Saturday March 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishHow COSO Frameworks Can Help
EnglishMail Call
EnglishKorea in the Arts
English130 Vet Courts Operating in 40 States
EnglishThe Attack on Art
EnglishBilateral external auditory canal cholesteatomas
EnglishCommunity Projects are the Lifeblood of Posts
EnglishImplants in otology
EnglishYou Tube: Tips and Tricks: Using YouTube in the Music Classroom
EnglishVFW Outraged Over COLA Cuts
EnglishAn Unknown Treasure in Rajasthan: The Bundi Wall-Paintings
EnglishGroundwater Vulnerability and Hazard Mapping in an Arid Region: Case Study, Amman-Zarqa Basin (AZB)-Jordan
EnglishObama Nominates Chair for National Endowment for the Arts
EnglishPreparation of Iron Ferrocyanide-Supported Nanofiber Membrane for Purification of Cesium-Contaminated Water
EnglishA Study on the Causes of Sediment Accumulation in the Drainage Systems
EnglishAnesthesia Considerations for Monitoring TCMEPs in Adults Diagnosed with Poliomyelitis as Children: A Case Report
EnglishCharacterization of Groundwater Pollution Sources with Unknown Release Time History
EnglishNatural Gas
EnglishIdentification and Recovery of Volatiles Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Coffee-Producing Wastewater
EnglishNumerical Groundwater Flow Modeling of the Coastal Plain Sand Aquifer, Akwa Ibom State, SE Nigeria
EnglishBiogeochemical Dynamics of Molybdenum in a Crater Lake: Seasonal Impact and Long-Term Removal
EnglishIndiana University Health Staffing Model for Neurotelemetry and Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Patient Populations: Part 1
EnglishTechnical Tips: Event Testing in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
EnglishAuto-Antibodies and Seizures: Clinical and EEG Findings
EnglishEditorial Board Changes
EnglishFrequent Breaches in Irrigation Canals in Sindh Pakistan
EnglishEllen R. Grass Lecture: Extraordinary EEG
EnglishGroundwater Conditions and the Geoenvironmental Impacts of the Recent Development in the South Eastern Part of the Western Desert of Egypt
EnglishBiology and Distribution of Mangrove Crabs in the Wouri River Estuary, Douala, Cameroon
EnglishEvaluation of Dredging Operations for Tigris River within Baghdad, Iraq
EnglishApplication and Use of Prime Electrodes and Eye Leads
EnglishLate-Onset Epilepsy with Status Myoclonicus: A Diagnostic and Management Dilemma
EnglishA Systemic Approach to Evaluate the Flood Vulnerability for an Urban Study Case in Southern Italy
EnglishComparison of Different Ann Approaches in Daily Pan Evaporation Prediction
EnglishIntegrity Assessment of Pipe System in a Full-Scale Membrane Water Treatment Plant
TurkishMajor alt ekstremite cerrahisinde anestezi türünün postoperatif komplikasyonlara etkisi/The effect of anesthesia type on the postoperative complications of major lower extremity surgery
EnglishUrine PCR Evaluation to Diagnose Pulmonary Tuberculosis
TurkishSemptomatik perikardiyal efüzyonlarin cerrahi tedavisinde VATS, subksifoid ve minitorakotomi perikardiyal pencerenin etkinligi/The efficacy of VATS, subxiphoid and minithoracotomy pericardial window for surgical management of symptomatic pericardial effusions
EnglishParaplegia due to missed thoracic meningioma after lumbar spinal decompression surgery: A case report and review of the literature/Lomber spinal dekompresyon cerrahisi sonrasi gözden kaçan torakal meningioma nedeniyle gelisen parapleji: Olgu sunumu ve literatür taramasi
EnglishFarm Bill boosts co-op development
English'A Trend, Not a Fad'
EnglishThe relationship between idiopathic chest pain, Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in school children and adolescents/Okul çocugu ve ergenlerde nedeni belli olmayan gögüs agrisinin vitamin D eksikligi ve yetersizligi ile olan iliskisi
TurkishYogun bakim ünitesinde HELLP Sendromu ve eklampsi hastalarina uygulanan plazmaferez tedavisinin etkinligi/The effectiveness of plasmapheresis treatment in the patients with HELLP Syndrome and eclampsia in the intensive care unit
EnglishDesign of the Circuit for IPMC Micro-force Sensor and Testing
EnglishA Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Neural Networks in Recognition of Maize Leaf Diseases
TurkishHelikobakter pilori olgularinin göz içi basinci ve retina sinir lifi tabakasi kalinlik ölçümlerinin incelenmesi/Evaluation of intraocular pressure and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with Helicobacter pylori
EnglishSecure Degrees of Freedom of the Gaussian Z Channel with Single Antenna
