Friday March 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishCoastal Reservoirs Strategy for Water Resource Development-A Review of Future Trend
EnglishEffects of Short Time Variation in the River Discharge on the Salt Wedge Intrusion in the Yura Estuary, a Micro Tidal Estuary, Japan
EnglishHybrid Mapping Scheme for Recent Orthogonal FDMA Schemes
EnglishResearch Progress of Brackish Water Desalination by Reverse Osmosis*
EnglishInfluence of Rainfall Pattern in the Seasonal Variation of Fish Abundance in a Tropical Estuary with Restricted Marine Communication
EnglishScale Effects of STATSGO and SSURGO on Flow and Water Quality Predictions
EnglishPre- and Post-Construction Assessment of Nutrient Concentrations at Shallow Water Habitat Restoration Sites on the Lower Missouri River
EnglishEffect of Freshwater Influx on Phytoplankton in the Mandovi Estuary (Goa, India) during Monsoon Season: Chemotaxonomy
EnglishIs Cane Sugar Production for Biofuel a Good Practice in Semi-Arid Systems? A Special Reference to the Olifants River Catchment, Mpumalanga, South Africa
EnglishLeakage Detection in Water Distribution Network Based on a New Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Model
EnglishRelationship between Nitrogen Atmospheric Deposition, Discharge and Concentration, and Monthly Change of Those in a River: A Case Study of Nitrogen Balance Analysis over 16 Years in the Mountainous Tedori River Basin, Japan
EnglishAcid Sulfate Soil Induced Acidification of Estuarine Areas Used for the Production of Sydney Rock Oysters, Saccostrea glomerata
EnglishField Investigation on Anthropogenic Impacted Lowland Riparian Zones
EnglishNutrient Input and CO^sub 2^ Flux of a Tropical Coastal Fluvial System with High Population Density in the Northeast Region of Brazil
EnglishArtificial Intelligence Based Model for Channel Status Prediction: A New Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio
EnglishValue of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme and Monoxide Nitrogen in Pathogenesis of Myocardium Remodeling Depending on Genes' Polymorphism of Ace (I/D) and eNOS (894T>G) in Patients with Arterial Hypertension
EnglishKnowledge, Attitude and Adherence to Cold Chain among General Practitioners in Kelantan, Malaysia
EnglishSpecifics of the Activity-Based Costing applications in Hospital Management
EnglishIntussusception in a term newborn with duct-dependent congenital heart disease/Duktus bagimli konjenital kalp hastaligi olan bir term yenidoganda invajinasyon
TurkishEklem sikayeti olan ve antistreptolizin-O titresi yüksek çocuklarda profilaktik penisilin uygulamasinin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of prophylactic penicillin administration in children with joint complaints and high serum anti-streptolysin O titers
TurkishNadir bir neonatal menenjit etkeni: Grup A streptokok/A rare cause of neonatal meningitis: Group A streptecocci
TurkishGenç yasta hepatoselüler karsinoma ile prezente olan, hepatit B'ye bagli iki karaciger sirozu vakasi/Two cases with liver cirrhosis secondary to hepatitis B that presented with hepatocellular carcinoma at young age
TurkishHemoptizi ile basvuran bir plevral soliter fibröz tümör olgusu/A case of solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura presented with hemoptysis
EnglishAnalysis of ABO and Rh blood groups distribution in East Karadeniz region of Turkey/Türkiye'nin Dogu Karadeniz bölgesinde ABO ve Rh kan gruplari dagilim analizi
TurkishPrimer hepatik lenfomanin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulgulari/Magnetic resonance imaging findings of primary hepatic lymphoma
TurkishÇocuklarda akut astim atagi tedavisinde sistemik ve yüksek doz inhale kortikosteroidlerin erken ve geç dönem etkinliginin karsilastirilmasi/The comparison of early and late effectiveness of systemic and high dose inhaled glucocorticoids in the management of acute asthma attacks in children
TurkishDev soliter trikoepitelyoma: Olgu sunumu/Giant solitary trichoepithelioma: A Case report
EnglishPeritoneal mesothelioma: Contribution of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings to differential diagnosis/Peritoneal mezotelyoma: Bilgisayarli tomografi ve magnetik rezonans görüntüleme bulgularinin ayirici taniya katkisi
TurkishKronik efüzyonlu otit mediasi olan çocuklarda nazal alerjinin semptomatoloji ve deri prick testi ile degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of nasal allergy with symptomatology and skin prick test in the children having chronic otitis media with effusion
TurkishKawasaki hastaligi: 13 vakanin degerlendirilmesi/Kawasaki disease: Evaluation of 13 cases
EnglishTissue doppler echocardiography for evaluating left ventricular functions in obese children/Obez çocuklarda sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarinin degerlendirilmesinde doku doppler ekokardiyografi
TurkishMesanenin primer amiloidozu/Primary amyloidosis of urinary bladder
TurkishVan Bölge Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi'nde Giardia intestinalis ve Entamoeba histolytica/dispar prevalansi: Dört yillik izlem/The prevalence of Giardia intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar in Van Regional Training and Research Hospital: A four-year monitoring
TurkishKanser tedavisinde mTOR sinyal yolagi ve mTOR inhibitörleri/mTOR signaling pathway and mTOR inhibitors in the treatment of cancer
TurkishUzun süre KOAH tedavisi alan skuamoz hücreli endotrakeal karsinom olgusu/The squamous cell carcinoma case that received long-term COPD treatment
TurkishMeme kanserinde protein ekspresyon degisimleri ve önemi/Protein expression changes in breast cancer and their importance
