Thursday May 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishCOINvasion? Korengal and Weygal Valleys Post-Mortem
EnglishRe-ARMing the Mortgage Market
Englishtying supply chain costs to patient care
EnglishStokely: A Life
EnglishMeeting the Healthcare Needs of Underserved Communities
EnglishAcademic Policies and Practices to Deter Cheating in Nursing Education
EnglishFlipping the (Bit)Coin
EnglishNLN Center for Diversity and Global Initiatives Aims at Being Locally Responsive and Globally Connected
EnglishRecord number of referrals to local help through Mortgage-Keeper
EnglishThe New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
EnglishContemporary Aboriginal art showcased in downtown gallery
EnglishSingle Member LLC Penalty: FTB Making Repayments
EnglishFaculty and Student Perceptions About Attendance Policies in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs
EnglishAfrican Diasporic Women's Narratives: Politics of Resistance, Survival, and Citizenship
EnglishCharting the Growth of Gyno-Texts in Nigerian Prose Fiction
EnglishManipulating the Sacred Yorůbá Art, Ritual, and Resistance in Brazilian Candomblé
Englishkeep doing whatever it takes!
EnglishMember Spotlight: Burro Baller
EnglishCMS Releases First Physician Pay Data
EnglishThe Perverse Enforcement OF FAIR-LENDING LAWS
EnglishBlack Power in the Caribbean
EnglishHope Springs Eternal
EnglishZipRealty finds share of all-cash deals highest in Las Vegas
English, FrenchCDHA position statement: Interdental brushing
EnglishNavigating New Waters In Servicing
EnglishNetwork-Centric Warfare and the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy
EnglishDevelopment of a Persistence Scale for Online Education in Nursing
EnglishMeeting the Minds: Convening Consciousness and Culture at Eso Won Books
EnglishRecommendations of new joint review panel need to be adhered to
EnglishShirley Sherrod: Wronged Role Model Discusses Restoring Her Reputation: The "Martin Luther King Awards Dinner" Interview
EnglishHOT Happenings
EnglishResponsibility Practices in Robotic Warfare
EnglishPERSUASION AND POWER: The Art of Strategic Communication
EnglishBeyond Cocaine Cowboys: Looking at Security in Latin America from a Different Perspective
EnglishSingle-family rentals' effect on apartments
EnglishFederal health minister not open about pending changes
EnglishEducating African American Males: Context for Considerations, Possibilities for Practices
Englishimproving price transparency
EnglishManifestations of Masculine Magnificence: Divinity in Africana Life, Lyrics, and Literature
EnglishGladue reports receive provincial funding
EnglishTHE SECOND NUCLEAR AGE: Strategy, Danger, and the New Power Politics
EnglishTHE UNITED STATES MILITARY IN LIMITED WAR: Case Studies in Success and Failure, 1945-1999
EnglishE-commerce changing retail centers large and small
EnglishAtul Gawande understanding the forces driving healthcare change
EnglishDoes Resampled Image Data Offer Quantitative Image Quality Benefit for Pediatric CT?
EnglishAn Inspired Business
EnglishMBA congressional comments: Risk retention and Basel III
EnglishEradication of feral cats from large islands: an assessment of the effort required for success
EnglishTechnology Committee
EnglishDeath of the Willie Lynch Speech: Exposing the Myth
EnglishRemember: Finance and Nursing Are on the Same Team
EnglishReimagining the 'Blockbuster' for Nigerian Cinema: The Nollywood Narrative Aesthetic of Affective Spectacle
EnglishNationalism, Ethnicity and Gender in Ngugi's The Black Hermit
EnglishRAP offers unique, valuable experience for students
EnglishAccomplished Métis Elder to receive honourary degree
EnglishThe Utility of Cyberpower
EnglishEcology and long-term history of fire in New Zealand
EnglishWellness Watch
EnglishBlack Nursing Students: Strategies for Academic Success
EnglishSteps taken to reduce FASD
EnglishApplication of Machine-Learning Based Prediction Techniques in Wireless Networks
EnglishMason to step down as NDP leader
EnglishTHIS AIN'T CHICAGO: Race, Class, and Regional Identity in the Post-Soul South
EnglishSensing the Nation: Smart Grid's Risks and Vulnerabilities*
EnglishCoping with DAILY PAIN
EnglishEducating Our Students Regarding the Standards of Professional Practice and Professional Performance
EnglishAn Evaluation Tool to Measure Interdisciplinary Critical Incident Verbal Reports
Englishdetermining your organization's 'risk capability'
EnglishSpatial associations between invasive tree lupin and populations of two katipo spiders at Kaitorete Spit, New Zealand
EnglishToxicology and ecotoxicology of para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) - a new predator control tool for stoats and feral cats in New Zealand
EnglishAMERICAN SNIPER, Memorial Edition
EnglishMBA questions budget proposal on FHA administrative fee
English22 THINGS
EnglishCNRL given go-ahead despite continued leaks
EnglishBlackstone recognized once more
EnglishQuick Hits: Top News Stories of the Month
EnglishEidson, Fraser Win Elijah Watt Sells Award
EnglishEverything old is new again
EnglishCOUNTERINSURGENCY: Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War
Englishripple effects of reform on capital financing
EnglishClimbing for those who can't
EnglishLet Spirit Speak!: Cultural Journeys through the African Diaspora

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