Monday June 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishA rare cause of acromegaly: McCune-Albright syndrome/Akromegalinin nadir bir nedeni: McCune-Albright sendromu
EnglishBeyond Baby
TurkishPreeklampside serum Troponin I düzeyinin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of serum Troponin I Levels in preeclampsia
TurkishArsenik maruziyeti olan kisilerde serum gama glutamil transferaz ve ürik asit düzeylerinin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of gamma gluthamyl transferase and uric acid levels in arsenic exposed subject
TurkishDiyarbakir ilinin 2005-2010 yillari arasindaki tüberküloz kontrol durumu/Tuberculosis control status of Diyarbakir province between the years 2005-2010
EnglishRoyal Treatment
EnglishCharacter Study
TurkishAstimda semptom kontrolü ve yasam kalitesi iliskisi/Relationship between symptom control and life quality in asthma
EnglishMiddle Ground
EnglishRelationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and levels of vitamin D/Kronik obstruktif akciger hastaligi ile vitamin D düzeyi arasindaki iliski
EnglishPrimary stenting of an anomalous left main coronary artery originating from the right sinus of Valsalva during acute myocardial infarction/Akut miyokardiyal enfarktüsü esnasinda sag sinus Valsalva'dan köken alan anormal sol ana koroner artere primer stent uygulanmasi
TurkishFetal interrupted aortik ark tip B'nin antenatal değerlendirilmesi/Antenatal evaluation of fetal interrupted aortic arch type B
EnglishMad Fashion
TurkishNeovasküler tip yasa bagli makula dejenerasyonunda intravitreal ranibizumab uygulamalarinda tedavi etkinligi ve rekürrens üzerinde etkili olan faktörler/Factors affecting the efficacy of treatment and recurrence in intravitreal ranibizumab applications in neovascular age-related macular degeneration
TurkishÇocuklarda idrar örneklerinden saptanan toplum kaynakli gram negatif mikroorganizmalarin dagilimi ve 2013 yili antibiyotik dirençleri/Distribution of community-acquired gram negative microorganisms detected in urine samples of pediatric patients and antibiotic resistance patterns at 2013
EnglishBaby Boom
TurkishInek sütü protein alerjisi/Cow's-milk protein allergy
TurkishIntravezikal BCG immunoterapisini takiben gelisen Reiter sendromu: Olgu sunumu/Reiter's syndrome occurred following intravesical BCG immunotherapy: Case presentation
EnglishAn application of multilayer neural network on hepatitis disease diagnosis using approximations of sigmoid activation function/Sigmoid aktivasyon fonksiyonu kestirimi kullanilarak karaciger hastaligi tanisinda çok katmanli sinir agi uygulamasi
EnglishSkin prick test results of atopic asthmatic subjects in a chest disease clinic in Sanliurfa/Sanliurfa'da bir gögüs hastaliklari kliniginde atopik astimli hastalarin allerji deri testi sonuçlari
TurkishAdalimumab tedavisi alan romatoid artritli hastada seksüel disfonksiyon/Sexual dysfunction in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with adalimumab
EnglishFantasy Land
EnglishSuper Shoes
TurkishUterus sarkomlu 29 olgunun retrospektif analizi: Tek merkez deneyimi/Retrospective analysis of 29 cases with uterine sarcoma: A single center experience
EnglishMaterial World
EnglishGRACE and TIMI scores in predicting the extension of coronary artery disease in patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction/ST yükselmesiz miyokard enfarktüsü hastalarinda koroner arter hastaligi yayginliginin GRACE ve TIMI skorlariyla öngörülmesi
TurkishNöroradyolojide "Susceptibility Weighted Imaging sekansi" uygulamalari/"Susceptibility Weighted Imaging sequence" applications in neuroradiology
EnglishRebel Rebel
EnglishAll Ears
TurkishAdölesan amatör futbolcularda görülen spina iliaka anterior ve superior avulsiyon kiriklarinin konservatif tedavisi: Iki olgu sunumu/Conservative treatment of anterior inferior and superior avulsion fractures of spina iliaca in adolescent amateur footballer
EnglishSympathetic Skin Responses from the Neck Area in Patients with Unilateral Migraine
EnglishDPSS Builds Future Leaders Through Management Fellows Program
EnglishA Job Alone Is Not Enough To Get Ahead
EnglishComparison of Cognitive Impairment between Patients having Epilepsy and Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures
EnglishThe Phenomenology of Delusions in a Patient with Disorders of Sex Development
EnglishDenver Developmental Test Findings and their Relationship with Sociodemographic Variables in a Large Community Sample of 0-4-Year-Old Children
EnglishSexual Assault of Minors in Rural Areas: The Role of Human Service Departments
EnglishOpportunities for Growth
EnglishState Transformation Opportunities for Health Insurance Coverage
EnglishRecurrent Ischemic Stroke Characteristics and Assessment of Sufficiency of Secondary Stroke Prevention
EnglishThe Polymorphisms of Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg in Beta-1-Adrenergic Receptor Gene in Major Depression
EnglishMilitary Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
EnglishAssessment of Psychopathology, Quality of Life, and Parental Attitudes in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
EnglishWhat are the Predictors of Death in Patients With Cranio-Cervical Artery Dissection?
