Saturday January 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
SpanishCancioneiro d'el Rei Dom Denis e Estudos Dispersos
EnglishTexas Christian
SpanishDon Andrés o Guapo
SpanishPoetas con Valente en busca de la Madre Materia
SpanishRosalía de Castro e o problema da autotradución/Rosalía de Castro and the problem of self-translation
SpanishAníbal Otero. Lingüística e política en España na Guerra Civil e no franquismo
EnglishThe Many Bands of the Armed Forces
EnglishSusquehanna University
EnglishFreshmen Year Survival Tips
EnglishFive Towns College
EnglishChautauqa Music Festival
SpanishTobío no Seminario de Estudos Galegos
EnglishLawrence University
SpanishPoemas 1981/1991/Poesía última de amor e enfermidade
SpanishIrlanda na revista Nós. Apuntamentos para un estudo das relacións culturais (II)1/Ireland in the journal Nós. Notes for a study on cultural relations (II)
SpanishCatálogo tipolóxico do conto galego de tradición oral. Clasificación, antoloxía e bibliografía
EnglishAdelphi University
EnglishMove Beyond Your Measure: Carnegie Mellon School of Music
SpanishA pescantina
SpanishConversa Ultramarina (2010)
SpanishAquela noite
SpanishDía das letras galegas na Universidad Complutense Un acto emotivo dedicado ó poeta Lois Pereiro
SpanishConversa con María Jesús Martínez-Risco, filla de Vicente Risco
SpanishAspectos de la identidad gallega en Buenos Aires (1900-1960)/Galician identity in Buenos Aires (1900-1960)
SpanishCara e cruz
EnglishFrost School of Music
EnglishWheaton College Conservatory of Music
SpanishAs cifras da lingua hoxe. Comentarios á enquisa sobre coñecemento e uso do galego (2010)/Galician language's figures today: comments on the survey about the knowledge and use of Galician (2010)
EnglishDear High School Student: Get Your Game on!
EnglishIthaca College
SpanishO desamparo da nenez protagonista no cincuentenario da edición de Memorias dun neno labrego de Neira Vilas: da pequena fosforeira a Balbino/The helplessness of the leading role childhood at the fiftieth anniversary of Neira Vilas' Memorias dun neno labrego publication. From The Little Match-Seller to Balbino
SpanishValencias identitarias en Xoguetes pra un tempo prohibido, de Carlos Casares/Identitarian valences in Xoguetes pra un tempo prohibido, by Carlos Casares
EnglishBlair School of Music
EnglishProfessional Possibilities
EnglishLocalization of substance P, calcitonin gene related peptide and galanin in the nerve fibers of porcine cystic ovaries
EnglishBOX-PCR is an adequate tool for typing of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates
EnglishThe levels of sMUC-1 in patients with multiple myeloma
EnglishEvaluation of peritoneal tissue by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
EnglishDistribution and chemical coding pattern of the cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) immunoreactivity in the preoptic area of the pig
EnglishThe effect of ursolic and oleanolic acids on human skin fibroblast cells
EnglishProfessor Mels van der Ploeg (1926-2011)
EnglishVideostroboscopic and morphological aspects of voice disturbances in patients with larynx atrophy and coexisting hypopharynx cancer
EnglishConcurrent mutation in exons 1 and 2 of the K-ras oncogene in colorectal cancer
EnglishBone as a source of organism vitality and regeneration
EnglishControl of active B and L cathepsins in tissues of colorectal cancer using cystatins isolated from chicken egg proteins: in vitro studies
EnglishThe role of tumor cells in the modification of T lymphocytes activity - the expression of the early CD69^sup +^, CD71^sup +^ and the late CD25^sup +^, CD26^sup +^, HLA/DR^sup +^ activation markers on T CD4^sup +^ and CD8^sup +^ cells in squamous cell laryngeal carcinoma. Part I
EnglishImbalance between Th17 and regulatory T-cells in systemic lupus erythematosus
EnglishInteraction of PC-3 cells with fibronectin adsorbed on sulfonated polystyrene surfaces
EnglishNo correlation between pinopode formation and LIF and MMP2 expression in endometrium during implantation window
EnglishCryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis - lessons from animal models
EnglishTestis morphology in rats chronically treated with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor
EnglishEnhanced expression of Fas Ligand (FasL) in the lower airways of patients with fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (ILDs)
