Wednesday October 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishIntrathermocline eddies at the Juan Fernández Archipelago, southeastern Pacific Ocean/Remolinos intratermoclina en el Archipiélago Juan Fernández, Océano Pacífico suroriental
EnglishNational Association News
EnglishPLAYING Healthy STAYING Healthy: No Pain, All Gain: Strategies For Healthy And Happy Musicians
EnglishThe Ricordi Sonatina Album for Piano
EnglishTradition and Craft in Piano-Playing
EnglishPiano Music of Amy Beach: 10 Intermediate to Advanced solos
EnglishPassages: Donald Shetler
Englishthe numbers
EnglishBiological oceanography, biogeochemical cycles, and pelagic ecosystem functioning of the east-central South Pacific Gyre: focus on Easter Island and Salas y Gómez Island/Oceanografía biológica, ciclos biogeoquímicos y funcionamiento del ecosistema pelágico de la región centro-este del Giro del Pacífico Sur: centrado en Isla de Pascua e Isla Salas y Gómez
EnglishFollow the Code
EnglishThe Bärenreiter Study Score Reader
EnglishVirtualization Security, Strategy and Management
EnglishPerformance Enhancement of Grouped MCCDMA-MIMO System through Power Control Using Water Filling Game Theory under Imperfect Channel State Condition
EnglishNASM-PAMA Make New Resources Available
EnglishCalling All Leaders
EnglishStatute of Limitations
English2015 Chopin Piano Competition
EnglishPlate tectonics and the origin of the Juan Fernández Ridge: analysis of bathymetry and magnetic patterns/Tectónica de placas y origen de la dorsal de Juan Fernández: análisis de los patrones batimétricos y magnéticos
EnglishPlanning Your Piano Success: A Blueprint for Aspiring Musicians
EnglishThis & That
EnglishThe (Well) Informed Piano: Artistry and Knowledge
EnglishPassages: Danny Rocks
EnglishLet Them Eat Cake!
EnglishNew PSA Promotes Music Making
EnglishSynthesis of the state of knowledge about species richness of macroalgae, macroinvertebrates and fishes in coastal and oceanic waters of Easter and Salas y Gómez islands/Síntesis del estado del conocimiento sobre la riqueza de especies de macroalgas, macroinvertebrados y peces en aguas costeras y oceánicas de Isla de Pascua e Isla Salas y Gómez
EnglishBook of Preludes: 1-15 for Piano
EnglishThe Art Of Repetition
EnglishIFRS 15 Won't Appear on the CPA Exam Before 2016
EnglishRock the Vote
EnglishYamaha P-255 Portable Digital Piano
EnglishFishing in Easter Island, a recent history (1950-2010)/La pesca en Isla de Pascua, una historia reciente (1950-2010)
EnglishNetwork Coding and Quality of Service for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
EnglishSocio-ecological analysis of the artisanal fishing system on Easter Island/Análisis socio-ecológico del sistema pesquero artesanal de Isla de Pascua
EnglishMusic Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating Performing and Responding to Music
EnglishPassages: Howard Karp
EnglishVocal Folios, Volume One (High Voice and Medium or Low Voice) and Vocal Folios: Volume for Men (High Voice and Medium or Low Voice)
EnglishComplete Technique for Viola, Book 1 (400 Exercises include 45 Musical Studies in Positions 1 through 5)
EnglishSeabirds of Easter Island, Salas y Gómez Island and Desventuradas Islands, southeastern Pacific Ocean/Las aves marinas de Isla de Pascua, Isla Salas y Gómez e Islas Desventuradas, Océano Pacífico suroriental
EnglishTeenagers Reflect On The Road Less Traveled
EnglishYamaha Young Performing Artists Program
EnglishFunctional community structure of shallow hard bottom communities at Easter Island (Rapa Nui)/Estructura funcional de comunidades que habitan sobre los fondos duros de Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui)
EnglishPLAYING Healthy STAYING Healthy: What Do I Need To Know About Neuromusculoskeletal Issues?
EnglishPassages: Christine Kefferstan
EnglishNAMM Foundation Gives Half Million In Grants
EnglishThe Phillip Keveren Series: Songs of Inspiration
EnglishMarine mammals of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and Salas y Gómez Island (Motu Motiro Hiva), Chile: a review and new records/Mamíferos marinos de la Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui) e Isla Salas y Gómez (Motu Motiro Hiva), Chile: una revisión y nuevos registros
EnglishRosalyn Tureck International Bach Competition
EnglishName It, Claim It
Englishnew & trends
EnglishCalCPA be seen
EnglishIRS news
EnglishInitial assessment of coastal benthic communities in the Marine Parks at Robinson Crusoe Island/Evaluación inicial de las comunidades costeras de los Parques Marinos en la Isla Robinson Crusoe
EnglishSubtidal reef fish and macrobenthic community structure at the temperate Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile/Estructura comunitaria del macrobentos y peces costeros submareales del archipiélago Juan Fernández, Chile
EnglishStore. Roland RP-401R Digital
EnglishComing to a Chapter Near You
EnglishAn Efficient Liver-Segmentation System Based on a Level-Set Method and Consequent Processes
EnglishOverview of recent advances in oceanographic, ecological and fisheries research on oceanic islands in the southeastern Pacific Ocean
EnglishThe COMMStellation(TM) Satellite Constellation for Broadband Communication System Model in NS-2
EnglishGuidance to Improve Financial Reporting of Going Concern Uncertainties
EnglishMicrofluidic Approaches for Cancer Cell Separation: Review
EnglishEvaluating Values
EnglishTime-space variability of satellite chlorophyll-a in the Easter Island Province, southeastern Pacific Ocean/Variabilidad espacio-temporal de la clorofila-a satelital en la Provincia de Isla de Pascua, Océano Pacífico suroriental
EnglishAkropolis Reed Quintet Wins Fischoff's Educator Award
EnglishNew Appeals Policies
EnglishFTB news
EnglishAncient fishing activities developed in Easter Island/Actividades pesqueras realizadas en la antigüedad en la Isla de Pascua
Englishget a new word
EnglishThe Harmony of Dave Brubeck
EnglishHelping Clients with Legal services
EnglishIn Search Of The "Perfect" Musical Performance
EnglishDo You Have Too Many Notes?
EnglishA review and analysis of Easter Island's traditional and artisan fisheries/Revisión y análisis de las pesquerías tradicionales y artesanales de Isla de Pascua
EnglishSeoul International Violin Competition
EnglishPassages: Tom Ediger
EnglishThe Swell CPA
EnglishAffordable Fair Act?
Englisha question of Standards
EnglishWhat's New in Pedagogy Research
EnglishReal Piano 4.0
Englishmember milestones
EnglishGetting Music: The Basics for Rock, Jazz, R&B, Hip Hop & Country
EnglishNASTA Executive Committee Welcomes Four New Members
EnglishNutrient uptake, pH changes and yield of rice under slow release sulfur-coated urea fertilizers
EnglishThe Azibo Nosology II: Epexegesis and 25th Anniversary Update: 55 Culture-focused Mental Disorders Suffered by African Descent People
EnglishRedefining Communities: Awareness, Engagement, and Support in a Social, Mobile World
Englishour do'ers profile

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