Wednesday January 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishCreeping Death: Clausewitz and Comprehensive Counterinsurgency
EnglishTicket to a job
EnglishManaging Risk in Today's Army
EnglishState of the Field Artillery
EnglishLessons of a Coalition Partner in Afghanistan 2002-2013
EnglishBiological evolution: Some genetic considerations
EnglishFine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of BLACK HULL1 in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
EnglishThe "Case" of a School Psychologist: The Legal and the Larger Meaning
SpanishLa integración educativa y social del alumnado con discapacidad en el EEES: Universidad de Bolonia/The educational and social integration of students with disabilities in the EEES: University of Bologna
EnglishPrey capture behaviour by pygmy bluetongue lizards with simulated grazing
SpanishEl Aprendizaje-Servicio como estrategia metodológica en la Universidad/Service-learning as a methodological strategy at University
EnglishVideoconferencing in Practice
EnglishMG (Ret.) Fred F. Marty: The Passing of a Field Artillery Commander
EnglishDesign of the Chaotic Signal Generator Based on LABVIEW
EnglishA LBL Positioning Method Based on Feedback Kalman Filter
EnglishAnticoagulant rodenticide brodifacoum detected in dead nestlings of an insectivorous passerine
EnglishA grand vision for career prep
SpanishLas emociones en el aprendizaje universitario apoyado en entornos virtuales: diferencias según actividad de aprendizaje y motivación del alumnado1/Emotions in university learning supported in virtual environments: differences according to learning activity and students' motivation
EnglishENGINEERS OF VICTORY: The Problem Solvers Who Turned the Tide in the Second World War
EnglishWind Resource Parameters Acquisition and Transmission System
EnglishMolecular fingerprinting of the Egyptian medicinal plant Cocculus pendulus
EnglishGenotyping of mannose-binding lectin (MBL2) codon 54 and promoter alleles in Egyptian infants with acute respiratory tract infections
EnglishFactors influencing occupancy of modified artificial refuges for monitoring the range-restricted Banks Peninsula tree weta Hemideina ricta (Anostostomatidae)
EnglishGet Involved With NASP
EnglishAlong the Road
EnglishExpression of SSX-1 and SSX-5 genes in the peripheral blood of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
EnglishAbundance, Distribution, and Population Growth of the Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris) in the United States from 1991 to 2010
SpanishSegregaciones y construcción de la diferencia en la escuela
EnglishHarmony in Battle: Training the Brigade Combat Team for Combined Arms Maneuver
EnglishNASP Children's Fund Service Project
EnglishHow to Fight Fracking
EnglishDenoising for Different Noisy Chaotic Signal Based on Wavelet Transform
SpanishAplicación de estrategias didácticas en contextos desfavorecidos
EnglishValidation of a Real-time AVS Encoder on FPGA
SpanishLa acogida educativa en los centros escolares en Cataluña: más allá de los recursos específicos para el alumnado de nueva incorporación/Reception and schooling of children in schools in Catalonia: Beyond Educational Welcome Facilities
EnglishA New Filtering Algorithm for Preserving Edges and Details of Digital Images
EnglishVirtual Influence: Leveraging Social Media as a Leadership Tool
EnglishAssessment of respiratory involvement in children with mucoplysaccharidosis using pulmonary function tests
EnglishGlobal Financial Development Report 2013: Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance
EnglishThe Research of Optical Turbulence Model in Underwater Imaging System
EnglishSetting the Bar for Excellence
EnglishA principles-based decision tree for future investigations of native New Zealand birds during aerial 1080 operations
EnglishResearch Digest
EnglishIntrafamilial variability in Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome with bilateral posterior ear lobule creases
EnglishRegularities in simple sequence repeat variations induced by a cross of resynthesized Brassica napus and natural Brassica napus
EnglishThe Detection of Subsynchronous Oscillation in HVDC Based on the Stochastic Subspace Identification Method
EnglishSimulating long-term vegetation dynamics using a forest landscape model:: the post-Taupo succession on Mt Hauhungatahi, North Island, New Zealand
EnglishResearch on Vibration Behavior of the Plate-Like Joint Interfaces Based on Comprehensive Unit Stiffness Matrix
EnglishRobust Diagonal Loading Algorithm for Worst-Case Performance Optimization
EnglishMultiple Modernities and Postsecular Societies
EnglishEffects of Sex, Seasonal Period, and Sea State on Calf Behavior in Hawaiian Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
EnglishPollinating Resilience
EnglishA Method of Heat Exchange Structure Optimization of the Cricoid Plastic Parts
EnglishTranscriptomic landscape of chrysanthemums infected by Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
EnglishYEAR OF GLORY: The Life and Battles of Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, June 1862-June 1863
EnglishNew Adaptive Image Quality Assessment Based on Distortion Classification
EnglishOverexpression of a new cellulose synthase gene (PuCesA6) from Ussuri poplar (Populus ussuriensis) exhibited a dwarf phenotype in transgenic tobacco
EnglishThermal and Visible Sensor Application: Physiological Thermal Moment Invariant Analysis for Infrared-Based Face Identification
EnglishHow can we detect introduced mammalian predators in non-forest habitats? A comparison of techniques
EnglishK-means Based Processing of GPS Data
EnglishDeterminants of non-performing loans in Central and Eastern European countries
EnglishThree-Dimensional Imaging System of Dairy Cow Based on Virtual Instrument
EnglishLiterary practices in digital media/Las prácticas literarias en medios digitales
EnglishA Critique of Two Praxis II Study Guides
EnglishPsychological, Relational, and Sexual Correlates of Pornography Use on Young Adult Heterosexual Men in Romantic Relationships
EnglishThe Deep Future of Fires
EnglishPrimal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence1
EnglishDefining, defending treatment parity - one example at a time
EnglishRIDERS OF THE APOCALYPSE: German Cavalry and Modern Warfare, 1870-1945
EnglishIdentity Crises
EnglishReclaiming Water Use in BC
EnglishSupervising Paralegals in Accordance with the Rules of Professional Conduct
EnglishA Call to Action: NASP's Position Statement on Racial and Ethnic Disproportionality in Education
EnglishLTG (Ret.) Wilson A. Shoffner: The Passing of a Field Artillery Commander
EnglishModel Optimization Identification Method Based on Closed-loop Operation Data and Process Characteristics Parameters
EnglishAnalysis of Coupling Effectiveness on Concealed Signal Cable Slot with Different Shapes
EnglishA Tale of Two Districts: Beating the Taliban at Their Own Game
EnglishChanges in Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) den site use following density reduction
EnglishYouth Get Litigious
EnglishBridging the Funding Gap: The Implementation of Fiscal Law and Policy to a Lapse in Appropriations
EnglishWater Hog-Tied by Europe
EnglishA Delay-Sensitive Connected Target Coverage Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishMY LAI: An American Atrocity in the Vietnam War
EnglishDevelopment of a Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor Modified by Nano-Structured Polyaniline for Detecting the Plasticizer in Gaseous State
EnglishSimulation Analysis of SPWM Variable Frequency Speed Based on Simulink
EnglishFA Henry A. Knox Award: A Battery, 2-15 FA

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