Saturday March 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishFungal Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis by Candida parapsilosis: A Case Report
EnglishA Molecular Biological and Biochemical Investigation on Mycobacterium tuberculosis MutT Protein
EnglishTwo Axis Micromouse Servo Controller Based on ARM9
EnglishResearch Progress of Microfluidic Chips Preparation and its Optical Element
TurkishLiken planuslu 165 hastanin klinik ve demografik özellikleri/Clinical and demographic characteristics of 165 patients with lichen planus
EnglishBeyond the Third Chimurenga?: Theological Reflections on the Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe, 2000-2010i
EnglishModifying Parameters Online for Real-time Simulation of UAV Flight Control Sensor System Based on RTX
TurkishGebelikteki aneminin dogum sekli ve yeni dogan üzerine etkileri/The effects of anemia in pregnancy on the mode of delivery and newborn
TurkishBilateral simultane çekiç parmak: Sira disi bir olgu/Bilateral simultaneous mallet finger: An unusual case
EnglishA Container Horizontal Positioning Method with Image Sensors for Cranes in Automated Container Terminals
EnglishMagnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions/Manyetik rezonans dakriyosistografi: Lakrimal drenaj sistemi tikanikliklarinin tani ve tedavi planlamasindaki yeri
EnglishPortion of co-op's livestock sales earmarked to support FFA, 4-H
EnglishShare with the community, and they will share with you
TurkishKronik anal fissür tedavisinde, botoks ve lateral internal sfinkterotomi uygulanan hastalarin tedavi sonuçlarinin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of botox and lateral internal sphincterotomy treatment outcomes in chronic anal fissures
EnglishThe future of behavioral health: Under construction
TurkishAilevi akdeniz atesi ve çölyak hastaligi birlikteliginde anestezi deneyimimiz/Anesthesia experience along with familial Mediterranean fever and celiac disease
EnglishResearch on Optimal Scheduling Period of Flexray Based on Jitter-free Transmission
EnglishRayford W. Logan: The Evolution of a Pan-African Protégé, 1921-1927
EnglishSurrounding recovery with nature
TurkishPsoriasis vulgarisli hastalarda adiponectin, leptin ve apelin düzeylerinin arastirilmasi/Investigation of adiponectin, leptin and apelin levels in patients with psoriasis vulgaris
TurkishTransrektal prostat igne biyopsisi sonrasi gelisen üriner sistem infeksiyonlari deneyimlerimiz/Our experience on developing urinary tract infections after transrectal prostate biopsy
TurkishMyelodisplazik hastalarda nöroürolojik komplikasyonlar/Neurourological complications in patients with myelodisplasia
TurkishKist hidatik hastaliginda bir tani indikatörü olarak ortalama trombosit hacmi/Mean trombosit volume as a diagnostic indicator in hydatid disease
TurkishBir üniversite hastanesi endokrinoloji kliniginde eksenatid verilen hastalarin klinik ve laboratuvar özellikleri/Clinical and laboratory characteristics of exenatide-given patients in endocrinology clinic of a university hospital
EnglishImage Recognition Using Modified Zernike Moments
EnglishPassive ISAR Imaging Using Multi-channel DVB-T Signals
EnglishThe Algorithm of CFNN Image Data Fusion in Multi-sensor Data Fusion
EnglishCo-op communicators to meet in Pittsburgh, May 31-June 3
EnglishShedding Rates and SeroPrevalence of Brucella melitensis in Lactating Goats of Shahrekord, Iran
TurkishÜst gastrointestinal sistem yabancı cisimleri/Foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract
EnglishValueOptions names top specialty programs to new 'Signature Network'
EnglishThe Wood Strengthening and Decorative Automated Production Line ZY-06L-Type Manipulator Motion Analysis and Simulation
TurkishRetrograd intrarenal cerrahi deneyimlerimiz/Our experiences on retrograde intrarenal surgery
EnglishEthical Fitness and the Zimbabwean Media, 1999-2008
EnglishThe relationship between serum lipid levels, high blood pressure and obesity in children/Çocuklarda serum lipit seviyeleri, hipertansiyon ve obezite arasindaki iliski
EnglishBeyond Loan Words: Bette-Bendi Ethnic Identity Construction in Liwhu Betiang's Beneath the Rubble
TurkishFetal intra-abdominal umbilikal ven varisi: Olgu sunumu/Fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix: A case report
TurkishYas tespitinde kullanilan yöntemler/Methods for age estimation
EnglishBactericidal Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Intramacrophage Brucella abortus 544
EnglishAfrica and Social Capital: From Human Trade to Civil War*
EnglishThe Prevalence Rate of Helicobacter pylori Infection in, Chronic Otitis Media With Effusion Patients
TurkishPostmenopozal osteoporozlu hastalarda proteinler ve lipidlerdeki oksidatif stresin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis
EnglishRecord sales, patronage for United Farmers
EnglishTransfer of Herb-Resistance Plasmid From Escherichia coli to Staphylococcus aureus Residing in the Human Urinary Tract
TurkishDermoid kistlerde ultrasonografik tani dogrulugunu etkileyen parametreler/The parameters affecting accuracy of e ultrasonographic diagnosis in dermoid cysts
EnglishA Novel Multi-network Convergence Communication Mechanism for Electricity Information Acquisition System Test Platform
EnglishPolidoro succeeds Leonard at ACDI/VOCA
EnglishBased on Hot Embossing Lithography Preparation of High-Precision Micron-Level Pattern
EnglishSusceptibility of the Crystal Oscillator to Sinusoidal Signals over Wide Radio Frequency Range
EnglishOrder Statistics Performance Analysis of Multiple Receive Antennas Systems Based on Pre-coding Alamouti Scheme
EnglishLeslie Mead to lead CDF
TurkishPrimer enürezis nokturnalı çocuk ve ergen hastalarda oksidatif durumun degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of oxidative status in children and adolescent patients with primary enuresis nocturna
EnglishRobot Path Planning Method Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
EnglishAnd the Real Winner is: DairyUS!
