Saturday June 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishIN MEMORIAM: Remembering Polly Alexander 1927-2013 NASP'S FOUNDING PRESIDENT
EnglishDaughter Preference and Contraceptive-use in Matrilineal Tribal Societies in Meghalaya, India
EnglishAssociation of stomatal conductance and root distribution with water use efficiency of peanut under different soil water regimes
TurkishEriskin çagi periferik lenfadenopatileri: Eksizyonel biyopsi uygulanan 67 hastanin sonuçlari/Peripheral lymphadenopathy in adults: Results of 67 cases of excisional biopsy
EnglishDiscographical Forum
EnglishYield and fruit quality evaluation in husk tomato autotetraploids (Physalis ixocarpa) and diploids
TurkishGebelikte görülen nadir bir durum: Mide kanseri/A rare condition observed in pregnancy: gastric carcinoma; Case report
EnglishPsychiatric Disorders Explained
TurkishErkeklerde el kemik mineral yogunlugunun yaslara göre standart degerlerinin saptanmasi/Determination of the standard values of the hand bone mineral density values in males according to ages
EnglishInternet TV from Philo to Roku
TurkishMide kanserinde CYFRA 21-1, CEA, CA 19-9 ve CA 72-4 düzeylerinin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of CYFRA 21-1, CEA, CA 19-9 and CA 72-4 levels in gastric cancer
EnglishCoverage and Awareness of and Compliance with Mass Drug Administration for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in Burdwan District, West Bengal, India
EnglishBig Band Live: Benny Goodman Orchestra, Featuring Anita O'Day
EnglishVFW Helps Save Tuition Assistance
EnglishLit-Fit Challenge Audio Books Project
TurkishÜçüncü basamak bir hastanedeki gastroenteritli çocuklarda Rotavirüs enfeksiyonu sikligi/Frequency of Rotavirus infection in children with gastroenteritis in a tertiary hospital
EnglishMedal of Honor Finally Awarded to Father Kapaun
EnglishIsolation of high quality RNA from plant rich in flavonoids, Melastoma decemfidum Roxb ex. Jack
EnglishCommunity Rallies to Save School Psychologist Position
EnglishSeven Classic Albums
EnglishIdentification of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Agents in Four Geographical Regions of Khuzestan Province Using Nested PCR
TurkishSiddetli gestasyonel trombositopeninin basarili yönetimi: Nadir bir vaka sunumu/A successful method for severe gestational thrombocytopenia: A rare case study
EnglishCelluloid Improvisations: Mills Blue Rhythm Band
EnglishLost Tapes
TurkishPrenatal testis torsiyonunun ultrasonografik özellikleri: Olgu sunumu/Ultrasonographic features of prenatal testicular torsion: Case report
EnglishJazz For Svetlana
EnglishSEC Pushed on Cybersecurity Risks in Financial Statements
EnglishIsolation of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) From Raw Milk in Kermanshah by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
EnglishClinical Manifestations, Laboratory Findings, and Therapeutic Regimen in Hospitalized Children with Brucellosis in an Iranian Referral Children Medical Centre
EnglishSleeping under Insecticide-treated Nets to Prevent Malaria in Nigeria: What Do We Know?
EnglishPlant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis from suspension cultures of gherkin (Cucumis anguria L.)
EnglishStill Runnin' Round In The Wilderness: The Lost Music of Willard Robison Volume One
EnglishMolecular and morphological characterization of Indian farmers rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.)
EnglishAirborne Fungi in Tabriz, Comparing Airborne and Clinical Samples of A. fumigatus (2011), Survey and Literature Review
TurkishRize bölgesinde yasayan gebe kadinlarda HBsAg, AntiHBs ve Anti-HCV seroprevalansi/HBsAg, AntiHBs and Anti-HCV seroprevalance in pregnant women living in Rize region
EnglishGenetic advance, heritability and inheritance in determinate growth habit of sesame
TurkishKoroner arter bypass operasyonu sirasinda rastlanilan multiloküler timik kist/Multilocular thymic cyst detected during coronary artery bypass surgery
EnglishLegends Live - Liederhalle, Stuttgart November 22, 1977
EnglishPhysiological responses of white Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla) to saline and alkaline stresses
TurkishKan grubu uyusmazligi bulunmayan yenidoganlarda kan degisimi sonuçlari/Results of exchange transfusions in newborns without blood group incompatibility
EnglishCall for Reviewers
EnglishLight Rotordrones
EnglishApplying Hypnosis to Treat Problems in School-Age Children: Reviewing Science and Debunking Myths
EnglishA comparison of the effects of acetochlor and fluoroglycofenluoroglycofenluoroglycofen luoroglycofen luoroglycofenluoroglycofen on photosynthesis in grape leaves
EnglishA Primer on Choosing the Right Life Insurance
EnglishNot So Skyrocketing?
EnglishIntroduction of New Vaccines: Decision-making Process in Bangladesh
EnglishMagnet/Sweet and Saxy
EnglishPreparing Starchy Foods Containing Silver Nanoparticles and Evaluating Antimicrobial Activitiy
EnglishDoxycyclin induced esophageal injury: A Case series/Doksisikline bagli özefagus hasarlari: Olgu serisi
EnglishFive Classic Albums
EnglishMark an Invoice Paid Using a Picture Lookup
EnglishThe Last Three Years Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of Uropathogens in Southwest of Iran
EnglishLong Way
EnglishPreparing a Successful NASP Convention Presentation Proposal
EnglishPentagon Nixes 'Drone' Medal
EnglishComplete Decca Recordings
EnglishSerological Survey of Avian Influenza (H9N2) Among Different Occupational Groups in Tehran and Qazvin Provinces in IR Iran
EnglishProduced by Helen Keane
EnglishStudy of the Assimilation Rate of Immunoenzymatic Tests and Traditional Serological Methods in the Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis
EnglishPiano Bar After Hours
EnglishMarch Journal Corrections
EnglishPassion Play
EnglishMeet the Mayor:: San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee
EnglishEmploying Individuals with Disabilities
EnglishWhy an MPA Might Be Right for You
EnglishSecure Bluetooth for Trusted m-Commerce
EnglishThe Role Government in the 21st Century
EnglishInfluences of Cloud Computing on E-Commerce Businesses and Industry
EnglishPATHWAYS: The Opportunities Ahead for Human Services: GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT & INDEPENDENCE
EnglishAAPWA Prepares for the 46th Annual National Training and Continuing Education Conference
EnglishStudy on Evaluation System of Sustainable Development Capability of Chinese Property and Casualty Insurance Enterprises
EnglishBecome Compliant and Save:: Accessibility Audits Discount Program
EnglishAn Efficient Approach for Agile Web Based Project Estimation: AgileMOW
EnglishDiagnostic accuracy of color Doppler in diagnosis of Hepatocellular carcinoma taking histopathology as gold standard
EnglishNSDTA Nominations for 2013 Conference Scholarships and Awards Now Being Accepted
EnglishRe-Engineering Public Expenditure Patterns for Economic Development in Nigeria
EnglishStudy on the Dynamic Impact Effect of Unconventional Emergencies on Stock and Bond Markets
EnglishBreaking Ground
EnglishConstraints and Countermeasures: To Promote Low-Carbon Economy Development of Resource-Based Cities

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