Friday November 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
SpanishDescripción y distribución geográfica de una nueva especie para el archipiélago Juan Fernández: Platymera gaudichaudii (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) (Decapoda, Calappidae)/Description and geographical distribution of a new species for the Juan Fernandez Archipelago: Platymera gaudichaudii (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) (Decapoda, Calappidae)
EnglishLiving in an estuary: Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède, 1804)), habitat use and behavioural pattern at the Santa Cruz River, Patagonia, Argentina/Viviendo en un estuario: uso de hábitat y patrón de comportamiento de la tonina overa (Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède, 1804)) en el río Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina
EnglishAmerica's Hometown Thanksgiving
EnglishVeterans Day-A 75th Anniversary Tribute
EnglishReunions & CLAIMS
SpanishDieta de Pachyurus bonariensis (Steindachner, 1879) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) en Mocoretá, río Uruguay, Argentina/Diet of Pachyurus bonariensis (Steindachner, 1879) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) in Mocoretá, Uruguay River, Argentina
EnglishCompanies, Reservists and Re-employment Rights
EnglishThe New PRORAGIS
EnglishDifferential gene expression in Pyropia columbina (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) under natural hydration and desiccation conditions/Expresión diferencial de genes en Pyropia columbina (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) bajo hidratación y desecación natural
EnglishSouthern Ocean areas of endemism: a reanalysis using benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)/Áreas de endemismo del Océano Austral: un re-análisis basado en datos adicionales de hidroides bentónicos
EnglishWildlife Conservation
EnglishHog WILD in Parks
EnglishNew Dues Increase Will Enhance Veterans Service
EnglishBikes in the Parks
EnglishSynopsis on the knowledge and distribution of the family Bougainvilliidae (Hydrozoa, Hydroidolina)/Sinopsis sobre el conocimiento y distribución de la familia Bougainvilliidae (Hydrozoa, Hydroidolina)
EnglishProviding 'a Little Taste of Home'
SpanishPrevalencia del protozoario Perkinsus sp. en un cultivo de ostión japonés Crassostrea gigas en Sinaloa, México/Prevalence of the protozoan Perkinsus sp. in cultured Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Sinaloa, Mexico
EnglishDetermination of Antibiotic Sensitivity of Bacteroid fragilis Isolated from Patients and Healthy Individuals in Imam Reza Center of Medical Teaching and Treatment-Tabriz
SpanishEfecto de la temperatura en la sobrevivencia embrionaria del puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)/Effect of temperature on survival of embryos of puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)
EnglishCitizen Involvement Means Better Parks for All
EnglishBriefly Noted
EnglishHabitats Up Close
EnglishRenewing the World's Largest Public Dog Park
EnglishMedicare Part D Open for Enrollment Now
EnglishTraditional Municipal Immunity for Community Parks
EnglishMilitary Pay, Troop Levels Targeted for Cuts
EnglishIn Portland, It's OK to GRU
EnglishRole of temperature in the reproductive cycle of Thais chocolata (Gastropoda, Muricidae) in Chanavaya, Tarapacá, Chile/Rol de la temperatura en el ciclo reproductivo de Thais chocolata (Gastropoda, Muricidae) en Chanavaya, Tarapacá, Chile
EnglishEffects of temperature and salinity on growth and survival of the Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae) juvenile/Efectos de la temperatura y salinidad sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia de juveniles de huachinango Lutjanus peru (Pisces: Lutjanidae)
EnglishAdvancing the Health of the Nation
EnglishGone In a Flash
EnglishMail Call
SpanishCopépodos (Crustacea) intermareales en islas oceánicas chilenas: un enfoque por modelos nulos y por biogeografía de islas/Intertidal copepods (Crustacea) in Chilean oceanic islands: a standpoint by null models and island biogeography
EnglishMinds Over Matter
EnglishArmy Ethics: Simple, But Not Simple-Minded
EnglishCrimes Against Ecology
English200,000 Possible Jobs for Disabled Vets
EnglishBitumen Leaks in Cold Lake
EnglishAn AMPK paradox in pulmonary arterial hypertension
EnglishOld Ways, New Path
EnglishVICTORY AT PELELIU: The 81st Infantry Division's Pacific Campaign
EnglishWatershed Moments
EnglishThe Real Green Lanterns
EnglishEnvironmental Opportunity Knocks
EnglishWeb-based: A data warehouse on osteoporosis data warehouse in the osteoporosis community health information management system
EnglishThe Anthropocene and Antiquity
EnglishResearch Digest
EnglishApplying Principles of Counterinsurgency to the Fight Against Sexual Assault in the Military: Countering the Insurgency within Our Ranks
EnglishIdentification and expression analysis of the heat shock transcription factor (HSF) gene family in Populus trichocarpa
EnglishThe prediction of protein-protein interaction of A. thaliana and X. campestris pv. campestris based on protein domain and interolog approaches
EnglishPark Wranglers
EnglishGenome-wide identification and analysis of heat shock transcription factor family in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
EnglishROOSEVELT'S CENTURIONS FDR and the Commanders He Led to Victory in World War II
EnglishThe Potential Bioeffects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Melatonin Levels & Related Oxidative Stress in Electric Utility Workers Exposed to 132 kV Substation
EnglishBanking on Divestment
EnglishTaking Exception to Presentation of American Exceptionalism
EnglishTEACHING AMERICA TO THE WORLD AND THE WORLD TO AMERICA: Education and Foreign Relations Since 1870
EnglishA Role for Land Warfare Forces in Overcoming A2/AD
EnglishCommander's Intent and Concept of Operations
EnglishAnalysis of Software Development and Enhancement Projects Work Effort per Unit Based on the COSMIC Method with Regard to Technological Factors-Case Study
EnglishWINNING AND LOSING ON THE WESTERN FRONT: The British Third Army and the Defeat of Germany in 1918
English3D segmentation and visualization of lung and its structures using CT images of the thorax
EnglishThe Non-Stop Volunteer
EnglishIn silico comparative analysis of LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) proteins in Brachypodium distachyon L.
EnglishNONE OF US WERE LIKE THIS BEFORE: American Soldiers and Torture
EnglishDrug dispersion for single- and multi-lumen catheters
EnglishBuy Your Green Bonds
EnglishFighting and Winning Like Women*
EnglishPivotal metabolic pathways related to water deficit tolerance and growth recovery of whole maize plant
EnglishPSO for CWSN Using Adaptive Channel Estimation*
EnglishInfluence of stimuli color on steady-state visual evoked potentials based BCI wheelchair control
EnglishRestoring Habitat for the Baltimore Oriole
EnglishDelivering the Command and General Staff Officer Course at the Operational Edge
EnglishThe oil palm stearoyl-acyl-carrier-protein desaturase (Des) promoter drives transient gene expression in tomato fruits and is affected by gibberellic acid
EnglishNUCLEAR DETERRENCE IN THE 21St CENTURY: Lessons from the Cold War for a New Era of Strategic Piracy
EnglishFeed-In Tariff FYI
EnglishHeroes of Heroes
EnglishGlobal characterization of Arabidopsis protein interactome
EnglishColonel Anna R. Friederich-Maggard
EnglishMission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters
EnglishTowards Developing Successful E-Government Websites

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