Sunday September 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishUnderstanding and Controlling Two Invasive Vines
EnglishThe Struggle for Hip Hop Authenticity and Against Commercialization in Tanzania
SpanishInfluencia de la alimentación sobre el ritmo circadiano de las enzimas digestivas en el cultivo de juveniles de la langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae)/Influence of feeding on the circadian rhythm of digestive enzymes in cultivated juveniles of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae)
EnglishMultifractality in the Philippine Foreign Exchange Market
EnglishOrganizational Commitment of Teachers and Role of Their Employment Traits in the Context of Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan
EnglishDefeating Future Hybrid Threats: The Greatest Challenge to the Army Profession of 2020 and Beyond
EnglishApplication of EVA in the Performance Evaluation of the State-Owned Enterprises: Case in Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited
EnglishExtracting Matching Records with an Array Formula
EnglishFrom the countryside to the city...
EnglishLiving Before and After
EnglishStudy on Unconventional Emergency Scenario Design: Taking Life-Rescuing of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. in Wenchuan Earthquake for Example
EnglishFrom Compton to Cape Town: Black(faceless)ness and the Appropriation of Gangsta Rap in Die Antwoord's "Fok Julle Naaiers"
EnglishAn Improved Method To Estimate Calories
EnglishPreaching the Word... of the Liturgy
EnglishResurrection Song
EnglishMolecular data raise the possibility of cryptic species in the Brazilian endemic prawn Macrobrachium potiuna (Decapoda, Palaemonidae)/Datos moleculares sugieren la presencia de una especie críptica del camarón endémico brasileño Macrobrachium potiuna (Decapoda, Palaemonidae)
EnglishThe Common Priesthood of the Faithful and the Ministerial Priesthood
English"The Blueprint: The Gift and The Curse" of American Hip Hop Culture for Nigeria's Millennial Youth
EnglishThe "Value-competence" Dual Circle of Latecomers: A Processed Based View
EnglishTwo Social Protection Programs in Pakistan
EnglishHuman Development and Economic Uncertainties: Exploring Another Dimension of Development
EnglishThe Road Goes Ever On
EnglishUninformed, not Uniformed?: The Apolitical Myth
EnglishNot Your Grandmother's, or Grandfather's, IMA
EnglishUrban Guerrilla Poetry: The Movement Y' en a Marre and the Socio-Political Influences of Hip Hop in Senegal
EnglishI Lift up My Eyes to the Mountains
EnglishVeni, Creator Spiritus
SpanishParastacus pugnax (Poeppig, 1835) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Parastacidae): conocimiento biológico, presión extractiva y perspectivas de cultivo/Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig, 1835) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Parastacidae): biological knowledge, extraction pressure and culture perspectives
EnglishPopulation size of Aegla paulensis (Decapoda: Anomura: Aeglidae)/Tamaño poblacional de Aegla paulensis (Decapoda: Anomura: Aeglidae)
EnglishThe WordPress Dynasty
EnglishLocal Cantor Intensive
EnglishMicroinsurance in Pakistan: Progress, Problems, and Prospects
EnglishHOT Happenings
EnglishMeasuring the Differential Economic Impact of Education across Income Groups and Provinces in Pakistan: A Model-Consistent Approach
EnglishPatronage in Rural Punjab: Evidence from a New Household Survey Dataset
EnglishPopule Meus
EnglishEducation in Pakistan's Punjab: Outcomes and Interventions
EnglishHip Hop Music as a Youth Medium for Cultural Struggle in Zanzibar
EnglishManufacturing Excellence: A Case Study on the Improvement Journey of Operations Management
EnglishTrust Erosion and Identity Corrosion
EnglishSaints of the Roman Missal, Pray for Us
EnglishLiturgical Commissions
EnglishA Word of Farewell
EnglishFeeding ecology of the freshwater crab Trichodactylus borellianus (Decapoda: Trichodactylidae) in the floodplain of the Paraná River, southern South America/Ecología trófica del cangrejo dulceacuícola Trichodactylus borellianus (Decapoda: Trichodactylidae) en el valle de inundación del río Paraná, sur de Sudamérica
EnglishPhylogenetic relationships among the freshwater genera of palaemonid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Mexico: evidence of multiple invasions?/Relaciones filogenéticas entre los géneros de camarones palaemónidos de agua dulce (Crustacea: Decapoda) de México: ¿evidencia de invasiones múltiples?
