Thursday January 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishXerxes: Collision Blonde
EnglishDrum Miking 101
EnglishSteve Khan: Subtext
English2014 DCI World Championship Results "Sweet sixteen" for the Blue Devils
EnglishSmall cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder
EnglishElton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
EnglishStructured MRI report in prostate cancer using the PIRADS criterias: the bridge between the imagist and the clinician
EnglishThe Gladstone Technique
EnglishThe Commandments of the Half-Time Shuffle
EnglishProspect Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis in the Asia Pacific: Rational Leaders and Risky Behavior
EnglishPresident Obama's Middle East Policy, 2009-2013
EnglishState and Religion in Great Britain: Constitutional Foundations, Religious Minorities, the Law and Education
EnglishThe Blue Peace: Achieving Peace and Security through Water Cooperation
EnglishResponding to Religious Claims in a Secular Democracy: The Turkish Case 1
EnglishWar Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Syria
EnglishWhat Has Been Is What Will Be: The 2015 Israeli Elections and the State of Turkish-lsraeli Relations
EnglishReligious Conversions in the Mediterranean World
EnglishJapan's Foreign Aid to Africa: Angola and Mozambique within the TICAD Process
EnglishReligion and Law in the Netherlands
EnglishTurkish-Greek Relations: Rapprochement, Civil Society and the Politics of Friendship
EnglishChurches and Religious Communities in Poland with Particular Focus on the Situation of Muslim Communities
EnglishChemical Residues in Irish Farmed Finfish, 2012-2014
EnglishVisions of the Ottoman World in Renaissance Europe
EnglishThe Making of the Arab Intellectual: Empire, Public Sphere and the Colonial Coordinates of Selfhood
EnglishWhen Foreign Policy Matters: The Giilen Movement's Fight with the AK Party over Iran
EnglishMûsiki inkilâbi'nin Sosyolojisi: Klasik Türk Müzigi Geleneginde Süreklilik ve Degisim
EnglishTurkey's Stance towards the Main Developments in the South Caucasus
EnglishIslamophobia in America: The Anatomy of Intolerance
EnglishWomen's Voices Across the World for Justice
EnglishReligion and State in Belgium
EnglishControversies in Contemporary Islam
EnglishReligion and Religious Communities in the EU Legal System
EnglishThe Young Atatürk: From Ottoman Soldier to Statesman of Turkey
EnglishThe Dark Side of Internet Searches: A Macro Level Assessment of Rape Culture
EnglishInvestigating and Prosecuting Cyber Crime: Forensic Dependencies and Barriers to Justice
EnglishNational Cyber Security Policy and Strategy of Nigeria: A Qualitative Analysis
EnglishUnderstanding Cyber Victimization: Digital Architectures and the Disinhibition Effect
EnglishOut of the Beta Phase: Obstacles, Challenges, and Promising Paths in the Study of Cyber Criminology 1
EnglishBarriers to Effective Implementation of Programs for the Prevention of Workplace Violence in Hospitals
EnglishMilitary Culture Implications for Mental Health and Nursing Care
EnglishPositive Mental Health Outcomes in Individuals with Dementia: The Essential Role of Cultural Competence
EnglishMental Illness and Prisoners: Concerns for Communities and Healthcare Providers
EnglishNurses with Undiagnosed Hearing Loss: Implications for Practice
EnglishEthics: Employer-Sponsored Wellness Programs for Nurses: The Ethics of Carrots and Sticks
EnglishLegislative: Transitioning the Older Adolescent Living with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Adult Primary Medical Home: A Call for Nursing Action
EnglishSuicide Assessment and Nurses: What Does the Evidence Show?
EnglishThe 2014 Scope and Standards of Practice for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Key Updates
EnglishOverview and Summary: Emotional Health: Strategies for Nurses
GalleganA escrita de Teresa Moure e a identidade feminina/Teresa Moure's Writing and Feminine Identity
GalleganEdiciós do Castro e Editorial Cuco-Rei (1963-1978) */Ediciós do Castro and Editorial Cuco-Rei (1963-1978)
GalleganA versión poética de Hes.Op.1-53 por Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño/The Poetic Version of Hes.Op.1-53 by Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño
GalleganAs iné obras para guitarra de Juan José Mantecó e Jesús Bal y Gay, as dús figuras musicais galegas da Generació del 27/Unknown Pieces for Classical Guitar by Juan José Mantecón and Jesús Bal y Gay, Two Galician Musicians of the Generation of 27
GalleganLos esperpentos de Martes de Carnaval entre deshumanización y exilio/The Esperpentos of Martes de Carnaval between Dehumanization and Exile
SpanishEllos de la calle, nosotras de la casa: el discurso patriarcal y las experiencias de mujeres que viven con el VIH/SIDA en Puerto Rico 1/They belong to the street, we belong to the house: patriarcal discourse and experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rico
SpanishAlgo más que malas noticias. Una revisión crítica a los estudios sobre medios-guerra/More than bad news. A critical review of studies on media and war/Algo mais do que más notícias. Revisão crítica dos estudos sobre mídia-guerra
