Sunday January 1, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishTechnology and its impact on the information environment and society in developing countries
EnglishTeachers' conceptions about information literacy skills of school children
EnglishThe College Boy: Family Gems and Jewels from the Traveller Tradition/At the Blue Lamp
EnglishContinuity and Innovation in the Aramaic Legal Tradition
EnglishSasanian Iran (224-651 CE): Portrait of a Late Antique Empire
EnglishGanitasarakaumudi: The Moonlight of the Essence of Mathematics, by Thakkura Pheru
EnglishSasanian Society
EnglishGoing to the Well for Water: The Séamus Ennis Field Diary 1942-1946
EnglishDie Ahhijawa-Frage, mit einer kommentierten Bibliographie
EnglishBerliner Pahlavi-Dokumente: Zeugnisse spätsassanidischer Brief- und Rechtskultur aus frühislamischer Zeit
EnglishRolf Gardiner: Folk, Nature and Culture in Interwar Britain
EnglishA Traveller's Life: The Autobiography of Sheila Stewart
EnglishOBITUARIES: Two Bampton morris dancers: Colin Bathe and David John Titchener
EnglishJudeo-Kashani: A Central Iranian Plateau Dialect
EnglishIslam in the Middle Ages: The Origins and Shaping of Classical Islamic Civilization
EnglishThe Philosophical Traditions of India: An Appraisal
EnglishBallads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800
EnglishWilliam J. Gedney's Concise Saek-English English-Saek Lexicon
EnglishOath Formulas in Biblical Hebrew
EnglishBanjo on the Mountain: Wade Mainer's First Hundred Years
EnglishChildren's reading habits: A study of Lahore city
EnglishAssur-Gott, Stadt und Land: 5. Internationales Colloquium des Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, 18.-21. Februar 2004 in Berlin
EnglishA Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes Proper for the Violin, German Flute or Hautboy/Lenham Camp: Dance Music from the Collection of Robert Thomas Bottle (1761-1849) deposited in the Centre for Kentish Studies, Maidstone/Mel Bay Presents English Fiddle
English8. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Interconnections between Temples
EnglishSarhad Journal of Agriculture: A bibliometric study of the articles published from 1985 to 2009
EnglishNuzi Texts and Their Uses as Historical Evidence
EnglishSinging Out: An Oral History of America's Folk Music Revivals
EnglishEdition, éditions: L'Écrit au Tibet, évolution et devenir
EnglishScissors-grinder and 'first-rate fiddler': The Life and Tunes of Henry Cave of Midsomer Norton and his Father, Tom Cave
EnglishPakistan Development Review: A bibliometric study of the articles published from 1973 to 2009
EnglishInformation seeking by Pakistani farmers: A review of published research
EnglishStatus of techno stress among university librarians of Lahore
EnglishObituaries: Irwin Silber (1925-2010)
EnglishMaterial Culture and Philology: Semantics of Mining in Ancient India
EnglishEssence of Old Kentucky
EnglishAvicenna. The Physics of The Healing: A Parallel English-Arabic Text in Two Volumes
EnglishLetters of a Sufi Scholar: The Correspondence of 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641-1731)
EnglishJoe Holmes - Here I am amongst you: Songs, Music and Traditions of an Ulsterman
EnglishWorking Songs: Industrial Ballads and Poems from Britain and Ireland, 1780s-1980s
EnglishThe Great Folk Discography, Volume 1: Pioneers and Early Legends
EnglishThe Origin of the Khatvanga Staff
EnglishA Dictionary of Pali/A Critical Pali Dictionary
EnglishAn Astonishing Mumming Revelation
EnglishICT skills of LIS students: A survey of two library schools of the Punjab
EnglishI Wonder as I Wander: The Life of John Jacob Niles
EnglishThe Politics of Dead Kings
EnglishIbn Hajar
EnglishMuslims, Scholars, Soldiers: The Origin and Elaboration of the Ibadi Imamate Traditions
EnglishCrossing Over: Fiddle and Dance Studies from around the North Atlantic 3
EnglishBy Rite: Custom, Ceremony and Community in England 1700-1880
EnglishUsability evaluation of an academic library website: A case of the University of the Punjab
EnglishMusker und Phryger: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Anatoliens vom 12. bis zum 7. Jh. V. Chr.