TurkishÜreter taslarinda pnömotik ve lazer litotripsi tekniklerinin maliyet-etkinlik analizi/Cost-effective analysis of pneumatic and laser lithotripsy techniques in ureteral stones
TurkishKronik hepatit B enfeksiyonlu hastalarda Anti-HDV ve HDAg prevalansi/Prevalence of anti-HDV and HDAg in patients with chronic hepatitis B
TurkishÇocukluk çagi kronik böbrek hastaliginda kardiyovasküler risk faktörleri/Cardiovascular risk factors in childhood chronic kidney disease
TurkishAbdominal aort cerrahisinde intravenöz aminoasit infüzyonunun miyokardiyal fonksiyonlar ve postoperatif analjezi üzerine etkileri/The effects of intravenous aminoacid infusion on myocardial functions and postoperative analgesia during abdominal aortic surgery
TurkishSupraglottik larinks karsinomlarinda tümör iliskili doku eozinofilisinin prognostik parametreler ile iliskisi/The relationship between prognostic parameters and tumor associated tissue eosinophilia in supraglottic laryngeal tumors
EnglishDiagnosis and clinical approach in primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy: A case report and review of the literature/Primer ovaryan ektopik gebelikte tani ve klinik yaklasimi: Bir olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi
TurkishGelisme geriligine sebep olan superior mezenterik arter sendromu/Superior mesenteric artery syndrome causing growth retardation
TurkishGögüs duvari yerlesimli, nadir bir yumusak doku sarkomu: Berrak hücreli sarkom/A rare chest wall localized soft tissue sarcoma: Clear cell sarcoma
TurkishParmagini ampüte eden bir psikoz olgusu/A case of psychosis who amputated his finger
TurkishSistemik sklerozlu hastalarda depresif semptomlar: Klinik degiskenler, fonksiyonel durum ve yasam kalitesi ile iliskisi/Depressive symptoms in patients with systemic sclerosis: Association between clinical variables, functional status and the quality of life
TurkishParsiyel anormal pulmoner venöz dönüs anomalisinin çok kesitli bilgisayarli tomografi anjiografi bulgulari: Iki olgunun sunumu/Multislice computed tomography findings of two cases with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
TurkishÇocuklarda menenjit: 92 olgunun degerlendirilmesi/Meningitis in children:: Analysis of 92 cases
TurkishParotis bezi proksimal duktusunda yerlesmis tas: Olgu sunumu/Sialolithiasis in the proximal ductus of the parotid gland: A case report
TurkishInce barsak tikanikliklarinin degerlendirilmesinde çok kesitli bilgisayarli tomografinin rolü/The role of multidetector computed tomography in evaluation of small bowel obstructions
TurkishOrta kulak efüzyonlarinda timpanogram ile otoskopik bulgularin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of the tympanogram and otoscopic findings in effusions of middle ear
TurkishAstma ve alerjik rinitli çocuklarda total IgE, C-reaktif protein ve kan sayim parametrelerinin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of total IgE, CRP and blood count parameters in children with asthma and allergic rhinitis
TurkishGoblet hücreli karsinoid: Olgu sunumu/Goblet cell carcinoid: Case report
EnglishSubclinical hypothyroidism in obese children/Obez çocuklarda subklinik hipotiroidi
TurkishProtein-enerji malnütrisyonu olan çocuklarda serum transferin düzeyleri/Serum transferrin levels in children with protein-energy malnutrition
EnglishCLE News
EnglishTraditional Economy Act Transactions-A Hidden Opportunity for On-the-Job Training
EnglishForeign Consequence Management: Humanitarian Assistance from a Bubble Suit
EnglishWar Crimes in Sicily: Sergeant West, Captain Compton, and the Murder of Prisoners of War in 1943
EnglishHow the Brigade Judge Advocate Can Improve the Personnel Readiness Reporting Process for Flagged Soldiers
EnglishIn Search of Jefferson's Moose: Notes on the State of Cyberspace1
EnglishCurrent Materials of Interest
EnglishPredators: Pedophiles, Rapists, & Other Sex Offenders: Who They Are, How They Operate, and How We Can Protect Ourselves and Our Children1
EnglishHow a Math Teacher Created a Paperless Classroom
FrenchOn inspire, on expire
EnglishNigerian Diary: Teaching Creative Writing in Lagos
EnglishChiefs push Premier for implementation of treaties
EnglishTsuu T'ina to get new Child and Family Services administration facility
EnglishMapping QTLs for the tissue culture performance of rice mature embryo using indica-japonica recombinant inbred lines
EnglishNew Lubicon Chief recognized by federal government
EnglishIsolation and characterization of rhizobacteria and their effects on root extracts of Valeriana officinalis
EnglishIndigenous Academics' Teach-In at the University of Calgary
EnglishAdoption of an intelligent irrigation scheduling technique and its effect on water use efficiency for tomato crops in arid regions
EnglishEnhanced expression of a thaumatin-like gene, involved in Pseudoperonospora cubensis and abiotic stresses, induced by DNA introgression from a wild relative, Cucumis hystrix
EnglishAlleviation of waterlogging damage by foliar application of nitrogen compounds and tricyclazole in canola
EnglishGenome organization and non-colinear distribution of the knob-associated sequences in maize
EnglishSex-linked markers in dioecious plants
EnglishMaking Treaty 7 Symposium and Workshop performance
EnglishChange in Medevac services challenged
EnglishRice defense mechanisms against the presence of excess amount of Al^sup 3+^ and Fe^sup 2+^ in the water
EnglishIdentification of molecular markers associated with the deleted region in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) ur-3 mutants
EnglishComparison of morpho-agronomic traits versus RAPD and ISSR markers in order to evaluate genetic diversity among Cuminum cyminum L. accessions
EnglishBruno has what it takes for bright basketball future

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