Tuesday September 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishThe Arrogance of Faith and Religious Imperialism: Soyinka's Radical Theistic Humanism and Generous Tolerance
EnglishElections in Africa: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, and All Our Problems Are Solved
EnglishUnto These Hills: Soyinka's Spiritual Journey in Idanre
EnglishTechnical Efficiency of Hospitals Owned by Faith Based Organisations in Kenya
EnglishTheory at Odds with Best Practice: The Travails of Industrial Policy
EnglishThe Economic Impact of New Firms in Punjab
EnglishRestoring Good Governance in Nigeria (Vol. 1): The Civil Service Pathway
EnglishIn Memoriam: Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye
EnglishHormone concentration, metabolic disorders and immunoexpression of androgen and estrogen-alpha receptors in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and testosterone deficiency syndrome
EnglishDroppin' Science for the Struggle: A Purposeful Profile of Professor Sylvester James Gates, Jr. in the Era of the "New Jim Crow"
EnglishGreen Walls Utilizing Internet of Things
EnglishIt's Been Beautiful: Soul! and Black Power Television
EnglishThe risk of neoplasm associated with dysgenetic testes in prepubertal and pubertal/adult patients
EnglishAli Moussa Iye Interview: Why Talk About the Slave Route Today?
EnglishComing in from the Cold: A Symposium on the Legacies of Cuban Internationalism in Africa
EnglishConakry Named World Book Capital for 2017
EnglishProverbs as Cultural Semiotics in Soyinka's Death and The King's Horseman
EnglishCredit Flows to Pakistan's Manufacturing SME Sector
EnglishIn Quest of SME-Conducive Policy Formulation
EnglishThe Relevance of Cultural Heritage in Remaking a New Africa
EnglishIn and Out of the Studio: Photographic Portraits from West Africa
EnglishOrganization, Management, and Wage Practices in Pakistan's Electrical Fan and Readymade Garment Sectors
EnglishMechanisms of the harmful effects of bacterial semen infection on ejaculated human spermatozoa: potential inflammatory markers in semen
EnglishMetrological Array of Cyber-Physical Systems. Part 12. Study of Quantum Unit of Temperature
EnglishA Bibliography of Secondary Sources on Wole Soyinka, 1988 - 1990: A Work in Progress
EnglishNon-destructive Testing of Wood Defects Based on Discriminant Analysis Method
EnglishEditors' Introduction
EnglishThe State of Manufacturing in Pakistan
EnglishWole Soyinka: Chronology and Selected Bibliography
EnglishDiagnostic markers for germ cell neoplasms: from placental-like alkaline phosphatase to micro-RNAs
EnglishSurface Morphology, Compositional, Optical and Electrical Properties of TiO^sub 2^ Thin Films
EnglishAgenda Change in Western Development Organizations: From Hard Production to Soft, Timeless, Placeless Policy
EnglishGuest Editor
EnglishFrom Chibok with Love
English1969 Pan-African Cultural Manifesto
EnglishBooks of Interest
EnglishOpen Skies: Transparency, Confidence-Building, and the End of the Cold War
EnglishNew Edition of Key ADHD Resource
EnglishCan percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty reduce ongoing inflammation in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis?/Perkütan mitral balon valvüloplasti romatizmal mitral darlığı olan hastalardaki inflamasyonu azaltabilir mi?
