Tuesday July 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishOne Busy Banker
EnglishMission Command: Differentiation and Integration
EnglishOpportunity to Forge a New Direction
EnglishLinear Operations Still Relevant to Contingency Sustainment
EnglishEmergency Public Health: Preparedness and Response
EnglishPediatric rhabdomyosarcoma
EnglishThe Post Fabric Renovation and Sewing Shop
EnglishQuiet and Humble Grit
EnglishDeveloping Future Supply Chain Professionals
EnglishThe Fiftieth Anniversary of the CMAA
EnglishA Man of Action
EnglishPublic Health Leadership: Putting Principles into Practice (Third Edition)
EnglishAre You a True Minister of Music?
EnglishTo Whom Does the Liturgy Belong?
EnglishPapillary thyroid cancer in a gravid woman
EnglishPreparing to Succeed at the National Training Center
EnglishA Tool to Assist With Emplacing Support Units on the Battlefield
EnglishInvasive primary aspergillosis of the larynx presenting as hoarseness and a chronic nonhealing laryngeal ulcer in an immunocompetent host: A rare entity
EnglishThe Beginnings of the Quartermaster Graves Registration Service
EnglishGregorian Chant, a Liturgical Art Form
EnglishLiving with Sickle Cell Disease: The Struggle to Survive
EnglishThe Singularity and Our Collision Path With the Future
EnglishThe Sacred
EnglishWorking For You
EnglishSocial Successes at Machias Savings Bank (Part 2)
EnglishStill a Money Maker
EnglishIn Memoriam Paul Salamunovich
English15 minutes with...
EnglishCaucasion Allied Health Students' Attitudes Towards African Americans: Implications for Instruction and Research
EnglishDisaster Field Manual for Environmental Health Specialists
EnglishOtotoxicity in Nigeria: Why it persists
EnglishTotal Transformation
EnglishThe Index
EnglishCritical co-op issues to be explored Nov. 6-7
EnglishDistribution and feeding habits of three sea robin species (Bellator brachychir, Prionotus nudigula and Prionotus punctatus) in the Campos Basin, southeastern Brazil/Distribución y hábitos alimentarios de tres especies de rubio (Bellator brachychir, Prionotus nudigula y Prionotus punctatus) en la cuenca de Campos, sureste de Brasil
EnglishBreast Cancer EDGE Task Force Outcomes: Evidence-based Cancer-related Fatigue Measurement Tools
SpanishEvaluación de la bioacumulacion de cobre en Euglena gracilis mediante la técnica de fluorescencia de rayos X/Assessment of copper bioaccumulation in Euglena gracilis by X-Ray fluorescence technique
EnglishSeawitch #1
EnglishWriting Our Desires: DIY Smut for Self Liberation
SpanishEl ordenamiento ecológico marino en México: un reto y una invitación al quehacer científico/The marine spatial planning in Mexico: challenge and invitation to the scientific work
EnglishTwo Odd Birds: Just the Good Times
EnglishBasic Paper Airplane #7
EnglishBone Mineral "Quality": Differing Characteristics of Calcified Microsphere Populations at the Osteoporotic and Osteoarthritic Femoral Articulation Front
EnglishCo-ops: Leadership with a difference
EnglishCo-op Development Action: Maine island community creates worker-owned co-op to retain local businesses, jobs
English'Genuine' refugees or illegitimate 'boat people': Political constructions of asylum seekers and refugees in the Malaysia Deal debate
EnglishSoftware Frameworks, Architectural and Design Patterns
EnglishFormal Methods for Commercial Applications Issues vs. Solutions
SpanishImpacto de la captura ilegal en pesquerías artesanales bentónicas bajo el régimen de co-manejo: el caso de Isla Mocha, Chile/Impact of illegal catch in artisanal benthic fisheries under co-management regime: the case of Mocha Island, Chile
EnglishMineral Fabrication and Golgi Apparatus Activity in the Mouse Calvarium
EnglishDetails Matter in Modeling Carbon Sequestration and Cropping Systems
EnglishPresident's Perspective
EnglishProduction of YY-male of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) from atypical fish/Producción de machos YY de tilapia del Nilo Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) a partir de peces atípicos
EnglishNew Tab
EnglishAustinotheres angelicus (Lockington, 1877): the correct name for the symbiotic crab Juxtafabia muliniarum sensu Cabrera-Peña et al. (2001) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae)/Austinotheres angelicus (Lockington, 1877): nombre correcto para el cangrejo simbiótico Juxtafabia muliniarum sensu Cabrera-Peña et al. (2001) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae)
EnglishBoundary Problems
EnglishBuffer Management in the Sliding-Window (SW) Packet Switch for Priority Switching
EnglishThe Infinite Jukebox
EnglishPregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag
EnglishNebraska co-ops to merge
EnglishFine-Grained Work Element Standardization for Project Effort Estimation
EnglishMorphometric analysis of the mud crab Hexapanopeus paulensis Rathbun, 1930 (Decapoda, Xanthoidea) from the southeastern coast of Brazil/Análisis morfométrico del cangrejo de fango Hexapanopeus paulensis Rathbun, 1930 (Decapoda, Xanthoidea) del litoral sureste de Brasil
EnglishDiel variation in the vertical distribution of fish larvae forced by upwelling filaments off Punta Angamos (northern Chile)/Variación diaria en la distribución vertical de larvas de peces forzada por filamentos de surgencia frente a Punta Angamos (norte de Chile)
EnglishAction of Gaseous Nitric Oxide on Some Physical and Chemical Parameters of Human Blood Samples
EnglishRecommendations for Patient-reported Outcome Measures for Head and Neck Cancer-related Shoulder Dysfunction: A Systematic Review
EnglishGROWMARK names Spradlin new CEO
EnglishRunning The Whale's Back
EnglishThe treatment of families in the Australian welfare state, 1984 to 2010
EnglishChanges in population structure and growth of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis during 30 years of exploitation in the southwestern Atlantic/Cambios en la estructura poblacional y crecimiento del barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, durante 30 años de explotación en el Atlántico sudoccidental
EnglishIowa co-op producing cellulosic ethanol
EnglishThe Missing Piece
EnglishEffects of Exercise Intervention for Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Systematic Review
EnglishThe Art of Plumbing
EnglishClinical Conversations... from the Lymphedema SIG
EnglishOffice Information Systems: A Retrospective and a Call to Arms
EnglishNest Of Worlds
EnglishSummer Sport: Poems
EnglishCircle Hills
EnglishHelical Dielectrophoretic Particle Separator Fabricated by Conformal Spindle Printing
EnglishSecurity and Audit Trail Capabilities of a Facilitated Interface Used to Populate a Database System with Text and Graphical Data Using Widely Available Software
EnglishCloud Computing and Big Data: A Review of Current Service Models and Hardware Perspectives

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