Thursday March 1, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishNutrition of Children and Women in Bangladesh: Trends and Directions for the Future
EnglishTeaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students: Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?
EnglishGenetic analysis and QTL mapping of agro-morphological traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under two contrasting water treatment conditions
English"Me and My Computer": Emotional Factors in Online Learning
EnglishStaffing AND Jail Design: A Balancing Act
EnglishHOW WILL YOU OBSERVE National Correctional Employees Week 2012?
EnglishAssessing Outcomes of a Study Abroad Course for NURSING STUDENTS
Englishletter to the editor
EnglishJust Hit My Stride
EnglishMolecular characterization of Carthamus tinctorius and C. oxyacanthus germplasm using sequence related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers
EnglishDepartment Offers Pay Incentive for Certification
EnglishEvidence-Based Teaching in Nursing: A Foundation for Educators
EnglishGenetic relationships among Achillea tenuifolia accessions using molecular and morphological markers
EnglishPostpartum Amenorrhoea among Manipuri Women: A Survival Analysis
EnglishPatterns of Alcohol Consumption among Male Adults at a Slum in Kolkata, India
EnglishDEALING WITH OVERCROWDING: A City-County Collaboration
EnglishChanges in antioxidant enzymes activity and plant performance by salinity stress and zinc application in soybean (Glycine max L.)
EnglishNurses' Attitudes Toward Continuing Formal Education: A Comparison by Level of Education and Geography
EnglishNursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (2nd ed.)
EnglishInternalized HIV/AIDS-related Stigma in a Sample of HIV-positive People in Bangladesh
EnglishChemical Characterization of Tomato Industry Wastewater, Florida, United States
EnglishGenome-wide analysis of cytosolic and chloroplastic isoforms of glutathione reductase in plant cells
EnglishPerceptions about Probiotic Yogurt for Health and Nutrition in the Context of HIV/AIDS in Mwanza, Tanzania
EnglishThe PNAA Nurse Balik Turo: Return to the Homeland to Give Back and Teach
EnglishDrug Abuse and Severe Hyperpyrexia: Synthetic Cathinone and Amphetamine Derivatives
EnglishSeropositivity of Toxoplasmosis in Antenatal Women with Bad Obstetric History in a Tertiary-care Hospital of Andhra Pradesh, India
EnglishAJA SALUTES THE EIGHTH National Jail Leadership Command Academy Class
EnglishInput Quantity and Distribution of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in the Jiaozhou Bay Waters*
EnglishOnce Upon a Vision
EnglishData mining of Arabidopsis thaliana salt-response proteins based on bioinformatics analysis
EnglishA Current Assessment of Excalibur Employment in Afghanistan
EnglishDigitally Aided Close Air Support: A Joint Perspective
English2011 Field Artillery Henry A. Knox Award
EnglishEndogenous Morphine: Up-to-Date Review 2011
EnglishFinal Push Needed in Afghanistan: A New Approach is Available
EnglishReunion Announcement
EnglishLetters to the Editor
EnglishThe US Army Space Badge
EnglishThe 19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment in Operation Odyssey Dawn: A Combat Multiplier
EnglishNovel Flow Cytometric Method for the Detection of Podocalyxin-Positive Elements in Urine of Patients with Glomerulonephritides - First Promising Results
EnglishPatriot Integrates into the Joint Environment: Continued Pursuit of Lethality
EnglishCounter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (C-RAM) Joint Intercept Capability: Shaping the Future Joint Force
English2011 Air Defense Artillery James A. Shipton Award
EnglishPAR2 Knock-Out C57B16 Mice as a Model for Evaluating Metastases of Cancer Cells: Pilot in Vivo Study of the Metastatic Potential of B16 Melanoma in Knock-Out (PAR2-I-) Animals
EnglishMutational Analysis of the NPHS2 Gene in Czech Patients with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
EnglishShaping Fires for 2020: Offensive and Defensive Fires in Support of America's Force for Decisive Action
EnglishJoint Air Ground Integration Cell
EnglishBG Heidi V. Brown promoted to the rank of Major General
English2011 Air Defense Artillery Alexander Hamilton Award
English"Strike Hard! . . . Strike Fear!"
English2011 Field Artillery Alexander Hamilton Award
English2011 Field Artillery Edmund L. Gruber Award
EnglishAnti-proliferative and Anti-angiogenic Effects of CB2R Agonist (JWH-133) in Non-small Lung Cancer CeUs (A549) and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells: an in Vitro Investigation
EnglishCorrection and Addendum
English2011 Air Defense Artillery Henry A. Knox Award
EnglishAfghan Local Police and Village Stability Operations
EnglishDigital Air/Ground Integration in Afghanistan: The Future of Combat is Here!
