Sunday September 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
English, TurkishGestasyonel diabetes mellitus riskinin maternal yas ve gebeligin baslangicindaki vücut kitle indeksi ile iliskisi/The relationship between the risk of the gestational diabetes mellitus with respect to maternal age and initial body mass index
EnglishReward Systems and Teachers' Performance: Evidence From Ghana
English, TurkishCiddi karotis bifürkasyon lezyonunda endarterektomi ve safen ven ile 'Y' patchplasti teknigi/Endarterectomy and saphenous vein 'Y' patchplasty technique for severe carotid artery bifurcation lesion
EnglishWomen and Food Insecurity in India: A Study on Democratic Institutional Responses and Interventions for Food Security
English, TurkishPostmenopozal kadinlarda serum vitamin D düzeyi ve kemik mineral yogunlugunun denge ve düsme riski üzerine etkisi/The effect of serum vitamin D level and bone mineral density on balance and the risk of falling in postmenopausal women
EnglishApplying DNA barcoding to identify Nervilia fordii and six congeneric species
EnglishStrategy for Developing Chinese Tourism Service Industry From the Angle of Tourism Translators
English, TurkishClinical analysis and follow-up results of children with vasovagal syncope/Vazovagal senkoplu çocuklarda klinik degerlendirme ve takip sonuçlari
EnglishProtective Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on DNA Damage Induced by Cigarette Smoking
EnglishStrategic Path for Developing China's Low-Carbon Energy
EnglishProteomic profiling of rice roots from a super-hybrid rice cultivar and its parental lines
EnglishCommentary About the Assertion and Impact of the New Left Movement in America in the 1960s
English, TurkishEksternal dakriosistorinostomide tek flepli bikanaliküler silikon tüp entübasyonu sonuçlarımız/The results of our external dacryocystorhinostomy performed with single flap and bicanalicular silicone tube intubation
EnglishMutagenic effects of low energy ions on root tip cells of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)
English, TurkishEndoscopic treatment of anastomotic leakage with fibrin glue/Anastomoz kaçaginin endoskopik olarak fibrin glue ile tedavisi
EnglishMorphogenesis and regeneration of adventitious shoots in Jatropha curcas L.
English, TurkishGebelikte hiperparatiroidizm: Iki olgu sunumu/Hyperparathyroidism in pregnancy: Report of two cases
EnglishPrediction of specific energy consumption in milling process using some physical and mechanical properties of alfalfa grind
English, TurkishNöro-Behçet: Transvers miyelit ve aseptik menenjit birlikteligi/Neuro-Behçet disease: Coexistence of transverse myelitis and aseptic meningitis
EnglishOverexpression of the chloride channel gene (GmCLC1) from soybean increases salt tolerance in transgenic Populus deltoides x P. euramericana 'Nanlin895'
EnglishBourgeois Humanitarianism: A Brief Study of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities
EnglishAbortion Clients of a Public-sector Clinic and a Non-governmental Organization Clinic in Nepal
EnglishCloning and identification of a differentially expressed RING E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase gene responding to Jasmonic acid signaling pathway in rubber tree (Hellea brasiliensis)
English, TurkishThe evaluation of diagnostic and clinical findings in grand multiparous patients with endometrial cancer/Endometriyum kanserli grand multipar hastalarda tani ve klinik bulgularin degerlendirilmesi
EnglishCash Budgetan Imperative Element of Effective Financial Management
English, TurkishIndirek hiperbilirubinemili yenidoganlarda fototerapinin oksidatif stres üzerine etkisi/The effect of phototherapy on oxidative stress in newborns with indirect hyperbilirubinemia
EnglishHigh frequency somatic embryogenesis from leaf tissue of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. - A high valued tree for non-timber forest products
English, TurkishIleri yas bir olguda mitral kapakta osseöz metaplazi/Osseous Metaplasia in mitral valve in an elderly case
