Monday July 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
SpanishDiálogo de óleos: propuesta comparativa entre el Autorretrato en verde de Marc Chagall y el Retrato con mujer, niño y perro (Isabella Guerrieri Gonzaga Canossa) de El Veronés/Dialogue of oils: comparative proposal between Marc Chagall's Self-Portrait in green and Paolo Veronese's Portrait of Isabella Guerrieri Gonzaga Canossa
EnglishA Review on Novel Formulation Approaches of Azidothymidine
SpanishArte público entre la combinatoria relacional y el arte como pasión inapropiada/Public art between relational combinatorial and art as inappropriate passion
SpanishEl desarrollo de la competencia intercultural a través de la educación musical: una revisión de la literatura/Developing intercultural competence through music education: a literature review
SpanishMetamorfosis como fenómeno estético en la escultura de Tony Cragg/Metamorphosis as a aesthetic fact in Tony Cragg's sculpture
SpanishRecursos educativos en museos online de arte contemporáneo. Tipología e implantación/Educational resources in online museums of contemporary art. Typology and scope
SpanishUna década enseñando e investigando en Educación Alimentaria para Maestros /A decade teaching and researching in Food Education for Teachers
EnglishMANUFACTURING OUTLOOK: Continued Improvement in Operating Conditions
EnglishOIL BOOM: Driving Rapid Population Growth in Northeastern Montana
SpanishLes cooperatives d'ensenyament al País Valencià y la renovació pedagògica (1968- 1976)
Spanish"Mejor que los autóctonos". El capital social y su manifestación en el rendimiento escolar de los jóvenes de origen filipino en Barcelona/"Better than the locals". Social capital and its display in the academic success of young Filipinos in Barcelona
EnglishThe role of the learner in the construction of meaning at Tate Britain/El rol del visitante en la construcción de significado en la galería Tate Britain
SpanishSentir el cuerpo: performance, tortura y masoquismo en el entorno de los nuevos comportamientos/Feeling the Body: Performance, Torture and Masochism in Spanish Conceptualisms
SpanishLa percepción de los estudiantes sobre su experiencia de aprendizaje a partir de su dedicación temporal y adquisición de competencias: un estudio sobre la implementación del Grado de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra/Students' perception of their learning experience from their workload and competence development: a study about the implementation of the Bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpretation of the Pompeu Fabra University
EnglishComparison of Modified 1% Potassium Hydroxide Formol-Ether Concentration Technique with Direct Wet Mount Preparation and Standard Formol-Ether Concentration Technique for Detection of Parasites in Stool
SpanishInvestigando con otros: la investigación en educación artística como praxis de la diferencia/Researching with others: research in art education as praxis of difference
SpanishEducación Move Commons. Procomún, Cultura Libre y acción colaborativa desde una pedagogía crítica, mediática y e-visual/Move Commons Education. Commons, Free Culture and collaborative action from a critical, media and e-visual pedagogy
SpanishEducar en tiempos inciertos
SpanishLa valoración de los maestros sobre la utilización didáctica de las ideas de los alumnos/The opinion of the teachers on the educational use of students' ideas
SpanishLa Patagonia en postales fotográficas: Misioneros salesianos y construcción de imaginarios sobre selk'nam, kaweskar y yámanas entre 1880 y 1920/Patagonia in photographic postcards: Salesian missionaries and construction of imaginary about Selk'nam, kaweskar, and yámana between 1880 and 1920
SpanishRetos comunicativos y educativos de las artes en los nuevos medios: el caso de la ópera/Communication and educational challenges of the arts in new media: the case of the opera
SpanishTRauma. Test de Resistencia al Trauma
SpanishContribuciones del enfoque etnográfico a la investigación sobre alumnos con discapacidades múltiples en proceso escolar/Contributions of the ethnography approach in research involving multiple disabled students
SpanishToma de apuntes y aprendizaje en estudiantes de Educación Superior/Note-taking and learning in higher education students
SpanishEntrevista a Antoni Muntadas1/An interview with Antoni Muntadas
EnglishWicihitowin Society faces financial issues
EnglishThe Seljuqs: Politics, Society and Culture
EnglishImpact of produced water spill still being assessed
EnglishSpecial accommodations available for students committed to education
EnglishEnbridge supports education in Aboriginal communities
EnglishDrawing Sensible Borders for the Definition of "Foreign Official" Under the FCPA
EnglishSt. Albert to host Indigenous showings
EnglishYouth need to be part of the decision when aging out of care
EnglishHow and Why the West Reacted to the Arab Spring: An Arab Perspective
EnglishAugustana recognizes record number of Aboriginal grads
EnglishCollege's Sun Gathering looks at Idle No More
EnglishThe Clash of 'Nations' in Turkey: Reflections on the Gezi Park Incident
EnglishReality or Mirage?: BRICS and the Making of Multipolarity in the Global Political Economy
EnglishKennedy, Jr. postpones visit
EnglishThe Political Reverberations of the Gezi Protests
EnglishInaugural award recognizes physician's work in First Nations
EnglishSiksika, Morley, Eden Valley hit hard by flood waters
EnglishLate Ottoman Society, The Intellectual Legacy
EnglishObama and the Middle East: The End of America's Moment?