EnglishInformation seeking behavior of the forestry scientists of the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar
EnglishThe Bishopthorpe Sword Dancers
EnglishChild's Unfinished Masterpiece: The English and Scottish Popular Ballads/The High-Kilted Muse: Peter Buchan and his Secret Songs of Silence/Secret Songs of Silence
EnglishThe Fox & the Hare: Harry Green and Other Traditional Singers from Essex
EnglishKitab Sibawayhi: Syntax and Pragmatics
EnglishSoufisme, religion et médecine en Islam indien
EnglishLe soufisme à l'époque ottomane, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle/Sufism in the Ottoman Era, 16th-18th Century
EnglishThe Deuteronomic History and the Book of Chronicles: Scribal Works in an Oral World
English'My book of Manx ballads at last published': A. W. Moore's Manx Ballads and Music (1896)
EnglishAccess and use of the internet among undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
EnglishThe Keys of Heaven: The Life of Revd Charles Marson, Socialist Priest and Folk Song Collector
EnglishMathematics and Medicine in Sanskrit
EnglishThe Mind Behind the Gospels: A Commentary to Matthew 1-14
EnglishCity Folk: English Country Dance and the Politics of the Folk in Modern America
GermanVier neue Erklärungsvorschläge für den ägyptischen Pflanzennamen auf oDeM 723, 5
EnglishDepartment of LIS at a glance: August 2011 - October 2012
EnglishThe Ballad Repertoire of Anna Gordon, Mrs Brown of Falkland
EnglishMusical Style and Social Meaning: Selected Essays
EnglishApplication of marketing in Punjab University Libraries: An exploratory study
EnglishAltorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte: Gesammelte Studien
EnglishGod and Logic in Islam: The Caliphate of Reason
EnglishIsmaili and Fatimid Studies in Honor of Paul E. Walker
EnglishThe Book of Amos in Emergent Judah
EnglishMeasuring service quality in public and private sector university libraries of Pakistan
EnglishModel information system for educational administrators in Pakistan
EnglishWord-Class Flexibility in Classical Chinese: Verbal and Adverbial Uses of Nouns
EnglishProspects of digitization in university libraries of Pakistan
EnglishInformation needs of Pakistani farmers: An exploratory study of adult male farmers in a village of Punjab
SpanishQuelle autonomie d'apprentissage chez des étudiants LANSAD-sciences ? Cas de la présentation orale en anglais/¿Qué autonomía de aprendizaje para los estudiantes de ciencias? Caso de la presentación oral en inglés
SpanishLa perspectiva de género en la enseñanza de la literatura aurisecular/Gender Perspective in the teaching of Golden Age Literature
SpanishA narrativa galega na fin de século: unha ollada crítica dende 2010
SpanishLa cohérence et la cohésion textuelles : problème linguistique ou pédagogique ?/Text Coherence and cohesion: language or pedagogical problem?
SpanishXavier Frías Conde na colección O Roibén. A relevante contribución poética dun dos fundadores do Grupo Bilbao/Xavier Frías Conde in the collection O Roibén, the relevant poetical contribution of one of the founders of the Grupo Bilbao
SpanishL'écriture académique dans l'enseignement primaire1/La escritura académica en la Educación Primaria
SpanishFundamentación epistemológica del enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras: una visión cognitivo-personalista/Epistemological foundation of the communicative approach in second languages teaching: a cognitive-personal's point of view
SpanishGalicia e Portugal: retallos da nosa historia común/Galicia and Portugal: snippets of our common history
SpanishIV Premio Diario Cultural de Teatro Radiofónico/Premio Diario Cultural de Teatro Radiofónico

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