GalleganUn volume insólito na bibliografía antifranquista galega: Galicia hoy, coordinado (con pseudónimos) por Isaac Díaz Pardo e Luís Seoane, editado por Ruedo Ibérico (París) e impreso en Buenos Aires (1966)
EnglishRelative Risk in Context: Exposure to Family and Neighborhood Violence within Schools
GalleganAs edicións facsimilares no Castro, un exemplo de recuperación da memoria histórica/Facsimile Editions in O Castro, an Example of Recovering Historical Memory
SpanishPrácticas Socioemocionales de Profesores para Ayudar a sus Estudiantes a Elaborar el Terremoto de Chile de 2010: Aplicación de un Material de Trabajo en Educación Primaria
Gallegan"Estranxeira na súa patria" de Rosalía de Castro: a identidade negada na propria terra/"Estranxeira na súa patria" by Rosalía de Castro: Identity Denied in one's Own Homeland
GalleganA Esmorga y La Parranda de Eduardo Blanco Amor: dos lenguas, dos identidades, dos versiones de una novela/A Esmorga and La Parranda by Eduardo Blanco Amor: Two languages , Two Identities, Two Versions of a Novel
GalleganCómaros verdes. O primeiro poemario galego de posguerra/Cómaros verdes. The First Galician Post-war Poetry Book
GalleganO Grupo Bilbao como modelo de transculturalidade e identidade híbrida/The Bilbao Group as a Model of Transculturalism and Hybrid Identity
GalleganPosibles indicios del género de comedia ciudadana en A man da Santiña de Ramón Cabanillas/Possible Traces of Citizen Comedy in A Man da Santiña by Ramón Cabanillas
SpanishArgos Americano: incertidumbre e independencia/Argos Americano: uncertainty and independence/Argos Americano: incerteza e independência
SpanishA propósito de la inserción laboral. Implicaciones de las nuevas políticas de empleo para el Trabajo Social/Regarding labour market integration. Implications of new employment policies for Social Work
GalleganCrônica do Grupo Bilbao 1996-2014: uma visão desde dentro/A Chronicle of the Bilbao Group from Inside (1996-2014)
GalleganTraducciones intra-sistémicas en la literatura infantil y juvenil (1940-1980)/Intra-systemic Translations in Children's Literature (1940-1980)
GalleganLa Casa de la Troya. Una visión de Galicia en papel y en nitrato */La Casa de la Troya. A Vision of Galicia on Paper and in Nitrate
GalleganLas poéticas explícitas de José Ángel Valente y Antonio Colinas: caracterización de un género/José Ángel Valente and Antonio Colinas' Literary Essays: Characteristics of a Genre
GalleganA plástica escénica na Galicia do século XXI/Galician Stage Design in the 21st Century
GalleganDe España al Carajá: el hispanismo en La Novela del Indio Tupinamba de Eugenio F. Granell/From Spain to Carajá: Hispanism in La Novela del Indio Tupinamba by Eugenio F. Granell
GalleganSemanario Pintoresco Español (1836-1857): noticias sobre cultura gallega en la prensa romántica centropeninsular/Semanario Pintoresco Español (1836-1857): News about Galician Culture on the Romantic Press in the Centre of the Peninsula
GalleganA recuperación da memoria histórica: Guerra Civil, represión e exilio en Ediciós do Castro */Recovering Historical Memory: Civil War, Repression and Exile in Ediciós do Castro
EnglishDepressive Symptoms, Self-Beliefs and Academic Performance among Brazilian Children and Adolescents
SpanishOpinión, prensa y nación en Colombia en el siglo XIX/Disfraz y pluma de todos. Opinión pública y cultura política, siglos XVIII y XIX
GalleganAproximación ecdótica ás edicións da obra poética de Lorenzo Varela/An Ecdotic Approach to Lorenzo Varela's Poetry Editions
GalleganO panorama actual das industrias culturais galegas: as políticas públicas culturais/Current Panorama of Galician Cutural Industries: Cultural Public Politics
EnglishInformatics: The Standardized Nursing Terminologies: A National Survey of Nurses' Experience and Attitudes-SURVEY II: Participants' Perception of the Helpfulness of Standardized Nursing Terminologies in Clinical Care
SpanishBarreras para escapar de la violencia de género: la mirada de las profesionales de los centros de protección de mujeres/Barriers to escape violence: point of view of professionals in women's protection centres
GalleganEmigración e exilio como tema na literatura dramática galega: algúns casos/The Theme of Emigration and Exile in Galician Drama: Some Case
SpanishProximidade, reflexividade e crítica: o lugar da etnografia na intervenção social/Proximity, reflexivity and critic: the place of ethnography in social intervention
SpanishNuevos Retos en Mediación. Familiar, discapacidad, dependencia funcional, salud y entorno social [New Challenges in Mediation: Family, disability functional health, and social environment]
GalleganO "bello sexo" na prensa galega do Sexenio Revolucionario/"Bello sexo" in the Galician Press in the Revolutionary Six-Year Period
GalleganLa Hija del Mar y su proyección por el Mediterráneo/La Hija del Mar and its Projection in the Mediterranean Sea
GalleganBases para unha cronoloxía da literatura galega (1801-1900)/Elements for a Chronology of Galician Literature (1801-1900)
EnglishSuicidal Behavior in Adolescents from Different Contexts in South of Brazil
EnglishSocio-Emotional Development in Latin America: Development of children and adolescents in adverse circumstances

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