TurkishGida zehirlenmesine bagli rapor düzenlenen adli olgularin degerlendirilmesi/The evaluation of forensic cases reported due to food poisoning
EnglishClopidogrel responsiveness in chronic kidney disease patients with acute coronary syndrome/Akut koroner sendromlu kronik böbrek hastalarinda klopidogrel cevabi
EnglishEnhancing Ultrasonic Echoes of Sediment Layer Based on 2nd Iterative Passive Time Reversal Mirror
EnglishVideo Inter-frame Forgery Identification Based on Optical Flow Consistency
TurkishKolon polipli hastalarda hastaligin patogenezinde adenozin deaminaz, ksantin oksidaz, ürik asit ve nitrik oksit metabolizmasi/Adenosine deaminase, xanthine oxidase, uric acid, and nitric oxide metabolism in the pathogenesis of disease in patients with colon polyps
EnglishAurora Co-op, CHS building shuttle loader in Nebraska
EnglishThe ACA and behavioral health: A look ahead
TurkishMTHFR 677 C>T Polimorfizmi ile ilintili oldugu düsünülen hastaliklara dair Türk populasyonundaki çalismalar/The studies about diseases concerning with contemplated MTHFR 677 C>T polymorphism
EnglishReflections on Societal Reading: The Case of Rwanda
EnglishVehicle Driving Data Collection and Analysis Based on GPRS
TurkishKemik metastazlarinin iskelet sistemindeki bölgesel dagilimi/Regional distribution of bone metastases in skeletal system
EnglishComparison of Broadband Wireless Access Technology for HAPS Communication
EnglishDairylea members approve DFA merger
EnglishA Performance Evaluation Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Networks
EnglishScholarships help students 'follow their dreams'
EnglishThe effects of internet use intensity on quality of life, anxiety and depression scores in pediatric migraine/Internet kullanim sikliginin migrenli çocuk hastalarda yasam kalitesi, anksiyete ve depresyon skorlari üzerine etkileri
EnglishWitnessing Brother Malcolm X: The Master Teacher, A Memoir
EnglishEnhanced Voice Activity Detection Using Modified Wiener Filtering and Harmonic Structure Information
EnglishHot topics for St. Louis: The Behavioral Healthcare Leadership Summit
EnglishTechnology disruption: 'It's not always this crazy'
EnglishIsolation of Vibrio cholera El Tor Inaba From Lemna minor and Eichhornia crassipens Roots in Veracruz, Mexico
EnglishDesign and Research on Automotive Controller Area Network Bus Analyzer
EnglishA Novel Dynamic Target Tracking Algorithm for Image Based on Two-step Reinforcement Learning
EnglishNoncoherent Detection of Satellite-Based AIS Signal with Phase Offset Compensation
EnglishA Design of Ginseng Planting Environment Monitoring System Based on WSN
EnglishDevelopment of Tetrapolar Conductivity Cell for Liquid Measurement Application
EnglishFarmers, processors work together to boost Egypt's tomato industry
EnglishBahati Mamas Cooperative - Somali women refugees form co-op to market produce from small farm
EnglishA Surveillance System of Android Smartphone with Context-awareness
TurkishMilking yöntemi sonrasi persistan ektopik gebelik: Olgu sunumu/Persistent ectopic pregnancy after milking procedure: Case report
EnglishTesting is 'the technology of addiction'
EnglishSynergistic Effects of Bismuth Thiols and Various Antibiotics Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm
EnglishRouting Research Based on Node Information and Node Mobility in Spare Sensor Networks
EnglishThe New Deal Co-ops

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