Monday July 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishSolving the Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimation Problem: An Artificial Neural Network Model
EnglishDrowning in Neglect
EnglishRecalculating the Berkshires
EnglishThe Grapes of Math
EnglishImportance of biogenic substrates for the stone crab Menippe nodifrons Stimpson, 1859 (Brachyura: Eriphioidea)/Importancia de los sustratos biogénicos para el cangrejo de piedra Menippe nodifrons Stimpson, 1859 (Brachyura: Eriphioidea)
SpanishBases biológicas para el cultivo del puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): una revisión/Biological bases for whitebait culture Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): a review
EnglishThe Color of Rosa Luxemburg
EnglishRemoval of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution by high-porosity activated carbon
SpanishPrimer registro de intersexualidad en Porcellana platycheles (Pennant, 1777) (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae)/First record of intersexuality in Porcellana platycheles (Pennant, 1777) (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae)
EnglishCoexisting first and bilateral second branchial fistulas in a child with nonfamilial branchio-otic syndrome
EnglishClassification and quality of groundwater supplies in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi - Part 1: Physico-chemical quality of borehole water supplies in Chikhwawa, Malawi
SpanishAbundancia, distribución, hábitos alimentarios e interacciones tróficas de cinco especies de lenguados (Pleuronectiformes) en el Pacífico central mexicano/Abundance, distribution, feeding habits and trophic interactions in five flatfish species (Pleuronectiformes) in the Mexican central Pacific
EnglishResearch Digest
EnglishA Novel Methodology to Design Miniaturized Regular Planar Inverted-F Antennas Based on Parametric Simulations
SpanishParámetros poblacionales de los principales recursos pesqueros de la cuenca del río Apure, Venezuela (2000-2003)/Population parameters of main fishery resources in the basin of the Apure River, Venezuela (2000-2003)
EnglishDiet and feeding ecology of the little tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus (Pisces: Scombridae) in the central Colombian Caribbean: changes in 18 years/Dieta y ecología trófica del bonito, Euthynnus alletteratus (Pisces: Scombridae), en el Caribe colombiano central: cambios en 18 años
EnglishOestrogen, testosterone, cytotoxin and cholinesterase inhibitor removal during reclamation of sewage to drinking water
SpanishRodados bioerosionados en depósitos marinos holocenos del estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina: consideraciones paleoambientales y procedencia/Bioeroded boulders in Holocene marine deposits of the Bahía Blanca Estuary: palaeoenvironmental considerations and provenance
EnglishLarge osteoma of the external auditory canal
EnglishPrimary laryngeal actinomycosis in an immunosuppressed woman: A case report
EnglishSalt Pier
EnglishAssessing and forecasting groundwater development costs in Sub-Saharan Africa
SpanishLa pesquería de la corvina golfina y las acciones de manejo en el Alto Golfo de California, México/Analysis of the corvina gulf fishery as a function of management actions in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico
EnglishOn the Strassenbahn with Klaus Merz's Poetry
EnglishThe Choice
EnglishHead First
EnglishUse of tuna industry waste in diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings: effect on digestibility and growth performance/Uso de residuos de la industria del atún en dietas para alevines de tilapia del Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus: efecto sobre la digestibilidad y el rendimiento del crecimiento
EnglishDegraded tympanostomy tube in the middle ear
EnglishA Google Map Based Social Network (GMBSN) for Exploring Information about a Specific Territory
EnglishDevelopment and assessment of a daily time-step continuous simulation modelling approach for design flood estimation at ungauged locations: ACRU model and Thukela Catchment case study
EnglishRemoval of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa
EnglishRe-stitching Bangladesh's Social Fabric
EnglishFriends of the Greenbelt's Next Growth Phase
EnglishModeling Rules Fission and Modality Selection Using Ontology
EnglishComfort Food
EnglishBe Warned
Englishovercoming 4 common revenue cycle benchmarking myths
EnglishLa Cofradía de la Limpia Concepción de Los Pardos in San Joseph del Parral, 1600-1800: Reconstructing the Historical Memory of African-Mexican Community in the North of New Spain
EnglishPalliative care: What is it and why should an otolaryngologist care?
EnglishSurveying Perceptions and Practices of Philippine Vegetable Growers on Pesticide Safety and Ergonomics
EnglishAmos N. Wilson: A 21St Century Africentric Psychological Warrior (1941-95); Some Personal Reflections and Professional Observations
EnglishAwakening the Natural Genius in Black Children Workshop
EnglishCartoon character to promote REAL® Seal
EnglishRestoration Justice in Missouri is a Patchwork of Community Benefits
Englishmitigating risks related to facilities management
EnglishReg Relief Rally
EnglishBlue Diamond opens Turlock plant
EnglishA Way with Words... and pictures, and websites, etc.
EnglishNC Prison Focuses on Treatment for Mentally III Inmates
EnglishThermal Conversion Factor Source Documentation
EnglishAzevedo new chairman at California Dairies
EnglishO'Brien new leader at USDA Rural Development
EnglishCommunity Service Work Coordinator Builds New Futures in Ohio
EnglishRetired Accreditation Manager Strove for 100-Percent Compliance Success Stories
EnglishOf a Different Feather
EnglishWhat's Up, Doc?
EnglishTBIs: an emerging risk for health systems
EnglishA Salute to the Best in the Business
EnglishWorldCom's Betty Vinson and Cynthia Cooper: A Tale of Two Professionals
EnglishDefeating Recidivism: Keys to Making It Happen
EnglishAmos Wilson: Toward a Liberation Psychology
EnglishTOOL SHOP products & services
EnglishLeading for the Long Run
EnglishTexas Deputy Director Is Internationally Known for Operations Expertise
EnglishSoda & Stones
EnglishImproving Self-Esteem Through Art for Incarcerated Youths
Englishmarginal complications and healthcare costs
EnglishFrom Rhode Island to Puerto Rico Co-ops 'adding value' with USDA support
EnglishYour Serve? 9 labels that can trip you up
EnglishFeeding [omega]-3 PUFA enriched rotifers to Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) larvae reared at different salinity conditions: effects on growth parameters, survival and fatty acids profile/Alimentación de larvas de Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) con rotíferos enriquecidos con [omega]-3 PUFA cultivadas a diferentes condiciones de salinidad: efectos sobre el crecimiento, sobrevivencia y perfil de acidos grasos
EnglishFull-Service Lending
EnglishAccounting for Goodwill: Back to the Good Old Days?
EnglishInternational Petroleum
EnglishWriting on Glass
EnglishFrom the Ground Up
EnglishCo-ops urged to plan now for Co-op Month activities
EnglishDirector Diligence
EnglishThe Equine Bull?
EnglishElectric co-op assists in rebuilding after tornado

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