EnglishRole of Cross Layer Based Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Domain
EnglishLIFT OFF: O & A
EnglishHappy Feet
EnglishLetter to Editor: Insufficient details hamper generalization of study results on risks during pregnancy among teenagers in South West Nigeria
EnglishWelted Wonder
EnglishThinking Outside the Box
EnglishPriority-Based CCA Periods for Efficient and Reliable Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishHot Wheels
EnglishCorrections Calendar
EnglishDrug Utilization Evaluation of Vancomycin in Teaching Hospitals of Lahore
EnglishArmy Corrections: Recognizing the Importance of Standards and Accreditation
EnglishThe Kentucky Department of Corrections' Electronic File Program: Streamlining the Accreditation Process
EnglishACA's Core Jail Standards - 2 Years Later
EnglishCongressional Action Leads to Better ACA Standards
EnglishKey Elements of the Affordable Care Act: Interface With Correctional Settings and Inmate Health Care
EnglishAccreditation of the Mexico Federal Prison System: Utilizing Core International Standards
EnglishAccreditation Matters
EnglishWelcome New Members
EnglishVa. DOC Program Helps with Reentry
EnglishThe Neurotoxins Rotenone, Paraquat and Manganese Exert Different Effects on Human Isolated Lymphocytes
EnglishStandards and Accreditation

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