EnglishThe Precision Decision
EnglishFrontier Cooperative, Husker Co-op merge
TurkishFebril konvülziyonlu çocuklarda klinik ve paraklinik özellikler/Clinical and paraclinical features in children with febrile seizures
EnglishContesting the Myth of National Compassion: The Leap from the Long Bridge into Trans-Atlantic History in Clotel or the President's Daughter (1853)
EnglishDairy co-ops' milk volume up, but market share down slightly
EnglishThe Probable Role of Cytomegalovirus in Acute Myocardial Infarction
EnglishA Forest Early Fire Detection Algorithm Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishThe Ripple Effect
EnglishIntegration demands highest standard of care
EnglishRelationship between varicocele and anthropometric indices in infertile population/Infertilite olgularinda varikosel ve antropometrik index iliskisi
EnglishLand O'Lakes' record year yields 30 percent boost in cash to members
EnglishNCB commits $379 million to serve low-income communities
EnglishBlack Males in the Green Mountains: Colorblindness and Cultural Competence in Vermont Public Schools
EnglishA Communitarian Understanding of the Human Person as a Philosophical Basis for Human Development
TurkishDerin ven trombozunda tam kan sayimi parametrelerinin arastirilmasi/The investigation of complete blood counting parameters in deep venous thrombosis
TurkishÜst gastrointestinal sistem yabanci cisimleri olan çocuklarda fleksibl endoskopik islem/Flexible endoscopic procedure in children with foreign bodies in their upper gastrointestinal system
TurkishÇocuklarda suprakondiler humerus kiriklarinda cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarimiz/Our results of surgical treatment of supracondylar humeral fractures in children
EnglishFault Diagnosis for the Hydraulic System by Using Autoregressive Trispectrum and its Slices
TurkishSpinal tümörü taklit eden servikal intradural intramedüller apse: Nadir bir olgu/Intramedullary spinal cord abscess presentation which is mimicking spinal tumor: A rare case
TurkishLise son sinif ögrencilerinin meslek seçiminde karsilastigi sorunlar ve bu sorunlarin anksiyete ve depresyonla iliskisi/The problems during choice of profession and comparison of these problems with anxiety and depression in final year of high school students
EnglishA case of a scrotal mesenteric cyst/Skrotal mezenterik kist olgusu
EnglishStudy of Tractor AMT Automatic Gear Shift Based on Artificial Neural Network
EnglishOrganic Valley sales hit $928 million
EnglishShona Belief Systems: Finding Relevancy for a New Generation
EnglishKirkpatrick saluted for dairy vision
EnglishNonlinear Adaptive Control Approach for Parallel Manipulator Based on Lyapunov Method
EnglishThe effect of varicocele on the right testicular blood flow in patients with left varicocele/Sol varikoselli hastalarda varikoselin sag testiküler kan akimi üzerine etkisi
EnglishShona Religion Holistically Portrayed: Selected Solomon Mutswairo Novels
EnglishIncreased mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetes mellitus/Tip 2 diyabetes mellitusda artmis ortalama trombosit hacmi
EnglishUAV Flight Control Based on RTX System Simulation Platform
EnglishFenner to succeed Taylor at MFA Oil
TurkishDerin ven trombozu sonrasi asemptomatik pulmoner emboli tanisinda ventilasyon/perfüzyon sintigrafisi ve multidedektör bilgisayarli tomografinin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy and multi-detector computerized tomography in diagnosis of asymptomatic pulmonary embolism after deep vein thrombosis
EnglishImprovement of Biodesulfurization Rate of Alginate Immobilized Rhodococcus erythropolis R1
EnglishEchocardiographic evaluation of patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis/Subakut sklerozan panensefalitli hastalarin ekokardiyografik degerlendirilmesi
EnglishKwame Ture in Retrospect: Firebrand 1970
TurkishCinsel istismar magdurlarinda istismar süresi ve sikligi ile travma belirtileri arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesi/Examination of the relationship between the duration and frequency of abuse and the trauma symptoms among survivors of sexual abuse
EnglishDelayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning/Akut karbonmonoksit zehirlenmesi sonrasi gecikmis ensefalopati
EnglishThe Approximate Minimum Set of Connecting and Covering Arithmetic for Sensor Network Partitioned by Regular Hexagons
EnglishThe Problem and Impossibility of Vodou Religion in the Writings of Dantès Bellegarde

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