EnglishMusic in Celebrating the Mass
EnglishPastor and Music Director: Co-Workers in Liturgical Ministry
EnglishFrom Riches to Chocolate
SpanishÁrboles de clasificación de Potimirim mexicana (Decapoda: Caridea), organismo hermafrodita protándrico secuencial/Classification trees of Potimirim mexicana (Decapoda: Caridea), a sequential protandrous hermaphrodite organism
SpanishDieta del cangrejo dulceacuícola Bottiella niceforei (Schmitt & Pretzmann, 1968) (Decapoda: Trichodactylidae) y su relación con el procesamiento de la materia orgánica en una corriente intermitente del noroeste de Venezuela/Diet of the freshwater crab Bottiella niceforei (Schmitt & Pretzmann, 1968) (Decapoda: Trichodactylidae) and its relationship with organic matter processing in an intermittent stream of northwestern Venezuela
SpanishInfluencia de la disposición espacial y la superficie de refugios sobre la supervivencia y crecimiento de juveniles de Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae) y su aplicación al cultivo intensivo/Influence of spatial distribution and shelter area upon survival and growth of Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae) juveniles, and its application to intensive culture
EnglishStudents' Ability Evaluation Structure Model of Local Finance and Economic Universities
EnglishWellness Watch
EnglishThe Trust Lapse: How Our Profession's Bedrock is Being Undermined
EnglishMeasures to Improve the Inventory of Steel Industry in Supply Chain Environment
EnglishOverview of Humanized Service of University Library
EnglishReproductive variability of the Amazon River prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum (Caridea, Palaemonidae): influence of life cycle on egg production/Variabilidad reproductiva del camarón del río Amazonas, Macrobrachium amazonicum (Caridea, Palaemonidae): influencia del ciclo de vida en la fecundidad
EnglishEveryday Psalms: 150 Meditations for Living the Lord's Songs
EnglishXBRL SEC Filings Are Hampered By Errors
EnglishSpecies diversity and distribution of freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) inhabiting the basin of the Rio Grande de Térraba, Pacific slope of Costa Rica/Diversidad de especies y distribución de cangrejos de agua dulce (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) de la cuenca del Río Grande de Térraba, vertiente Pacífica de Costa Rica
EnglishOvercoming Hurdles To Eradicate Tuberculosis in Cattle
EnglishShould Evaluations of Corporate Trustworthiness Be Trusted?
English"Chant Down the System 'till Babylon Falls": The Political Dimensions of Underground Hip Hop and Urban Grooves in Zimbabwe
EnglishBalancing Market and Government Failure in Service Delivery
EnglishTwo Plus One
EnglishThe Future Army
EnglishExperimental culture of the river prawn Macrobrachium americanum larvae (Bate, 1868), with emphasis on feeding and stocking density effect on survival/Cultivo experimental de larvas de langostino Macrobrachium americanum (Bate, 1868), con énfasis en alimentación y efecto de la densidad sobre la supervivencia
EnglishIntellectual Formation
EnglishThe Hip Hop Revolution in Kenya: Ukoo Flani Mau Mau, Youth Politics and Memory, 1990-2012
EnglishThe Myths We Soldiers Tell Ourselves: (and the Harm These Myths Do)
EnglishAmphidromy in shrimps: a life cycle between rivers and the sea/Anfidromía en camarones: un ciclo de vida entre los ríos y el mar
EnglishThe Long-Term Agroecosystem Network: Starting Local, Going National
EnglishThe Pathways of a Shape-Shifting Pesticide
EnglishTroubling the Trope of "Rapper as Modern Griot"
EnglishBefore/After - A Life Makeover
EnglishResearch on Industry Alliance Knowledge Transfer Network Modeling and Simulation Based on Complex Networks
EnglishConceiver of Both Heaven and Earth
English, SpanishUn sacerdote, muchos sacerdotes
EnglishCollaborative Projects Connect Catholic Classrooms
EnglishGators, Bayou Boats, Beautiful Green Space - See it All at Shady Lane
Englishmember milestones
EnglishLittle Guy, Big Dreams
EnglishNominations Open for Group Insurance Trust Trustees
EnglishNew Auditing Standard to Enhance the Auditor's Reporting Model
EnglishShare Your #NRPACongress Great Ideas!
Englishthe numbers

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