Sunday March 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishShell withdraws Pierre Mine project application
EnglishWheat Varieties Make Way to Breads and Malt Beverages
EnglishBusinessman, entrepreneur recognized with lifetime achievement award
EnglishCompetencies for Leaders in Nursing Education
EnglishDistance learning opens doors
EnglishConnected Health 2015: The Year of Virtual Patient Visits
EnglishIdentification and expression analyses of chitinase genes in mulberry (Morus L.) plants
EnglishMeasuring Confidence in Nursing Graduates Within the Framework of the AACN Essentials
EnglishBaroque Science
EnglishSimplicity: A Meta-Metaphysics
EnglishWildrose moves up date to select new leader
EnglishThe Trial of Galileo: Essential Documents
English"Type A" response regulators are involved in the plant-microbe interaction
EnglishA systematic bioinformatics analysis of small proteins in plants
EnglishNLN Releases A Vision for the Changing Faculty Role: Preparing Students for the Technological World of Health Care
EnglishYeast and Sugar Lure Pest to Beneficial Virus
EnglishForms of Thought: A Study in Philosophical Logic
EnglishReflections of Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Educators' Teaching Philosophy Statements
EnglishProfessional, community tributes for loss of two artists
EnglishFichte's Vocation of Man: New Interpretive and Critical Essays
EnglishAn Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics: Mathematics as the Science of Quantity and Structure
EnglishScholastic Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction
EnglishRethinking Poverty: Income, Assets, and the Catholic Social Justice Tradition
EnglishNavigating Evidence-Based Practice Projects: The Faculty Role
EnglishVirtues of Thought: Essays on Plato and Aristotle
SpanishRespuesta del microfitoplancton a la adición de nitrato y ácido silícico en fiordos de la Patagonia chilena/Response of microphytoplankton to the addition of nitrate and silicic acid in Chilean Patagonian fjords
EnglishStock assessment of the red spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) caught in the tropical southwestern Atlantic/Evaluación del stock de la langosta roja (Panulirus argus) en la zona tropical del Atlántico sudoccidental
EnglishThe paramedian forehead flap for nasal lining reconstruction
EnglishGreen Party
SpanishDeterminación del flujo de agua para la biorremediación en sistemas recirculados acuaculturales utilizando tapetes microbianos construidos/Determination of water flow rate for bioremediation in recirculating aquaculture systems using constructed microbial mats
EnglishEvaluation of teff (Eragrostis tef [Zucc.] Trotter) lines for agronomic traits in Australia
EnglishThyroid gland follicular carcinoma
EnglishDesign of Integrated Triple Band Notched for Ultra-Wide Band Microstrip Antenna
EnglishDiversity and Antimicrobial Potential of Culturable Actinobacteria from Desert Soils of Saudi Arabia
EnglishGenetic diversity in Chilean populations of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss/Variabilidad genética en poblaciones chilenas de trucha arcoiris, Oncorhynchus mykiss
SpanishPterópodos thecosomados en el Pacífico suroriental frente a Caldera, Chile (Mollusca, Opistobranchiata: Euthecostomata y Pseudothecostomata)/Thecosomate pteropods of the southeastern Pacific off Caldera, Chile (Mollusca, Opistobranchiata: Euthecostomata and Pseudothecostomata)
EnglishSimultaneous selection of physic nut genotypes (Jatropha curcas L.) for efficient absorption and utilization of N and P
EnglishEfecto del suplemento de astaxantina sobre la calidad seminal en Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (Teleostei: Characidae)/Effect of astaxanthin supplementation on semen quality in Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (Teleostei: Characidae)
EnglishEffects of planting systems and lime doses on corn-forage intercropping during off-season
EnglishLet Spring Inside
EnglishRadiated Ultrashort High-Power Electromagnetic Pulses Induce ATP Release in B16F10 Murine Melanoma Cells
EnglishProgression of autoimmune inner ear disease to labyrinthitis ossificans: Clinical and radiologic correlation
EnglishVisible Spectrophotometric Methods for the Estimation of Orlistat in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
EnglishA Review on Computational Methods for Predicting Residue-Specific Stabilities of Proteins
SpanishEfecto de diferentes intensidades de luz sobre la expresión de cromatóforos, crecimiento y supervivencia en juveniles de Macrobrachium tenellum/Effect of different light intensities on expression of chromatophores, growth and survival in juvenile Macrobrachium tenellum
EnglishPhysiological aspects of acacia and eucalyptus in competition with Brachiaria
EnglishSensitivity analysis of catch-per-unit-effort of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) data series applied to production model/Análisis de sensibilidad de la captura por unidad de esfuerzo del atún patudo del Atlántico (Thunnus obesus) con series de datos aplicados a un modelo de producción
EnglishOperation Bootstrap
EnglishHow Jealous Are You?