EnglishThe Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients
EnglishThe Status of Reform
Englishour do'ers profile
EnglishCuyahoga County Pioneers Child Welfare Pay for Success Project
EnglishThe Mentor-Protégé Program at the NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting 2015
EnglishForums Influencing a Culture of Collaboration
Englishin memoriam: jerry w. friedman
EnglishReversible Anorgasmia with Acetazolamide Treatment for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
EnglishSmall Moves Yield Big Results: Federal Policy Change Presages a Momentous Innovation Opportunity
EnglishNeuro-Behçet's Disease with Chorea
English48th Annual IT Solutions Management for Human Services (ISM) Conference
EnglishBudgeting for Results: Funding Pay for Success Initiatives
EnglishAntipsychotic Use Pattern in People with Psychotic Disorder Living in Board and Care Facilities
EnglishElectroencephalography Spectral Power Density in First-Episode Mania: A Comparative Study with Subsequent Remission Period
EnglishDigital Transformation: The Promise of Greater Efficiency and Customer Service
EnglishFrom Poster Presentation to Publication: National Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
EnglishPart Skill. Part Science. Part Art. Why Citizen Engagement is Essential to Human Service Convergence
EnglishBlue Line
EnglishTreatment Approach to Sleep Terror: Two Case Reports
EnglishThe Changing Human Service Landscape
EnglishReaching Out to New CEOs
EnglishRelationship Suicide, Cognitive Functions, and Depression in Patients with Schizophrenia
EnglishBusiness in Africa
EnglishAnxiety Disorders Comorbidity in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
EnglishThe Effects of Antipsychotics on Prolactin and Bone Mineral Density
EnglishPartnering for Social Mobility: The U.S. Department of Labor's YouthBuild Program
EnglishUS Army Deputy Chief of Staff (G-4) Logistics
EnglishUp-to-date Critical Review of the Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Seizures
EnglishMother-Child Interactions of Preterm Toddlers
EnglishSertraline Induced Galactorrhea
EnglishFifty Years of Moving Military Families
EnglishTurkish Version Study of "Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire" (PDQL)
EnglishTardive Blepharospasm and Meige Syndrome during Treatment with Quetiapine and Olanzapine
EnglishOver-Automated Under-Trained and in the Cockpit
Englishstaff spotlight
EnglishMolecular Characteristics of Nasal Carriage Methicillin-Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci in School Students
EnglishEmergence of SCCmec Type I Obtained From Clinical Samples in Shiraz Teaching Hospitals, South-West of Iran
EnglishIncreased skeletal muscle expression of VEGF induced by massage and exercise
EnglishWomen's Work and Family Income Inequality in South Korea *
EnglishEvaluation of the Correlation Between Childhood Asthma and Helicobacter pylori in Kashan
EnglishApplication of FISH method for preimplantation genetic diagnostics of reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations

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