EnglishGezi Park: Negotiating a New Left Identity
EnglishWriting contest finalists
EnglishNorthern Lakes receives corporate funding for bursary program
EnglishCree artist receives honourary degree
EnglishCardinal to take another run at federal politics
EnglishFerguson among special women recognized for accomplishments
EnglishRubaboo Festival showcases Aboriginal art
EnglishMétis artist successful in first company-sponsored competition
EnglishPossible expansion of social enterprise
EnglishModern Islamist Movements, History, Religion and Politics
EnglishNo Contest: Why Protective Orders Provide Victims Superior Protection to Bond Conditions
EnglishRowhani's Election: Promise of Change or More of the Same?
EnglishA Country on a Tightrope: The Economic Crisis and the End of an Era in Spanish Politics
EnglishJust Another BRIC in the Wall? A Comparison of Recent Brazilian and Turkish Economic Developments
EnglishDene Tha' loses law suit against B.C. development
EnglishRegimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey
EnglishDiscussion forum helps put Idle No More in context
EnglishThe Effect of New Turkish Foreign Policy on International Trade
EnglishRusya ye Polonya'da Din, Kimlik, Siyaset (Religion, Identity and Politics in Russia and Poland)
EnglishDisappointing third-place finish for hockey team
EnglishAgainst Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire 1815-1914
EnglishTurkey and the European Union: Processes of Europeanization, with index
EnglishGezi - Anatomy of a Public Square Movement
EnglishNew book shares traditional birthing stories with midwifery students
EnglishBalkan Genocides: Holocaust and Ethnic Cleansing in the Twentieth Century
EnglishWarrior Paint: painting to fight hunger
EnglishA Principled Approach to the Standard of Proof for Affirmative Defenses in Criminal Trials
EnglishRe-Imagining the Ottoman Past in Turkish Politics: Past and Present
EnglishThe Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: A Qualitative Field Research
EnglishEuropean Union and Turkey in the Post Arab Spring Era: Mapping Strategic Interests in the Turbulent Neighborhood
EnglishMandel's work has set strong foundation for moving forward
EnglishTreaty caravan stops in Alberta
EnglishPrisoners of Ourselves: Totalitarianism in Everyday Life/Turkey and the Dilemma of EU Accession/Towards a Social History of Modern Turkey: Essays in Theory and Practice
EnglishRenewing our relationship with the land
EnglishFishing with Landmines: Healthcare Fraud and the Civil False Claims Act-Where We Are, How We Got Here, and the Case for More Trials
EnglishFirst Nations combine to take on Coalspur's coal mine project
EnglishDeconstructing the Discourse of Models: The 'Battle of Ideas' over the Post-Revolutionary Middle East
EnglishDonations, help flow for communities impacted by flood
EnglishFunding inequity leads to difficulty in health recruiting
EnglishAccelerated programming puts student on career track
EnglishTagging rs10811661 Variant at CDKN2A/2B Locus Is Not Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Czech Population
EnglishSleep and Cognitive Functioning in Children With Disabilities
EnglishRomanticism Debated
EnglishEffects of Picture Prompts Delivered by a Video iPod on Pedestrian Navigation

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