EnglishAssessment of adult patients with hypernatremia: A single center experience/Hipernatremili erişkin hastaların değerlendirilmesi: Tek merkez deneyimi
EnglishRemarks by President Obama to the Kenyan People
English"Appropriate" School Psychology Practice? You Be the Judge IV
EnglishComparison of carbon monoxide poisonings originated from coal stove and natural gas and the evaluation of Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio/Kömür sobasi ve dogal gaz kaynakli karbonmonoksit zehirlenmelerinin karsilastirilmasi ve Nötrofil/Lenfosit oraninin degerlendirilmesi
EnglishNCSP Earns Formal Recognition From National Register
EnglishNightfall and the Cloud: Examining the Future of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles and Remotely Piloted Aircraft
EnglishNational Register Strengthens Relationship With School Psychology
EnglishCol John Boyd's Innovative DNA
EnglishLosing Anthopoulos Is Major League Loss for Blue Jays
EnglishSchool Psychologists: Qualified Health Professionals Providing Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioral Health Services
EnglishRegister Early and Save Big
EnglishBringing Trauma-Informed Schools to Life
TurkishKars ili ve çevresinde 0-18 yaş arası çocuklarda Hepatit A seropozitifliği/The seropositivity of Hepatitis A in children aged between 0-18 years in Kars province and around
EnglishPosition Opening: Editor-Elect of School Psychology Forum
TurkishAkciğer kanseri hücre dizilerinde hipoksi indüklenebilir faktör-1 (HIF-1) ve paraoksonaz enzim ilişkisinin araştırılması/Association of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) and paraoxonase enzyme in lung cancer cell lines
EnglishDark Horizon: Airpower Revolution on a Razor's Edge-Part Two of the "Nightfall" Series
EnglishBilly Mitchell's War with the Navy: The Interwar Rivalry over Air Power
EnglishSocio-demographic|clinical factors related to mortality among the geriatric suicide attempters admitted to the emergency department/Acil servise intihar girisimi ile basvuran yasli hastalarda mortaliteyi etkileyen sosyodemografik ve klinik faktörler
EnglishSEADE: Countering the Futility of Network Security
EnglishImproving Special Education Documentation to Enhance Parent Understanding
EnglishEvaluation of folate and vitamin B12 levels in lead exposed workers/Kurşun maruziyeti olan işçilerde folat ve vitamin B12 seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi
EnglishSchool Psychology Awareness Week: Connect the Dots and THRIVE!
EnglishThe War For Korea, 1950-1951: They Came from the North
EnglishAftermath of a Suicide
EnglishKwame Nkrumah and Ali Mazrui: An Analysis of the 1967 Transition Debate
EnglishThe Need for School Psychologists' Expertise in University Settings
TurkishÖzofagus alkali yaniklarinda antienflamatuar ajanlarin etkisi: Deneysel çalisma/Anti-inflammatory agents' effect on esophageal alkali burn: An experimental study
EnglishAn Introduction to Military Ethics: A Reference Handbook
EnglishAny Time, Every Place: The Networked Societies of War Fighters in a Battlespace of Flows
TurkishIsparta bölgesindeki çocukluk çağı zehirlenmelerinin değerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of childhood poisoning in Isparta region
EnglishThe (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves
EnglishUS Guided Missiles: The Definitive Reference Guide
EnglishA Strength-Based Approach to Graduate School: Benefits, Strategies, and Applications
Turkishİlk bulgusu steril piyüri olan bir Kawasaki hastalığı olgusu/Sterile pyuria as the initial finding in a case with Kawasaki disease
EnglishDistribution of Candida species isolated from blood cultures in a university hospital/Bir üniversite hastanesinde kan kültürlerinden izole edilen Candida türlerinin dağılımı
TurkishRadikal nefrektomi sonrası kontralateral soliter adrenal metastaz: Olgu sunumu Contralateral solitary adrenal metastasis after radical nephrectomy: Case reports
EnglishApps for Behavior Management: A Review
EnglishThe relationship between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio-platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome/Obstruktif uyku apne sendromunda platelet lenfosit oranı ve nötrofil lenfosit oranı ilişkisi
TurkishTıbbi hatalı uygulamalar/Malpractise
EnglishNASP Members Needed for a Research Study
EnglishSafe School Environments for Transgender Students
EnglishThe Limits of Tactical Aviation Technology
TurkishDiffüz alopesili kadınlarda öfke, anksiyete ve depresyon/Anger, anxiety|depression in females with diffuse alopecia
TurkishPerkutan endoskopik gastrostomi uygulama sonuçlarimiz: 113 olgunun degerlendirilmesi/The results of the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy insertion: Analysis of 113 cases
EnglishConnecting the Dots
EnglishOn Limited Nuclear War in the 21st Century
TurkishKaposi sarkomu nedeniyle radyoterapi uygulanan hastanın değerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of patients performed radiotherapy due to Kaposi sarcoma
TurkishAğaçtan düşmelere bağlı ölümler/Tree falling related death
TurkishYenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesindeki kültür ile kanıtlanmış sepsisli hastaların değerlendirilmesi/An evaluation of patients with culture-proven sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit
EnglishIra C. Eaker Award Winners for the top Air & Space Power Journal articles of the past year

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