Friday May 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishInduced Monocytes-Derived HSCs (CD34+) with LPS Accelerated Homing Rat Bone Marrow-Mesenchymal Stem Cell (BM-MSCs, CD105) in Injured Pancreas
EnglishCrude Oil and Natural Gas Resource Development
EnglishPatafl afl a Builder
EnglishFemale genital mutilation: a case for asylum in Europe
EnglishNo Beats Prohibited
EnglishWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT Sunscreen, Golden Tans, and Blistering Sunburns
EnglishNews from the Refugee Studies Centre
EnglishForced degradation studies for Drug Substances and Drug Products- Scientific and Regulatory Considerations
EnglishUse of multi-dimensional scaling for analysis of teak plants (Tectona grandis) under omission of macronutrients
EnglishPhotoacoustic Hydrocarbon Spectroscopy Using a Mach-Zehnder Modulated cw OPO
EnglishMapping of an andean gene for anthracnose resistance (Co-13) in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Jalo Listras Pretas landrace
EnglishSensitivity of Polyaniline-Zinc Oxide Composite to Humidity
EnglishNutritional diversity in spring wheat with chronological perspective and its association with grain yield
EnglishSowing time of popcorn during the summer harvest under supplemental irrigation in Ferralic Nitisol and subtropical climate
EnglishA simple diagnostic technique to detect potato viruses at post-harvest conditions
EnglishA large-effect QTL for grain weight in rice on chromosome 10
EnglishA Revolutionary Approach to Understanding a Minute Piece of Brain: the 'Inverted' Retina of the Human Eye
EnglishMetrological Array of Cyber-Physical Systems. Part 5. Quality Assurance in Measuring Instrument Design
EnglishChemical attributes of soil fertirrigated with biodigester effluent of swine origin
EnglishTarget Detection Based on EBPSK Satellite Passive Radar
EnglishGeostatistical approach for testing wheat lines using a non-replicated design
EnglishCombining ability analysis of tuber yield and related traits and bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum ) resistance in potato
EnglishGenetic Algorithm and its Application in Optimal Sensor Layout
EnglishWho's Who in the DTS
EnglishGenetic and population structure of sweet cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm collected from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
EnglishSoil compaction and drought stress on shoot and root growth in crambe (Crambe abyssinica)
EnglishEmerging Trends and Future Prospects of Medical Tourism in India
EnglishRelationship between ABO Blood Group Antigens and Pancreatic Cancer-Systemic Review
EnglishPhytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Strychnos colubrina L. as an important Endangered Medicinal Species in Eastern Ghats
EnglishEffects of hybridization and polyploidy on the histone H3 phosphorylation at serine 10 (H3S10ph) in Pennisetum spp. Rich. (Poaceae)
EnglishA Method for Precision Closed-loop Irrigation Using a Modified PID Control Algorithm
EnglishExploring Place and Practicing Justice: Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Success in Rural Schools
EnglishUniversal Sensors and Transducers Interface for Mobile Devices: Metrological Characteristics
EnglishLong-term effects of four tillage systems and weather conditions on soybean yield and agronomic characteristics in Brazil
EnglishElectrochemical Detection of Hydrazine and 4-Nitrophenol Based on Layer-by-Layer Assembled Multilayer Films of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Gold Nanoparticles
EnglishOccupational Disease among Women Employees in Beauty Service Business in Chennai
EnglishNewer Delivery Systems for Local Anesthesia in Dentistry
EnglishCharacterization of maintainer and restorer lines for wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility in indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) using pollen fertility and microsatellite (SSR) markers
EnglishDesign of Diaphragm Based MEMS Pressure Sensor with Sensitivity Analysis for Environmental Applications
EnglishDesign and Implementation of Mobile Robotic Manipulator for Welding Using PLC
EnglishLow Energy Lossless Image Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network (LE-LICA)
EnglishMetrological Array of Cyber-Physical Systems. Part 6. Model-based Diagnostic for Heavy Operating Conditions
EnglishMATLAB Simulation of RFID Communication Protocol for Sensor Data Acquisition
EnglishOperation Chowhound
EnglishTree Top hires new president and CEO
EnglishWorth Repeating
