Wednesday July 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishStraight from the Source
EnglishLouisiana State Penitentiary Corrections Court Reentry Program: Teaching Morality and Change Through Inmate Mentors
EnglishBrowning Growth Insurance Advantage
EnglishBest Practices in Hearing Enhancement
EnglishHost A Women's Appreciation Event At Your Store
Englishhighlights from the hfm blog
EnglishShepherd Named Outstanding Educator
EnglishPosition and Dimensions of Mental Foramen in South Indian Dry Mandibles
EnglishTranscriptome analysis of potato phosphorus-tolerant variety seedlings (Atlantic) revealing the gene expression profile under low phosphorus stress
EnglishMember Profile Class Leader
EnglishCanyon Wren Territory Occupancy and Site Attributes in Northern Colorado
EnglishPuff Piece
EnglishThe Smartphone Will See You Now...Really?
EnglishCAMICO INSURANCE TIP OF THE MONTH: Documenting Advice and Decisions
EnglishAllelopathic effect of Arundo donax, a mediterranean invasive grass
EnglishSTRESS and Corrections: Addressing the Safety and Well-Being of Correctional Officers
Englishthe numbers
EnglishPond-Breeding Amphibian Community Composition in Missouri
EnglishImpacts of fish on phosphorus budget dynamics of some SA reservoirs: evaluating prospects of 'bottom up' phosphorus reduction in eutrophic systems through fish removal (biomanipulation)
EnglishIn Silico Structural Characterizations of Pyrazinamidase Variants from Various Species of Mycobacterium
EnglishSouthern Charm
EnglishHEAR in the Real World
EnglishSons of Italy Speakers Bureau
EnglishCorporations Filing on a Water's-edge Basis
EnglishBEBOP, SWING, AND BELLA MUSICA: Jazz and the Italian American Experience
EnglishTech Money
EnglishCalCPA Salutes its TOP 100
EnglishThe Last Word
EnglishImproving Standards for the Auditor's Use of Specialists' Work
EnglishWhite House Hosts Italy's Prime Minister Renzi
EnglishSynthesis and Studies on Thermal Stability, Physicochemical and Biological Activity of Melamine-Formaldehyde-Urea Ion-Exchange Resin
EnglishEffects of Invasive Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) and White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Survival of Sugar Maple Seedlings in a Southwestern Ohio Forest
EnglishAnalysis of the Occipital Condyl
EnglishMy Place of Peace
Englishstrategies for reconfiguring cost structure highlights from HFMA's Value Project research
EnglishFNH USA: Get Out And Shoot
EnglishGuntry Clubs: A Luxury Your Grandpa Never Knew
EnglishRuger Launches Bold Campaign
EnglishAICPA Proposes Plan to Improve Audit Performance
EnglishHearing Aid Connectivity: Bridging a Closer Connection to the World of Sound
EnglishMessage from the Chairperson of the Board
EnglishPope Francis to Visit States
EnglishPlano Outfits Field Box Nicely
EnglishOverexpression of the stress-associated protein (SAP) SAP^sub MR219^ in Oryza sativa (var. MR219) increases salt tolerance in transformed Arabidopsis thaliana plants
EnglishVegetative Reproduction and Bud Bank Dynamics of the Perennial Grass Andropogon gerardii in Mixedgrass and Tallgrass Prairie
EnglishPartner Profile
EnglishA Questionnaire Survey on Student's Attitudes towards Individuals with Mental Illness
EnglishOtis Partners With Kids & Clays
EnglishGLOCK Continues Support Of SSSF
EnglishAbruzzo Restaurant Reborn in Philadelphia
EnglishHave You Seized Your "How Advantage"?
EnglishIsolation and Identification of Bioactive Compounds from Irpex Lacteus Wild Fleshy Fungi
Englishfrom the front line to the bottom line building revenue integrity
EnglishSmith & Wesson Continues HAVA Support
EnglishSoftware Savvy: Customize Excel's Conditional Formatting Icons
Englishimplementing value-based physician compensation advice from early adopters
EnglishIn silico genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family in Salix arbutifolia
Englishchange: advice from ANI
EnglishMorphometric Analysis of Ethmoidal Foramen in Adult Dry South Indian Skulls
EnglishGirdling by the Hispid Cotton Rat as a Significant Source of Mortality in a Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Successional Forest
EnglishSpring Excursions of Mature Male White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in North Central Pennsylvania
EnglishRelative Factor Abundance and Relative Factor Price Equality in Punjab
EnglishMako Group Relocates To N. Y.
EnglishTaxing Times
EnglishAn RCA Analysis of Textiles and Clothing in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh
EnglishCBA Issues Finding on National Enforcement Guidelines
Englishinterrelated metrics provide perspectives on hospital readmission rates
EnglishDawn of the Dinosaurs
EnglishBridging the Gap
EnglishHealthcare Facilities Maintenance Program Provides Jobs to 1,000 Offenders
EnglishFAF Annual Report: 'Building a Better GAAP'
EnglishHere Kitty, Kitty
EnglishEpidemiological Data of Head and Neck Cancer Incidence in a Tertiary Case Dental Hospital in Southern India
EnglishPrelimnary Phytochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Activities of Lemongrass and Lavender
EnglishThe "Stigma" of Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids
EnglishTranscriptomics and comparative analysis of three Juglans species; J. regia, J. sigillata and J. cathayensis
EnglishPlackett-Burman Statistical Optimization of Media Components for Anti-Mycobacterial Metabolite Production by Marine Penicillium chrysogenum DSOA
EnglishImplications of Public External Debt for Social Spending: A Case Study of Selected Asian Developing Countries
EnglishScreening of Lab Transfer Objects for Presence of Pathogenic Bacteria
EnglishShifting Gears
EnglishPrivate School Participation in Pakistan
EnglishForest betel (P. acre Blume) a Wild Plant from East Kalimantan, Indonesia Potentially as Resources of Drug Compounds for Cancer
EnglishHow Becoming a Certified Corrections Executive Helped Improve the Harris County Sheriff's Office
EnglishUse of CBCT As Diagnostic Aid in the Treatment Planning for Implants in Mandibular Premolars Among South Indian Population
EnglishFire Effects on Soil Biogeochemistry in Florida Scrubby Flatwoods

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