Sunday January 1, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishSjögren-Larsson syndrome: report of monozygote twins and a case with a novel mutation
EnglishEndosymbiotic Actinidic Archaea and Viroids - A Model for Abiogenesis and Viral, Prokaryote, Eukaryotic, Primate and Human Evolution
EnglishBUSINESS, POLITICAL & ACADEMIC PERSPECTIVES on Higher Education Accountability Policy
EnglishTemporary atrioventricular complete block that develops following the transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defect
EnglishEvaluation of the Effects of Home-Based Deep Breathing Exercises in Parkinson's Disease Patients/Parkinson Hastalarinda Evde Yapilan Derin Solunum Egzersizlerinin Etkilerinin Degerlendirilmesi
EnglishPrenatally diagnosed case of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome associated with pulmonary artery aneurysm
TurkishElektromiyografide Agri ve Emosyonel Durum Iliskisi/Relationship Between Pain and Emotional State in Patients Undergoing Electromyography
EnglishCo-Articulating the Value of A Liberal Arts Degree with Students
EnglishBreak the Mold
TurkishMigrende Melatonin Proflaksisinin Etkinligine Yönelik Açik Uçlu Klinik Çalisma: Ön Rapor/An Open-Label Clinical Study on the Efficacy of Melatonin Prophylaxis in Migraine: A Preliminary Report
EnglishEndosymbiotic Actinidic Archaeal Synthesis of Short Chain Fatty Acid Butyrate and Propionate from Cholesterol Regulates Cellular Function
EnglishXBRL mythbusters
EnglishSocial Media Recap
EnglishOseltamivir use in infants under one year of age: are there still unanswered questions?
EnglishTesting the Conceptual Path to Correctional Staff Safety: A Study of the Implementation of Unit Management in Two Medium Security State Institutions in the USA
Turkishe-Devlet Projelerinin Yönetilmesi: PolNet Projesi Örnegi/Managing e-Government Projects: A Case Study of PolNet Project
EnglishTeacher Commitment in Sustainable Learning Communities: A New "Ancient" Story of Educational Leadership
FrenchInfluence de la rotation culturale, de la fertilisation et du labour sur les populations de nématodes phytoparasites du sorgho (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
FrenchLe remède imaginaire. Pourquoi l'immigration ne sauvera pas le Québec
FrenchPossibilités de prise en compte des phénomènes de transferts internes aux grains lors de la modélisation du séchage en lit fixe du maïs : revue
EnglishAdministrative Supports and Curricular Challenges: New Teachers Enacting and Sustaining Inquiry in Schools
EnglishThe University of Winnipeg, vol. I: A history of the founding colleges/The University of Winnipeg, vol. II: The first forty years (1967-2007)
FrenchLes effets de deux programmes d'entrainement sur le développement d'habiletés de compréhension, de déchiffrement et de fluidité en lecture d'élèves francophones de deuxième année du primaire du Québec
SpanishLa construcción discursiva de los problemas globales. El multiculturalismo: residuos, commodities y seudofusiones
EnglishReporting on Victims of Violence: Press Coverage of the Extrajudicial Killings in Colombia
EnglishGREEN GROWTH an imperative of economic development
Turkishe-Devlet Çalismalarina Bir Örnek: "e-Içisleri Projesi"/An Example of e-Government Studies: e-Interior Project
EnglishBullying in Brazilian Schools and Restorative Practices
Englishfair and sustainable development AID FOR LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES
TurkishTürkiye'de Telekomünikasyon Altyapisinin Ekonomik Gelismislige Etkisi: Cografi Agirlikli Regresyon Yöntemi/Effects of Telecommunications Infrastructure on Economic Development in Turkey: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
Englishtools to improve PRIVATE SECTOR OPERATIONS
FrenchLe sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants et leurs pratiques de gestion de la classe et des comportements difficiles des élèves
EnglishThe PQUAL Open System Quality Model
EnglishUsing Distributed Applications in Personal Recruitment Management
EnglishA Situated Account of Teacher Agency and Learning: Critical Reflections on Professional Learning Communities
TurkishErkeklerin Evde Enerji ve Su Tasarrufu Konusundaki Aliskanlik ve Satin Alma Odakli Davranislarinin Incelenmesi/An Investigation into Men's Domestic Habitual and Purchase Related Energy and Water Conservation Behaviours
Englishopening the door for AFRICAN EXPORTERS
EnglishHow to count elephants in West African savannahs? Synthesis and comparison of main gamecount methods
EnglishAttitudes towards Police in Canada: A Study of Perceptions of University Students in a Western Canadian City