SpanishCoeficientes de digestibilidad total y de proteínas en alimentos experimentales para juveniles de Oplegnathus insignis (Kner, 1867) (Perciformes, Oplegnathidae)/Total digestibility coefficients and protein content in experimental food for juvenile of San Pedro, Oplegnathus insignis (Kner, 1867) (Perciformes, Oplegnathidae)
SpanishSaturación del carbonato de calcio en un área de cultivo de mitílidos en el Seno Reloncaví, Patagonia norte, Chile/Calcium carbonate saturation state in an area of mussels culture in the Reloncaví Sound, northern Patagonia, Chile
EnglishBegin Here
SpanishEfecto del calcio sobre la toxicidad aguda de aluminio en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) expuestos en aguas de diferente pH/Effect of calcium on acute toxicity of aluminum in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to different pH waters
EnglishGenetic structure of Chilean populations of Seriola lalandi for the diversification of the national aquaculture in the north of Chile/Estructura genética de poblaciones chilenas de Seriola lalandi para la diversificación de la acuicultura nacional en el norte de Chile
EnglishCritical Care supply needs: black and white, not shades of gray
SpanishCaligus rogercresseyi: posible vector en la transmisión horizontal del virus de la anemia infecciosa del salmón (ISAv)/Caligus rogercresseyi: possible vector in the horizontal transmission of the virus of infectious salmon anaemia (ISAv)
SpanishHOSTIS ANTE PORTAS. EL PODER, LA GUERRA Y LA FIGURA DEL ENEMIGO EN LAS RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES/Hostis ante Portas: Power, War and Conceptualisation of the Ennemy in the Realm of International Relations
EnglishFirstNet broadband network can enhance rural safety
EnglishWhatcom Farmers Co-op merges with CHS Inc.
EnglishFDA launches drug shortages mobile app
EnglishStart talkin' ... fast
EnglishOptimizing a sterile processing quality system
EnglishStroburg to lead Southern States
EnglishPope Francis addresses co-op group
EnglishSteam builds behind progress and relief of processing pressures
EnglishQuantification of intestinal bacteria, operating cost and performance of fingerlings Nile tilapia subjected to probiotics/Cuantificación de las bacterias intestinales, costo de operación y desempeño de alevines de tilapia del Nilo sometido a probióticos
EnglishNMPF: analysis supports wholesomeness of milk
EnglishFocus On: Greenbelt, Md.
EnglishNew Technology
EnglishVolume loss of an aquaculture net pen due to current speed and linear weight of sinker ring/Pérdida de volumen de una jaula de cultivo por efecto de la velocidad de la corriente y del uso de anillo cortacorriente
EnglishEducation, dedication, planning: Preventing infection in the ASC
SpanishEvaluación de la efectividad del tratamiento con agua dulce para el control del piojo de mar Caligus rogercresseyi Boxshall & Bravo, 2000/Assessment of the freshwater treatment to control the sea lice Caligus rogercresseyi Boxshall & Bravo, 2000
EnglishInvestment backs Missouri botanical business
EnglishCo-op Innovation Award goes to worker co-op orgs.
EnglishDrought requires joint effort, not finger pointing
SpanishDesarrollo del ensilado del alga Gracilaria chilensis para la alimentación del abalón rojo Haliotis rufescens/Development of algae Gracilaria chilensis silage for feeding red abalone Haliotis rufescens
EnglishLatest updates, resources for cutting scope contamination risks
EnglishCO-OP or LLC?
SpanishIndicadores bióticos y fracción de tamaños en la definición de la macrofauna/Biotic indicators and their relationship to the lower limit of the definition of the macrofauna
EnglishTraditional supply chains to undergo radical transformation by 2025
EnglishTackling Trade
EnglishUDI and standards: a global journey
SpanishDE BARBADOS A SAMOA: REPASO A LOS PRINCIPALES HITOS PARA LOS INTERESES DE LOS PEQUEÑOS ESTADOS INSULARES EN DESARROLLO DESDE 1994 HASTA 2014/From Barbados to Samoa: Reviewing the main Landmarks for Small Island Developing States from 1994 to 2014
EnglishMMPA sales top $1 billion
SpanishComparación de dos métodos de sacrificio en trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss)/Comparision of two slaugthering procedures in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
SpanishLA CONTINUIDAD DEL DISCURSO NEOCONSERVADOR FRENTE A LA POLÍTICA EXTERIOR DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN OBAMA/The Continuity of the Neoconservative Discourse against the Obama Administration's Foreign Policy
SpanishLAS "NUEVAS GUERRAS": UNA PROPUESTA METODOLÓGICA PARA SU ANÁLISIS/New Wars: A Methodological Proposal for their Analysis
EnglishFarmer Co-op Conf. Nov. 5-6
EnglishACE Institute July 12-15 in Mass.

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