English, TurkishKontinan diversiyonun nadir komplikasyonu: Neobladder tasi ve endoskopik tedavisi/A rare complication of continent diversion: Neobladder stone and its endoscopic treatment
EnglishBusiness English Practice Teaching Conforming to Chinese Students' Expectations
EnglishEffects of the applications of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers at different growth stages on the root growth and bioactive compounds of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge
EnglishEvaluation of sorghum hybrids for biomass and biogas production
EnglishMergers and Acquisitions: The Performance of the Acquiring Firm-Empirical Study of Cheverontexaco
EnglishBody Mass Index, Waist-circumference and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Iranian Adults: Isfahan Healthy Heart Program
EnglishComparative studies between diploid and tetraploid Dez Orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.] under salinity stress
EnglishPaths for New Urbanization in Chongqing, China: Study on Overall Design and Strategic Framework
English, TurkishMaksillofasiyal atesli silah yaralanmalarinda atis yönünün belirlenmesinde radyografik görüntülemenin önemi/The importance of radiographic imaging in determining the direction of shooting in maxillofacial gunshot wounds
EnglishAssociation between Maternal Anaemia and Postpartum Depression in an Urban Sample of Pregnant Women in Iran
EnglishHistory of Trading Currencies in the Upper Cross River Region of Nigeria Before the Nineteenth Century
EnglishRole of cyanobacteria in amelioration of toxic effects of copper in Trigonella foenum gracum
English, TurkishAdölesan dönemi ve öncesinde yapilan sünnetlerin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of circumcisions performed before and during adolescence
English, TurkishÖnemli bir tetraparezi nedeni: Servikal spondilotik miyelopati/An important cause of tetraparesis: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
English, TurkishPerkütan nefrolitotomi ameliyatinda hidronefrozun önemi/The importance of hydronephrosis in percutaneous nephrolithotomy operation
EnglishScreening of potential salt tolerant turfgrass species in Peninsular Malaysia
EnglishIslamic Militancy and Global Insecurity: An Analysis of Boko-Haram Crisis in Northern Nigeria
English, TurkishAnkilozan spondilit ile iliskili üveit olgularinda klinik seyir ve bulgular/Clinical course and signs in patients with uveitis associated with ankylosing spondylitis
EnglishComparative proteomic identification of embryo proteins associated with hydropriming induced rapid-germination of maize seeds
EnglishMapping QTLs controlling cooking and eating quality indicators of Iranian rice using RILs across three years
English, TurkishTam kan sayim çiktilarinin yorumlanmasi/Interpretation of automated blood cell counts
EnglishApplication of Relevance Theory to Discourse Teaching
English, TurkishSaglik çalisanlarinda igne batmasi ve cerrahi aletlerle olan yaralanmalar/Needle sticks and injuries due to surgical instruments in health care providers
EnglishBiblical Themes in Eugen O'Neill's Plays
English, TurkishPolikistik over sendromlu hastalarda lipid parametrelerinin ve ailede diabetes mellitus sikliginin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of lipid parameters and family history of diabetes mellitus in polycystic ovary syndrome
English, TurkishPolikistik over sendromunda kardiyovasküler hastalik risk faktörü olarak C-reaktif protein düzeyi ve obezite/C-reactive protein level and obesity as cardiovascular risk factors in polycystic ovary syndrome
English, TurkishVernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyasi interlökin-16 düzeyleri/Tear levels of IL-16 in vernal keratoconjunctivitis
EnglishA Study of Accentedness in the Speech of Chinese EFL Learners
English, TurkishPrimer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarimiz/The results of conjunctivolimbal autograft transplantation in primary pterygium
English, TurkishVan il merkezinde evlenme basvurusunda bulunan çiftlerin kontrasepsiyon bilgi durumlari/Contraception knowledge status of marriage applicants couples in the Van city
