Saturday January 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
FrenchValorisation de substrats organiques divers dans l'agriculture péri-urbaine de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) pour l'amendement et la fertilisation des sols : acteurs et pratiques
EnglishExploring the bio-psychosocial effects of renal replacement therapy amongst patients in a state hospital in South Africa
FrenchStructure de l'amidon de maïs et principaux phénomènes impliqués dans sa modification thermique
EnglishThe emotional well-being of the nurse within the multi-skill setting
EnglishCell wall polysaccharides hydrolysis of malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): a review
EnglishThe physical activity and health status of two generations of Black South African professional women
EnglishNew hybrid filtering techniques for removal of speckle noise from ultrasound medical images
FrenchCiterne d'eau de pluie et effet sur le débit à l'exutoire du bassin versant de l'Orneau dans la région de Gembloux (Belgique)
FrenchÉnergie nécessaire au broyage de la biomasse et des produits densifiés
EnglishIntroduction of eigen values on relative character graphs
FrenchAction des cultures protectrices : cas des germes lactiques sur la flore alimentaire indésirable
EnglishThe polyphasic description of a Desmodesmus spp. isolate with the potential of bioactive compounds production
EnglishThe status of women and of maternal and perinatal health in Turkey
EnglishCombination antifungal therapy with voriconazole for persistent candidemia in very low birth weight neonates
EnglishAn unexpected parasitic cause of hypereosinophilia: fascioliasis
EnglishThe effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment (leuprolide) on body fat distribution in idiopathic central precocious puberty
EnglishA rare cause of severe periorbital edema and dermonecrotic ulcer of the eyelid in a child: Brown recluse spider bite
EnglishA novel mutation in the DGUOK gene in a Turkish newborn with mitochondrial depletion syndrome
EnglishAdrenal bleeding in neonates: report of 37 cases*
EnglishHepatitis A seroprevalence among infants aged 12 months in Ankara
EnglishA mother and son with Noonan syndrome resulting from a PTPN11 mutation
EnglishClitoral epidermoid cyst secondary to blunt trauma in a 9-year-old child
EnglishA case of mitral papillary muscle rupture due to blunt chest trauma
EnglishCardiovascular findings in a boy with arterial tortuosity syndrome: case report and review of the literature
EnglishAbdominal obesity is an independent risk factor for increased carotid intima- media thickness in obese children
EnglishTranscutaneous measurement of bilirubin in Turkish newborns: comparison with total serum bilirubin
EnglishPediatric pulmonology in a developing country: our focus
EnglishGyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina: a case report
EnglishHeart rate variability during asymptomatic periods in children with recurrent neurocardiogenic syncope
EnglishSecondary childhood acute myeloid leukemia with complex karyotypic anomalies including monosomy 7, monosomy 5 and translocation (1;10) after ^sup 131^I- metaiodobenzylguanidine therapy for relapsed neuroblastoma
EnglishA 10-year single center survey of pediatric patients with histiocytic disorders in Iran
EnglishLearning disability and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein (OMGP) gene in neurofibromatosis type 1
EnglishEvaluation of sixteen children with pseudotumor cerebri
EnglishAseptic meningitis in a child due to 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) infection
EnglishHow Your Gut Protects You
EnglishFibromyalgia Improves With Tai Chi Lessons
EnglishLI Philharmonic Makes Drastic Cuts to its 2010-11 Season
EnglishSpeak Slowly When Talking to Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
SpanishLicofitas (Equisetopsida: Lycopodiidae) de las Sierras Centrales de Argentina: un enfoque panbiogeográfico/Lycophytes (Equisetopsida: Lycopodiidae) from the Central Hills of Argentina: a panbiogeographic approach
EnglishMusic as Vehicle for Social Change: Mark Churchill and El Sistema USA
English, CroatianImpacts of research and development on manufacturing trade*1
EnglishNew Products of Interest
EnglishNixing Fat and Chocolate Can Curtail Heartburn
EnglishProbiotic Yogurt Produces Little Improvement
EnglishStomach Cancer Risk Increases With High Processed Meat Intake
EnglishWaste from Gut Bacteria Helps Host Control Weight
EnglishAcid-Suppressive Drugs Increase Chances of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
EnglishLimiting Work Hours Fails to Benefit Surgical Residents
English, CroatianFlexible Fourier Stationary Test in GDP per capita for Central Eastern European Countries*
EnglishThe Pit Band: All Together Now
English, CroatianCapitalism, advanced and "transitional", unfolded during the financial crisis*
EnglishBasal Cell Nevus Syndrome And Vitamin D Deficiency
EnglishDo Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising Bans Work?