SpanishDescripción del estado de megalopa de Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippidae)/Description of Emerita analoga megalopa stage (Stimpson, 1857) (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippidae)
EnglishWinters is interim CEO at PCCA
EnglishIsolation and characterization of potential probiotic bacteria from pustulose ark (Anadara tuberculosa) suitable for shrimp farming/Aislamiento y caracterización de bacterias de la almeja "pata de mula" (Anadara tuberculosa) con potencial probiótico para el cultivo de camarón
EnglishInfluence of direct and residual phosphorus fertilization on growth and yield of potato in a soybean-potato cropping system
EnglishGrowing Greens
EnglishLightweight Robust Forwarding Scheme for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
EnglishGenome-wide identification of miRNAs in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.)
EnglishPrimeros registros del Phylum Bryozoa asociados a hábitats artificiales en el Caribe colombiano/First records of Phylum Bryozoa associated to artificial habitats in the Colombian Caribbean
EnglishMorphological and taxonomic investigations on a local endemic species: Allium ilgazense N. Özhatay
EnglishAccumulation of Heavy Metals (Ni, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, Fe) in the soil, water and plants and analysis of physico-chemical parameters of soil and water Collected from Tanda Dam kohat
EnglishWhere's the Woman?
EnglishTetrasomic inheritance in cultivated potato and implications in conventional breeding
EnglishCongress increases funds for international co-op development
EnglishWorld Voice Day 2015
EnglishPost-release survival and movements patterns of roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) off the Central American coastline/Sobrevivencia post-liberación y patrones de desplazamiento del pez gallo (Nematistius pectoralis) frente a la costa centroamericana
EnglishStudy of ECG Effects in Smokers and Normals
EnglishForum to focus on co-op successes models
EnglishSurvival Skills of Leslie Lewis Sheets
EnglishCommon carotid artery dissection: A rare cause of acute neck swelling
EnglishCoBank net earnings top $904 million; will pay $467.5 million in patronage
EnglishChemical Composition and Cytotoxic Activity of Centaurea scoparea Sieb against Four Human Cell Lines
EnglishShe Kicks It!
EnglishA Review on Carbon Nanotubes: A Novel drug Carrier for Targeting to Cancer Cells
EnglishTwo-Tier Hierarchical Cluster Based Topology in Wireless Sensor Networks for Contention Based Protocol Suite
EnglishMurr named new VP at NCB
EnglishMinimalist with Maximum Talent
EnglishDeVelder and Meshke will lead AMPI
EnglishBest Bite
EnglishA case of solitary fibrous tumor arising from the palatine tonsil
SpanishCultivo de la trucha café anádroma: una nueva alternativa para la diversificación de la salmonicultura nacional/Anadromous brown trout farming: a new alternative for the diversification of the national salmon farming
EnglishPigmentation changes in Siderastrea spp. during bleaching events in the costal reefs of northeastern Brazil/Cambios en la pigmentación de colonias de Siderastrea spp. durante los eventos de blanqueamiento en arrecifes costeros del noreste de Brasil
SpanishContenido de metales en sedimentos y en Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857), en bahía Mejillones del Sur, Chile/Metals content in sediments and Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) in South Mejillones Bay, Chile
EnglishCochlear implantation leading to successful stapedectomy in the contralateral only-hearing ear
EnglishHistopathological survey of the mussel Mytilus chilensis (Mytilidae) and the clam Gari solida (Psammobiidae) from southern Chile/Estudio histopatológico del chorito Mytilus chilensis (Mytilidae) y del culengue Gari solida (Psammobiidae) en el sur de Chile
EnglishBistability in Ephaptic Coupling as a Possible Memory Element Explored through a Colloid Interptation of Stereocilia Bistability

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