EnglishThe prognostic significance of the immunohistochemical expression of P53 and BCL-2 in endometrial cancer
EnglishDigital pathology in personalized cancer therapy
EnglishDi(n-butyl) phthalate has no effect on the rat prepubertal testis despite its estrogenic activity in vitro
EnglishCathepsin E (EC - a review
EnglishSOCS3 and SOCS5 mRNA expressions may predict initial steroid response in nephrotic syndrome children
EnglishDistribution and chemical coding pattern of somatostatin immunoreactivity in the dorsal striatum of the guinea pig
EnglishPrognostic value of the immunological phenomena and relationship with clinicopathological characteristics of the tumor - the expression of the early CD69^sup +^, CD71^sup +^ and the late CD25^sup +^, CD26^sup +^, HLA/DR^sup +^ activation markers on T CD4^sup +^ and CD8^sup +^ lymphocytes in squamous cell laryngeal carcinoma. Part II
SpanishMaestri e allievi giuristi nell'Università di Siena. Saggi biografici
RomanianIstoria cancerului de prostata
SpanishLas observaciones del obispo de Asunción del Paraguay al proyecto de libro III: "De rebus" del "Código de Derecho Canónico" de 1917/The Remarks of the Bishop of Asunción of Paraguay to the Project of Book III: 'De rebus' of the 'Code of Canon Law' of 1917
SpanishPlantagenêts et Capétiens: confrontations et héritages
SpanishLa regla consueta de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo y la primera organización de la Iglesia americana
SpanishEl Derecho portuario en la Historia
SpanishFondaments històrics del Dret
SpanishSynodicon Hispanum, X: Cuenca y Toledo
SpanishPercorsi costituzionali, produzione normativa, assetti, memorie e tradizione del pensiero fondante della esperienza giuridica occidentale
SpanishOrigen y función de la "mancipatio"/Origins and Function of the 'mancipatio'
SpanishLa buena fe en el derecho romano. La extensión del deber de actuar conforme a buena fe en materia contractual
SpanishIl magistero giuridico nel pontificato di Papa Sarto
SpanishEl Derecho de las Indias Occidentales y su pervivencia en los Derechos patrios de América. Actas del Decimosexto Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano celebrado en Santiago de Chile, desde el 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2008
SpanishHistoria jurídica del incendio en la Edad Antigua y en el ordenamiento medieval castellano: Implicaciones urbanísticas y medioambientales*/Legal History of Fire in Ancient Times and in the Medieval Castilian Legislation: Urban and Environmental Implications
SpanishStudi intorno a metodo e interpretazione nella scuola giuridica serviana
EnglishPatriarchal Ideology of Honour and Honour Crimes in India
RomanianEfectul tratamentului cu Cystistat asupra pacientilor cu sindromul vezicii dureroase / cistita interstitiala
RomanianCancer de prostata cu diferentiere neuroendocrina. Prezentare de caz
EnglishSASCV 2011: Special Conference Issue of the First International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV)
SpanishJuriste de gauche sous la République de Weimar
SpanishHistoire des relations internationales. XIXe et XXe siècles
SpanishHistoria de la atribución de categorías o predicamentos a "derecho" ("ius")*/History of the Attribution of Categories or Predicaments to 'Law' ('ius')
SpanishStorie di concetti giuridici
SpanishLa recepción del senadoconsulto Macedoniano en el Derecho español*/Reception of the Macedonian Senatus Consultum in the Spanish Law
SpanishTanto Monta Lecciones históricas de las decisiones de Fernando el Católico
SpanishLa sociedad anónima en la tradición jurídica hispano-indiana/Joint-Stock Companies in the Spanish Legal Tradition in the Indias
SpanishLa libertad de conciencia y de religión en la Ilustración francesa: El modelo de Voltaire y de la "Encyclopédie"/Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the French Enlightenment: The Model of Voltaire and the 'Encyclopédie'
SpanishParticipación de la población indígena de Arica y Tarapacá en la política y la justicia comunitarias durante el siglo XIX/Participation of the Indigenous People of Arica and Tarapacá in Politics and in the Community Form of Justice During the 19th Century
SpanishHistoire de la laïcité en France

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