English, CroatianPublic administration's added value to the competitiveness of national economy*
EnglishProtecting Infants From the Dangers of Mold
EnglishSurvival Rates For Breast Cancer Improved by Soy Foods
EnglishAlzheimer's Disease Risk And Food Intake
EnglishCancer and Acid Reflux May Be Connected
SpanishRevisión taxonómica del género Eragrostis Wolf en Chile, basada en análisis estadísticos multivariados/Taxonomic revision of Eragrostis Wolf from Chile, based on statistical multivariate analysis
EnglishUpClose Q&A: with Dan Trahey and Stanford Thompson
SpanishRelaciones filogenéticas de Rhodolirium montanum Phil. y especies afines, basadas en secuencias nucleotídicas de la región ITS y análisis cariotípico/Phylogenetic relationships of Rhodolirium montanum Phil. and related species based on nucleotide sequences from ITS region and karyotype analysis
EnglishThe Digestive System in Revolt
EnglishTrendy Colon Cleaners May Do More Harm Than Good
EnglishResearchers Develop Synthetic Compound That May Fight Pancreatic, Lung Cancer
EnglishMusical Creativity and Expression across the Cognitive Continuum: From Elementary to Graduate School
English, CroatianCorporate acquisition strategies and economic performance - A case of Slovenia*
English, CroatianFactors which cause enterprises to invest in training. The Spanish case*
EnglishPositive photoblastic response of seed germination in Eriosyce subgen. Neoporteria (Britton & Rose) Helmut Walter (Cactaceae)/Respuesta fotoblástica positiva en la germinación de semillas en Eriosyce subgen. Neoporteria (Britton & Rose) Helmut Walter (Cactaceae)
EnglishVegetarian Diet Lightens Mood
EnglishStarting the New Year with You Tube
EnglishFoster Parents Receive More Support Than Kinship Caregivers
SpanishValidación de Alstroemeria parvula Phil. (Alstroemeriaceae)/Validation of Alstroemeria parvula Phil. (Alstroemeriaceae)
EnglishSignaling Path in Brain May Prevent "Fullness" Message
EnglishJames Moody 1925 - 2010
EnglishInfection Rate Rising
SpanishEstudios cromosómicos en Acmella bellidioides (Sm.) R.K.Jansen (Asteraceae) del nordeste de Argentina/Chromosomal studies in Acmella bellidioides (Sm.) R.K.Jansen (Asteraceae) from north-east Argentina
EnglishGrant Writing: Winning the Prize
EnglishEl Sistema in the U.S.A.
EnglishFoodborne Illnesses Affect Many Americans
English, CroatianManagement of Sustainable Development: Economics-Ecology-Environmental Protection; Menadzment odrzivog razvoja: Ekonomija - Ekologija - Zastita okolisa
EnglishHypertension and Dementia
EnglishAn Introduction to Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
EnglishHidden Dangers in Unwashed Fruit and Produce
EnglishLow-Fat Versus Low-Carbohydrate Diets in Weight Loss
EnglishBacterial Inflammation, Infection Linked to Cancer Risk
EnglishUlcer Bacterium Might Prevent Asthma in Children
EnglishPMC's "Win Chad Smith" Event

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