EnglishChanges in leaf gas exchange, biochemical properties, growth and yield of chilli grown under soilless culture subjected to deficit fertigation
EnglishEnteric Pathogens and Reactive Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Campylobacter, Salmonella and Shigella-associated Reactive Arthritis
EnglishRailway Finance and National Credit: A Study of Chengdu-Hankou Railway Protect Crisis as a Center
EnglishGrassland Grazing Contracts and Degradation: Relationship and Mechanism
EnglishThe expression of drought responsive element binding protein (DREB2A) related gene from pea (Pisum sativum L.) as affected by water stress
English, TurkishAcquired tufted angioma: Case report/Edinsel tufted angioma: Olgu sunumu
English, TurkishBehçet hastaliginda üst ekstrem/Upper extremity thrombosis in Behçet's diseaseite trombozu
EnglishPulmonary Tuberculosis in Severely-malnourished or HIV-infected Children with Pneumonia: A Review
EnglishEating Habits and Body-weights of Students of the University of Belgrade, Serbia: A Cross-sectional Study
EnglishCase Study on Leadership, Team Climate and Knowledge Innovation in R&D Teams
EnglishChinese Research University Presidents' Roles: Ideal Expectations and Actual Status-Based on the Content Analysis of China Education Daily
EnglishProblems in China's Carbon Finance Market and Countermeasures
English, TurkishThe diagnostic efficacy of low-dose cervical and thoracic CT in multiple trauma patients/Multipl travmada servikal ve torakal düsük doz spiral BT'nin tanisal etkinligi
English, TurkishSafra kesesi malign lenfomasi: Nadir bir olgu/Gallbladder malignant lymphoma: A rare case
EnglishOutline of Citizen Education and Public Finance
English, TurkishÇocuklarda anesteziye engel bir durum nedeniyle planlanan operasyonu ertelemenin maliyete etkisi/The impact of a postponed operation due to an anesthesia obstacle to the cost in children
EnglishTV Viewing, Independent of Physical Activity and Obesogenic Foods, Increases Overweight and Obesity in Adolescents
EnglishHighly-resistant E. coli as a Common Cause of Paediatric Diarrhoea in India
EnglishScreening Utility, Local Perceptions, and Care-seeking for Reported Jaundeesh among Respondents Lacking Signs of Icterus in Rural Bangladesh
EnglishFever of Unknown Origin Attributable to Haematocolpos Infected with Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi Resistant to Nalidixic Acid: A Case Report
English, TurkishObstrüktif kolorektal kanserli hastalarda cerrahi tedavi sonuçlari/The outcome of surgical treatment in patients with obstructive colorectal cancer
EnglishEvaluation of Offshore Wastewater Outfall and Diffuser for Onondaga Lake, NY
EnglishMeasurements and Legislation Suggestions for Coping With Trade Protectionism Under the WTO Mechanism: From the Aspect of Government Procurement
EnglishSoybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seed yield response to high temperature stress during reproductive growth stages
EnglishMalnutrition among 3 to 5 Years Old Children in Baghdad City, Iraq: A Cross-sectional Study
English, TurkishCommon pathogens isolated from burn wounds and their antibiotic resistance patterns/Yanik yaralarindan izole edilen patojenler ve antibiyotik direnç durumlari
English, TurkishDev spermatosel: Olgu sunumu/Giant spermatocele: Case report
English, TurkishMonosemptomatik enürezis nokturnali hastalarda tedavi ve takip sonuçlarimiz/Treatment and follow up results of patients with monosymptomatic enuresis nocturna
EnglishMonitoring drought responses of barley genotypes with semi-robotic phenotyping platform and association analysis between recorded traits and allelic variants of some stress genes
EnglishOn How to Create a Harmonious Researching Environment by Analyzing the Humanized Social Science Administration
EnglishLegal Regime for Exploring Solid Minerals for Economic Growth in Nigeria
EnglishThe Role of Police Risk Assessments in Judicial Decisions Regarding Domestic Violence Offenses in Israel

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