Sunday March 1, 2015
LanguageArticle title
EnglishKnowledge, Attitude and Barriers towards Children Immunization among Women in Selected Rural Primary Health Centres
EnglishRole of Waste Management in Wealth Creation in Nigeria- Evidences From Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA)
EnglishLocus of Control, Death Anxiety and Length of Service of Electricity Workers in Nigeria
EnglishTopographic Anterograde and Retrograde Memory for Spatial Behaviour Effects of Haloperidol Treatments in Long Evan Rats
EnglishPerformance Appraisal Knowledge: An Implication on Workplace Commitment in a Selected Commercial Bank in Lagos, Nigeria
EnglishMobility and Gender Aspects of Hospital Trips of the Urban Elderly in Ilesa, Nigeria
EnglishThe Efficiency of the Implementation of the Physical Education Curriculum in Nairobi County and Nyeri County Preschools, Kenya
EnglishCareer Prospects of Youths and Tourism Participation in Selected Host Communities in Ekiti State, Nigeria
EnglishAlcohol Consumption, Peer Influence and Secondary School Students' Attitudes towards School in Katsit, Kaduna State, Nigeria
EnglishPatients Satisfaction with Nursing Care in a Maternity Unit in South-Western Nigeria: Relationship with Self Esteem
EnglishForensic Index and Substance Abuse among Psychiatric Patients
EnglishAchievement Goals and Performance in English and Mathematics of Senior Secondary Schools Students in Borno State, Nigeria
EnglishRethinking Gender Equity, Democratic Governance and Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria
EnglishPerceived Impact of Terrorism on Nigerian Youths and Society
EnglishFormation of National Identity among Children in Southern Nigeria and the Analysis of their Attitude of In-group/Out-group: An Experimental Study
EnglishDevelopment and Validation of Prison Inmates Self-Harm Urges Scale (IS-HUS): A Psychometric Study
EnglishEnhancing Friendship-Making Ability of Peer Rejected Adolescents through Social Skills Training
EnglishCognitive Therapy, Psychosocial Variables and Immune System Functioning of Persons with HIV/AIDS
EnglishEntrepreneurial Intention and Entrepreneurial Abilities
EnglishDevelopment and Standardization of Military Stress Inventory (MSI)
EnglishPaternal Influences and Adolescents' Sexual Risky Behaviours
EnglishEducational Gender-Equality and Women Empowerment as Determinants of National Transformation: Implication for Curriculum Development
EnglishPassengers' Variables as Predictors of Risky Driving Behaviour of Intercity Commercial Bus Driver in Osun State

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