Monday July 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishOSIA Founder Descendant Interns at National HQ
EnglishAre You Buying "Authentic" Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
EnglishThe Last Word
EnglishDesign and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology
EnglishAFGHAN ENDGAMES: Strategy and Policy Choices for America's Longest War
EnglishDOUBLE CROSS: The True Story of the D-Day Spies
EnglishCommunication Product Updates
EnglishTraining Update
EnglishLast Italian Resort in Upstate N.Y. Celebrates 50th Anniversary
EnglishThe Future Army: Preparation and Readiness
EnglishThe Washington Post's "Toxic Tactics"
EnglishDesign at the Crossroads
EnglishAlong the Road
EnglishHow to Get an Italian Degree
EnglishINTELLIGENCE AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform
EnglishSECURING PEACE: State-Building and Economic Development in Post-Conflict Countries
EnglishNorth Carolina Steps Boldly Out of Its Comfort Zone
EnglishChrysler Group Donates SRTViper to the Sons of Italy Foundation
EnglishSuccessfully Managing Traffic Incidents Is NO ACCIDENT
EnglishAsk the Lawyer
EnglishJoint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness
EnglishA Snapshot of Geniuses
EnglishA More Flexible Army and a More Stable World
EnglishThe CTC Program: Leading the March into the Future
EnglishTurning the National Spotlight on TIM
EnglishAL-QAIDA, THE TRIBES, AND THE GOVERNMENT: Lessons and Prospects for Iraq's Unstable Triangle, Middle East Studies Occasional Papers Number Two
EnglishThe CSJ Perspective
EnglishNUCLEAR STATECRAFT: History and Strategy in America's Atomic Age
EnglishOtranto: Italy's Frontier Town
Englishletters to the editor
EnglishIatrogenic Invasive Fungal Infections: Contaminated "Compounded" Methylprednisolone Acetate
EnglishTwo North's Transition Project
EnglishTambor de Crioula in Strange Places: The Travels of an Afro-Brazilian Play Form
EnglishBodies in Formation: An Ethnography of Anatomy and Surgery Education
EnglishYield Estimation for a Single Purpose Multi-Reservoir System Using LP Based Yield Model
EnglishLeadership in Public Sector: A Discussion from Theoretical and Practical Aspects
EnglishPredictions as Lies in Ceará, Brazil: The Intersection of Two Cultural Models
EnglishAnomalies of the Nigerian Federalism
SpanishProfilaxis antibiótica perioperatoria/Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis
SpanishTratamiento biorregulador de la Tenosinovitis del Tibial Posterior. A propósito de un caso/Bio-treatment of Tibials Posteriori Tenosynovitis. A Case Report
EnglishModelling of Evaluation in the Social Contribution of Higher Education Based on K-K-T Optimization
EnglishImage of a Secretary: A Metapragmatic Morality for Post-Soviet Capitalism
EnglishLinguistic Expression of Religious Identity and Ideology in Selected Postcolonial Nigerian Literature
EnglishYou Made It All Possible
EnglishGrowing Forward
EnglishDummies Have Their Eye On You
English(Be)laboring Childhoods in Postville, Iowa
EnglishProposed Italian Museum for Philly
Englishboard profile
EnglishSouthwest Florida Jail Leadership Initiative
EnglishIntimate Enemies: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru
EnglishThe Influence Study of Transformational Leadership in University on Teacher's Organizational Commitment: The Construction and Verification of a Theoretical Model
EnglishDefine and Rule: Native as Political Identity
EnglishImagineering Otherness: Anthropological Legacies in Contemporary Tourism
SpanishCarcinoma verrucoso plantar. A propósito de un caso poco frecuente/Plantar Verrucous Carcinoma. Report of a rare case
EnglishA Study on Zeolite Performance in Waste Treating Ponds for Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent
EnglishThe Problem with Freedom: Homosexuality and Human Rights in Uganda
EnglishTightening the Screws: Autonomy, Collective Action, and Violence in Puerto Real During the Second Shipbuilding Restructuring
EnglishThe Make-Believe Space: Affective Geography in a Postwar Polity
EnglishFirst Impressions
EnglishOur Mini City
EnglishRecirculating Systems for Pollution Prevention in Aquaculture Facilities
EnglishJOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF- The Social Media Experiment
EnglishA Public Service-Oriented Government Building Path in Chinese City: A Example From Public Rental Housing of Chongqing
SpanishValidación de un cuestionario para evaluar la calidad asistencial en Podología/Validation of a questionnaire to assess the quality of care in Podiatry
EnglishReconstructing Beirut: Memory and Space in a Postwar Arab City
EnglishThe Concept of Justice in the History of Iran's Islamic Revolution
SpanishInmovilización del Miembro Inferior con Férulas de Vacío en las Urgencias extra hospitalarias/Lower Limb Immobilization with Vacuum Splints in out-hospital emergency
EnglishThe Status and Strategies of Income Distribution Regarding Frontline Employees: Liaoning Province, China serves as an Example
EnglishEmerging Project Delivery Methods for Jails
EnglishSound Work: Music as Labor and the 1940s Recording Bans of the American Federation of Musicians
EnglishCorrections AND Academia: A PARTNERSHIP
EnglishSludge Density Prediction in a Wastewater Chemical Coagulation Process
EnglishHIV Testing in Jail
EnglishGossip Has It! An In-Depth Investigation of Malaysian Employees on Gossip Activities at Workplace
SpanishAproximación al manejo de la hiperhidrosis en el pie/An approach to the management of hyperhidrosis in the foot
EnglishPDBMut: A Protein Mutant Identification Server
SpanishAnálisis de las bases filosóficas de las aportaciones de Pierre Bourdieu a la Teoría de la Educación/Analysis of the philosophical foundations of Pierre Bourdieu's contributions to the Educational Theory
SpanishHerencia social y logros educativos en Argentina ¿Meritocracia o herencia social?/Social background and educational achievement in Argentina. Meritocracy or social background?
EnglishEXPORTING MONTANA WOOD PRODUCTS: Building New Relationships with Asian Wood Product Importers
SpanishEl Prácticum de Magisterio en Educación Primaria: una mirada retrospectiva/The Practicum of teaching in primary education: a retrospective look
SpanishEducar en valores a través de un club de lectura escolar: un estudio de caso/Educate in values through a school book club: a case study

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