FrenchDidactique de l'univers social au primaire. Contenus disciplinaires et suggestions d'activités pour les 2e et 3e cycles
TurkishGelismekte Olan Ülkelerde Politik Istikrarin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi/The Effect of Political Stability on Economic Growth in Developing Countries
EnglishThe thinking student's guide to college: 75 tips for getting a better education
Englishusing insurance TO DRIVE TRADE
EnglishOECD Development Centre celebrates 50th anniversary
FrenchEffet structurant de la plante hôte chez la bruche de l'arachide, Caryedon serratus (Olivier, 1790) (Coleoptera : Bruchidae)
EnglishMicroscale interactions between earthworms and microorganisms: a review
SpanishSigno y Pensamiento, 30 años: testimonio y comienzo de una época
FrenchLa mutation inachevée de la sphère publique
EnglishUNIDO notes role of energy efficiency in sustainable development
EnglishDatabases Volume I: Organizing, Designing and Implementing
EnglishEvaluation of E-learning Platforms: a Case Study
EnglishPrincipals Facing Inclusive Schooling or Integration
TurkishFinansal Sisteme ve Reel Kesime Yönelik Düzenleme Politikalari: Uygulama Nedenleri, Yöntemleri, Maliyetleri ve Avrupa Birligi ile Türkiye Üzerine Bir Degerlendirme/The Regulation Policies on the Financial and Real Sectors: Application Reasons, Methods, Costs and an Evaluation on Turkey and European Union
Englishpinning down policies for INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT
EnglishHigh School Students' Perceptions of Alcohol Prevention Programs
FrenchLe degré de compréhension d'élèves de 3e secondaire sur trois formes de documents de type argumentatif
EnglishStudying Corporate Crime: Making the Case for Virtual Reality
FrenchProgramme de Gestion Durable de l'Azote en agriculture. Considérations pratiques et conceptuelles sur la méthodologie du contrôle public du reliquat d'azote nitrique dans le sol des exploitations agricoles wallonnes
EnglishLanguage Teaching Materials as Mediators For icc Development: a Challenge for Materials Developers
EnglishForum on aid effectiveness drives inclusive development cooperation
SpanishLa tarea hermenéutica de las ciencias humanas
EnglishEvaluating Software Complexity Based on Decision Coverage
EnglishBetween Reality and Idea: Implementing the Rule of Law in China's Pre-trial Process
EnglishThe Impact Of A School's Literacy Program On A Primary Classroom
Englishwhere art meets GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT
FrenchChorologie, écologie et ethnobotanique de certains Ficus sp. L. (Moraceae) au Sénégal
EnglishEnding the Reign of the Fraser Institute's School Rankings
TurkishMobilya Endüstrisinde Kârliligi Etkileyen Faktörlerin UTADIS Yaklasimi ile Belirlenmesi/Determination of the Factors Effecting the Profitability in Furniture Industry Using UTADIS Approach
TurkishMuhasebe Meslek Mensuplarina Yönelik Bir Çalisma: Meslek Mensuplarinin Demografik Durumlari, Mesleki Sorunlari ve Degerlendirilmesi/A Study on the Accounting Professionals: Demographic Status, Professional Problems and Evaluation
PortugueseA tecnocultura atual e suas tendências futuras
FrenchEnseigner des controverses
EnglishCreativity's Kernel Development for Conscience Society
EnglishEfficiency of semi-automated culture systems on microtubers formation of yam (Dioscorea alata L.)
EnglishCommunicative Citizenship, Preliminary Approaches
EnglishTrajectories of Educational Aspirations Through High School and Beyond: A Gendered Phenomenon?
EnglishThe Diffusion of Innovation among United States Policing Jurisdictions: A Cautionary Tale for Theorists and Researchers
EnglishContributions to Logical Database Design
Englishcommitting to QUALITY IN KYRGYZSTAN
Englishmessage from
English, TurkishExecutive Summary/Editörün Notu
EnglishSOA and Web Technology for Building BSE Market Map
EnglishTeachers and Decision-Making Processes: An Italian Exploratory Study on Individual and Collaborative Decisions
EnglishCollaborative Virtual Organizations in Knowledge-based Economy
Englisha private sector mandate THINK REGIONAL
EnglishAchieving student success: Effective student services in Canadian higher education
FrenchDiriger une école primaire de milieu urbain défavorisé: les perceptions des directions d'écoles à propos de leur travail
SpanishMediaciones, comunicación y colonialidad: encuentros y desencuentros de los estudios culturales y la comunicación en Latinoamérica
EnglishCompared Analysis of Representative Learning and Content Management Systems used in Education

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