EnglishMicrosatellite Polymorphism in Haem Oxygenase 1 Gene Promoter in Multiple Sclerosis
EnglishBG Brian McKiernan Honored as the 49th Commandant of the Field Artillery School and Chief of the Field Artillery
EnglishGenetic population structure of two migratory freshwater fish species (Brycon orthotaenia and Prochilodus argenteus) from the Săo Francisco River in Brazil and its significance for conservation/Estructura genética poblacional de dos especies de peces migratorios de agua dulce (Brycon orthotaenia y Prochilodus argenteus) en la cuenca del Río San Francisco (Brasil) y su importancia para la conservación
TurkishKlasik üçlü tedaviye bizmut eklenmesinin Helicobacter pylori eradikasyonuna etkisi/Effect of bismuth addition to the triple therapy of Helicobacter pylori eradication
EnglishNew records of early life-stages of cephalopods in the Chiloé Interior Sea/Nuevos registros de estadios de vida tempranos de cefalópodos en el mar interior de Chiloé
EnglishPrescribing Trends of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs used in Dental Outpatient Department of A Tertiary Hospital in Nepal
TurkishTemiz aralikli kateterizasyon uygulayan hastada dev üretra tasi/Giant urethral stone in a patient using clean intermittant catheterization
EnglishThe Iron Maiden Strikes Again
EnglishStudy of Pharmaceutical Formulations Used in the Management of Hypertension in Nsukka, Nigeria
EnglishUncertain population dynamic and state variables of alfonsino (Beryx splendens)/Dinámica poblacional incierta y variables de estado en alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
EnglishTerritorial hypothesis predicts the trade-off between reproductive opportunities and parental care in three species of damselfishes (Pomacentridae: Actinopterygii)/La hipótesis territorial predice la compensación entre las oportunidades reproductivas y el cuidado parental en tres especies de peces damisela (Pomacentridae: Actinopterygii)
EnglishFirst record of Hydrolagus melanophasma James, Ebert, Long & Didier, 2009 (Chondrichthyes, Chimaeriformes, Holocephali) from the southeastern Pacific Ocean/Primer registro de Hydrolagus melanophasma James, Ebert, Long & Didier, 2009 (Chondrichthyes, Chimaeriformes, Holocephali) en el Océano Pacífico suroriental
EnglishRelationship between Hormonal Changes and Folliculogenesis in Polycystic Ovarion Syndrome Women
EnglishThe Only Hurdle
EnglishFusidic acid resistance among staphylococci strains isolated from clinical specimens in a general hospital/Bir devlet hastanesindeki klinik örneklerden izole edilen stafilokok suslarinda fusidik asit direnci
EnglishBad Waves
SpanishMedición de la concentración de sedimentos en suspensión mediante dispositivos ópticos y acústicos: aplicación en sistemas tropicales (Delta del río Mira, Colombia)/Measurement of suspended sediment concentration using optical and acoustic devices: application in tropical systems (Mira River Delta, Colombia)
EnglishResearch on the Relationship among Government Regulations, Strategy Preference and Manufacturing Performance
SpanishLa acuariofilia de especies ornamentales marinas: un mercado de retos y oportunidades/Ornamental marine fishkeeping: a trade of challenges and opportunities
EnglishAnti-inflammatory Activity of Mimosa pudica Linn. (Mimosaceae) Leaves : An Ethnpharmacological study
TurkishCandida albicans disi mayalarin tanimlanmasinda VITEK 2 YST kart ile API 20C AUX sisteminin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of VITEK 2 YST Card and API 20C AUX system in identification of non-albicans Candida species
EnglishClara Ship
SpanishEfecto de la radiación ultravioleta B en la producción de polifenoles en la microalga marina Chlorella sp/Effect of ultraviolet B radiation on the production of polyphenols in the marine microalga Chlorella sp
EnglishAnimal Models of Dry Eye Disease- A Review
EnglishEpidermoid cyst and lipoma with tethered spinal cord: A case report/Epidermoid kist, lipom ve tethered kord birlikteligi: Olgu sunumu
TurkishKronik obstrüktif akciger hastaliginda ekspiratuar yüksek rezolüsyonlu bilgisayarli tomografi bulgulari ile trakeal indeks ve solunum fonksiyon testleri arasindaki iliski/Correlation between the findings of expiratory high resolution computed tomography, respiratory function tests and tracheal index in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
TurkishIlk basamak saglik merkezi'ne basvuran eriskin hastalarda bas agrisinin özellikleri ve etkili olabilecek etmenlerin belirlenmesi/Determination of headache features and related possible effective factors in adults admitted to Primary health-care center
EnglishAnimal Supply and Logistics Activities of Abattoir Chain in Developing Countries: The Case of Kumasi Abattoir, Ghana
EnglishCounting Cataloging: Moving Beyond Statistics to Measure the Value of Cataloging
EnglishRelative efficiency of square-mesh codends in an artisanal fishery in southern Brazil/Eficiencia relativa de copos de malla cuadrada en una pesquería artesanal del sur de Brasil

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